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Henry Goodman

[DISCORD] Storage Dealership

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Idea inspired by Vehicle Dealership/Loan Company discord groups.

>Paleto Deposit Insight<

Since the house/storage market has been rapidly increasing prices and many players, especially new players had problems with acquaring something for themself where they could stash items, and that not being trunk of their car that gets choped on daily basis, or renting 1g and geting kicked out day after without eaven knowing what is happening to them.


Paleto Deposit Inc. is a registrated firm that stepped in and partially solved the problem by giving out storage rooms for rent (0% scam, 100% customer support) at very affordable prices.


Many players contacted me being worried about not being able to find me to prolong the rent, or rent out storage room in the first place (IC Bulk ads running, playing in diffrent time zone),and i am limited by script to provide my service so i had to go step further to resolve this problem and created Storage Dealership group.


It would provide service of storage reservation, rents, giveaways & discount information.


How would this look like if confirmed?


Players would no longer have to trouble themself to reach me and try to rent out/prolong storage room. (How would vehicle dealership look like without disc group/script?).

Whole work would be monitored by ECRP Staff.

Forum posts would no longer stack up/bump up.

New thing is added to the server, and with it a lot of new ideas (not just private but also organisation storage rooms)

Storage Dealership as a webshop function.









All rents are RPed and done ICly, NO automated bots to do the work!




Any other pros/cons, feel free to name them in the comment section below. All ideas are warmly welcome!


Edited by Henry Goodman
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So, I see you are comparing this to vehicle dealerships, however, the biggest thing to note is that dealerships are scriptly built into the game meaning there will always be car dealerships. What you are suggesting is a private business venture which maintains no script support and does not provide an essential service to ECRP (although it is a very nice and smart business venture). Having something like this for you would set a precedent for every single other private business to have their own separate Discord which is just not feasible so ultimately I have to give this a -1.

There are many ways to run a business IC than through a Discord. You have many tools at your disposal and many before you have been successful with those same tools - the IC forums being one of the best options.

Edited by Aldarine
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20 minutes ago, Aldarine said:


You forgot that vehicle dealership is owned by someone, exactly the same way as storage dealership, and it can be sold to someone else exactly the same way as storage dealership can. Only bad thing is that I had to work long and hard to be here and there was not something waiting already. If you think profit wise that you dislike it since it's "private firm" same as any vehicle dealership is, I will be honest and tell you that my profit is minus 800k$ optimistic, thats MINUS 800K$! (buy property, buy furniture, pay government fees, pay bulk ads, use your own time to create all of it IC&OOC, wait for licenses etc. ). Please show some gratitude to players that put a lot of them into this to give everyone something new and to enhance RP and not simply say it's not essential and that's enough reason to say no. Look at the wider picture! Thank you for your response tho', I appreciate it. 

Edited by Henry Goodman
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2 minutes ago, Henry Goodman said:

You forgot that vehicle dealership is owned by someone, exactly the same way as storage dealership, and it can be sold to someone else exactly the same way as storage dealership can. Only bad thing is that I had to work long and hard to be here and there was not something waiting already. If you think profit wise that you dislike it since it's "private firm" same as any vehicle dealership is, I will be honest and tell you that my profit is minus 800k$ optimistic, thats MINUS 800K$! (buy property, buy furniture, pay government fees, pay bulk ads, use your own time to create all of it IC&OOC). Please show some gratitude to players that put a lot of them into this to give everyone something new and to enhance RP and not simply say it's not essential and that's enough reason to say no. Look at the wider picture! Thank you for your response tho', I appreciate it. 

Vehicle dealerships will always be owned by somebody (even if it's an admin), they will never fizzle out or disappear like a personal business can. As stated in my prior reply, "it is a very nice and smart business venture" which shows that in no way am I downplaying the time, effort, and energy you've put into creating this. Personally, I like to see players doing things like this because it does add to the server in a positive way. Again, however, it is not something scriptly built into the game as vehicle dealerships are. Players cannot create more dealerships but somebody can take this idea and simply make another business and another and another and another to then provide you with competition. Should all of those businesses have a private Discord? Now what about other player created businesses? Where do you draw the line? There are tools at your disposal that you can actively use right now and my biggest suggestion is to use those tools. I just really don't see the need for a private player created business to have a staff monitored Discord but that's just my opinion.

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ECRP draws the line and decide who can, who needs and who deserves to take things one step further.


4 hours ago, Henry Goodman said:

   Paleto Deposit Inc. is a registrated firm that stepped in and partially solved the problem by giving out storage rooms for rent (0% scam, 100% customer support) at very affordable prices.

Many players contacted me being worried about not being able to find me to prolong the rent, or rent out storage room in the first place (IC Bulk ads running, playing in diffrent time zone),and i am limited by script to provide my service so i had to go step further to resolve this problem and created Storage Dealership group.


Other business, for example night clubs dont need discord to sell a beer. And this business does not simply vanish, IF the time comes to stop it, it wont be turned off but sold / passed to someon else who wants to continue running it. Don't be afraid of new things man!

Edited by Henry Goodman
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I guess I meant that they don't have it listed on the ECRP official discord like the vehicles do. Is there anything stopping you from making the discord but not having it on the ECRP discord? or does it all need staff approval?

Also wasn't a knock on your business dawg, we need more unique businesses outside the scripted ones.

Edited by CarlTTT
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You are adding to gameplay and roleplay possibility to others, and i suspect, most are newer players, so how can this ever get a minus 1 is very disheartening. 


Others state the Discord as a reason to give this a minus one. There are a shit ton of ECRP handlers, look in any major gang discord youll see arounf 6-8 ECRP handlers in there. Simply get one of those in the discord and you are good to go.


Hopefuly this works out for you as this would be providing an Essential need for the sever, i feel that those willing to do ventures like this to inrease RP and gameplay should have the full backing of the server should the neccesary pre requisites be fullfilled. By  no helping and allowing this, that seems to be an acceptence of the current trend for house markets and house flipping. something needs to be done and at least OP is giving it a go. 


So mega plus 1 from 🙂

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On 11/30/2019 at 1:24 PM, KCAJ said:

+1 for those who can’t afford houses this would be great for them 


On 12/1/2019 at 8:34 AM, Trall said:

+1 I don’t see an issue as long as ECRP staff monitor and help get it going. 


On 11/30/2019 at 1:03 PM, padpilot said:



You are adding to gameplay and roleplay possibility to others, and i suspect, most are newer players, so how can this ever get a minus 1 is very disheartening. 


Others state the Discord as a reason to give this a minus one. There are a shit ton of ECRP handlers, look in any major gang discord youll see arounf 6-8 ECRP handlers in there. Simply get one of those in the discord and you are good to go.


Hopefuly this works out for you as this would be providing an Essential need for the sever, i feel that those willing to do ventures like this to inrease RP and gameplay should have the full backing of the server should the neccesary pre requisites be fullfilled. By  no helping and allowing this, that seems to be an acceptence of the current trend for house markets and house flipping. something needs to be done and at least OP is giving it a go. 


So mega plus 1 from 🙂


On 11/29/2019 at 2:08 PM, Teca said:




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Please read through the following snippet below for Eclipse's Senior Staff take on adding more Discords. I would also like to mention that all of this is possible in-character, without having to rely on any Discord server what so ever. You can "hire" employees that can help you in different timezones or you can do deals without being in their timezone using the phone system in-game. They can send you rent using the wire transfer system at the bank, and after doing so, you can send them the code to the door with their storage unit.


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