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Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by to read my suggestion.

So as an avid fisherman irl I was super happy that we can have the option to fish in game. There is nothing I like better than sitting on the bank away from the day to day hustle and bustle of life, getting back to nature and enjoying a good day fishing.

I do like the fishing on here and enjoy it also but it can get very repetitive and boring very fast. (Others may relate to this)So I have some suggestions to keep it interesting if fishing is a sport you enjoy.

1) My first suggestion is to have a different variation of fish you can catch and from different locations throughout los Santos.

E.g salt water fish from the sea (bass, cod, waiting e.c.t) fresh water fish from rivers and ponds (pike,carp, roach e.c.t.)

2) a variation in size and price you get for each fish would also keep it interesting instead of just one size and one price each time. You could also go one further with this and make it so you could only catch a certain size or type of fish in certain locations

E.g you need to take a boat out to sea to catch a specific type or size of fish. Or certain ponds/rivers.


3) A fishing shop that sells us different rods,tackle, hooks, weights and lures/bait e.c.t that you would need to be able to catch fish. You could even make it so only certain types of each can catch different fish.so we would need to learn the correct combos like irl to be successful. Even a possibly of a fish only storage to keep/carry our catches in?

4) a tension meter when we have hooked the fish which would vary depending on the size, weight and type of fish your catching to make it more varied and feel more like irl than just pressing k and waiting. Also gives us the possibility to loose the fish at any moment keeping us hooked (no pun intended)


Well there is a few ideas I have to fishing which I think would make me want to spend more time doing something I love. Please let me know what you think, any changes or feedback on what I have suggested or possibly some suggestions you have yourself to add to this list.


I look forward to your reply and happy role-playing.





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These suggestions are all good suggestions, but it's one of those things where you have to ask yourself, who is really going to get this amped up about fishing?

Also, it's fine expanding the world, like they did with adding all this stuff to Paleto but the server population hasn't increased to reflect it. We've spread people out already, adding more things in the ocean for people to go out there, i'm not sure if it's the right play.

You want people encountering each other more, not less.

I actually kind of miss static fishing, although you were a target for getting robbed, you were still connected to people. I'd rather they just put Vinewood Lake and Del Perro Pier as the two fishing spots, maybe one out in Paleto Bay too.

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10 hours ago, GOAT said:

These suggestions are all good suggestions, but it's one of those things where you have to ask yourself, who is really going to get this amped up about fishing?

Also, it's fine expanding the world, like they did with adding all this stuff to Paleto but the server population hasn't increased to reflect it. We've spread people out already, adding more things in the ocean for people to go out there, i'm not sure if it's the right play.

You want people encountering each other more, not less.

I actually kind of miss static fishing, although you were a target for getting robbed, you were still connected to people. I'd rather they just put Vinewood Lake and Del Perro Pier as the two fishing spots, maybe one out in Paleto Bay too.

I can see where you are coming from and agree with you in a way but currently the way fishing is right now you can fish from any source of water available in the city. So implementing these suggestions wouldn't realy change anything other than improving on what we already have now. Sure we could limit where you can fish to maby 2-3 locations (1-2 ponds/rivers and the sea) which would bring us more together. But this to me seems less realistic.

Thank you for taking your time to read my post and making your suggestion and feedback.



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