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New Cop Rule

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New Rule: For a cop to perform a raid on any drug site, they must follow a person into the drug site. They may camp outside drug sites to follow them in, but the player must be wanted for something or has done something illegal. After a raid is done, no raids can be done for two in-game days as to let players farm in the downtime.

I recently discovered the drug trade and was very confused when I was not able to find a table to make drugs. Due to IC information, I realized that the cops had gotten bored and decided to raid all the drug labs. I’m sure it does not come as a surprise to anyone that weed plantations in real life are not stationary and are not as limited. They are also not known by cops, they are kept hidden in jungles and forests for a reason. If this rule is put in place, it would give a chance for players on the server to pursue the criminal life. It is already hard enough to combat other vultures, let alone not even being able at all  to do anything. The police don’t always have to win. This role would further develop the criminal role.

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PD has to be first notified about the drug lab locations, through IC means. There already is a OOC rule that prevents them from going to drug labs for no reason or without any lead, in other words they "forget" about the location once they leave. 

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Yesterday we had 4 calls within an hour of "I have a druglab here" - I feel blaming the PD for doing it is rather silly, you should be speaking to the civilians about entering a drug lab primarily to make a call to us, then again that'd be an IC issue.

We also must only enter a drug lab if there is a call created about the situation or if we're in pursuit of someone that enters it obviously. ICly we do not know the locations of drug labs. 

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Essentially what others have said.


PD is barred from going into any drug lab location without first getting a report by a civilian (either via 911 or in person report). It's an OOC rule PD has so if you think anyone is breaking that feel free to file an OOC IA report. 


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Maybe they could just reduce the downtime on labs? Because recently there have been cases where all but one of the labs was down. We still seem unable to rob stores right now, which leaves basically nothing for criminals to do besides robbing people, which understandably the server wants to move away from. Give criminals more to do so they don't have to resort to robbing civs!

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Well it's a bit of an awkward situation where it's constantly in a same places but we have to forget they are there.

If we get a call about them or stumble across them doing something else then we can destroy them.

I did make a suggestion that might change that


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3 hours ago, Malcolm Carter said:

Maybe they could just reduce the downtime on labs? Because recently there have been cases where all but one of the labs was down. We still seem unable to rob stores right now, which leaves basically nothing for criminals to do besides robbing people, which understandably the server wants to move away from. Give criminals more to do so they don't have to resort to robbing civs!

This just about perfectly summarizes what I’m frustrated about.

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15 minutes ago, juliant2003 said:

Maybe there should be a rule on how often raids can be done? What do you guys think.

I see why that could be appealing, but I'm not sure how I feel about actively ignoring drug lab 911 calls because it is ''against the rules'' to respond to them unless X amount of time has passed. I think the best solution so far is dynamic or player owned drug labs that can virtually be anywhere. Then PD will need to use their detectives to gather information and evidence on the locations and we can still rely on normal 911 calls (although these will probably be reduced unless people mishandle information of where the drug labs are located)

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1 hour ago, Kyle White Raven said:

I see why that could be appealing, but I'm not sure how I feel about actively ignoring drug lab 911 calls because it is ''against the rules'' to respond to them unless X amount of time has passed. I think the best solution so far is dynamic or player owned drug labs that can virtually be anywhere. Then PD will need to use their detectives to gather information and evidence on the locations and we can still rely on normal 911 calls (although these will probably be reduced unless people mishandle information of where the drug labs are located)

I don’t know how viable this solution is however due to how long it would take. If it could be done quickly, I would suggest a van or box truck made into a portable drug lab that is identical to the original civilian vehicle.

Edited by juliant2003
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7 hours ago, juliant2003 said:

I don’t know how viable this solution is however due to how long it would take. If it could be done quickly, I would suggest a van or box truck made into a portable drug lab that is identical to the original civilian vehicle.

I understand, but it just seems like an IC issue at the moment. We've established that PD cannot go into drug labs just by patrolling or driving around the area, they need to get a call from 911 or personally hear a lot of shots fired around the area (for example north village lab that is right next to the highway, you would be able to hear shots if you were driving by).

So in my eyes, PD is not the issue here, but rather the civilians who call 911, which leads to the question. Should be actively be preventing civilians from reporting in drug labs ? If so, why ?

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1 hour ago, Flucifial said:

I think the best fix for this would be to alter locations automatically, similar to how the chopshop system works. 

It would take too long and people would just give up. It wouldn’t be a Real Life Simulator, it’d be a Blue Collar Simulator.

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14 hours ago, Kyle White Raven said:

I understand, but it just seems like an IC issue at the moment. We've established that PD cannot go into drug labs just by patrolling or driving around the area, they need to get a call from 911 or personally hear a lot of shots fired around the area (for example north village lab that is right next to the highway, you would be able to hear shots if you were driving by).

So in my eyes, PD is not the issue here, but rather the civilians who call 911, which leads to the question. Should be actively be preventing civilians from reporting in drug labs ? If so, why ?

Looking back at it, it’s more of a community issue than a rule issue. We can’t limit civilians because it’s just not realistic and we can’t limit police because it’s unfair. I don’t really know a solution. However, since I made this post I have realized that police raids don’t happen as often as I think they do. I’m starting to think that this post really had no point, it was created due to my inexperience on the server.

I think I’ll just call for staff to lock this post since it’s already been concluded.

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1 hour ago, juliant2003 said:

It would take too long and people would just give up. It wouldn’t be a Real Life Simulator, it’d be a Blue Collar Simulator.

Well your current suggestion is already in-place; cops need to have a call to a drug lab or follow a person to it in order to know what it is. 

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Police don't raid drug labs unless they get information on it.

I know criminals call police on other criminals at drug labs, that's where a lot of our information comes from. A bit of "if I can't have it, you can't have it, either." kind of thing. If criminals/drugmakers all shared and had a truce at labs, they probably wouldn't be destroyed as often.

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