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More options for clothing and wardrobes.

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Title says it all, suggestion to add more clothing options and a wardrobe so people who enjoy changing outfits dont have to keep and go through 5+bags in their house of just clothing they spent a lot of money on. i counted mine, and i have 8 full bags of clothing, quite a few items which are the same because its easier to buy new clothes than to filter through all my bags to find out where the one shirt i bought last week is. I have seen so many suggestions about this only for the thread to die out and then we hear nothing back whether or not there are plans for it to be added, so i will link below all related suggestions. Having a wardrobe and its own UI where you would be able to preview your clothing in that wardrobe similar to a clothing store to pick out what to wear from your own previously purchase clothing would be great for RP purposes. I know personally that a lot of people just buy more clothing because they cant be bothered to filter through their bags and i dont think this makes sense or makes for good RP. But most of all it would be a great quality of life change for the server, having people being able to change out of clothing much,much easier and not use 1/2 their stash for clothing that they will end up never touching because its too annoying to go through all the bags. Maybe with the wardrobe you can have saved outfits similar to GTA online to allow fast swapping of outfits you spent time picking out. 

All related suggestions, added some that have to do with clothing store improvements because it is relevant.:





These are all the related posts i was able to find, some of them have a few out dated points but the overall idea still stands. Make improvements to clothing options,clothing stores, and add wardrobes so players can store clothing and have a UI in their house to easily swap between saved outfits, and look at the clothing they own.

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I was thinking about , maybe they can make than you can take off your clothes and put somewhere down on the ground while you are RP'ly using pool or sea

And after than you can put them back on it 

Just put some kind a cmd to take them off 

Also would be nice to choose underwear so if you take them off you still have some kind a nice one panny's on you 😄

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