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Forbid daytime robberies in public places

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A lot of people would agree that there are far too many robberies happening in the game, which is unfortunately true. They provide very little, non-quality RP and are mostly one sided. It's okay to get robbed once in a while, however it happens way too often with little to no consequences for the robber and it can be frustrating for the victim, even on a OOC level. Because of the low quality RP that robberies give, the unrealistic number of them and because it's actually setting a bad image for the server, I would suggest that the following, pretty simple rule should be added.

You're not allowed to hold up/rob a player during the day (7-21) in a public, populated place (parks, paved roads, highways, close to roads so your actions would obviously be visible,...). You're still allowed to rob players that are near the drug lab, in the mountains/forest, or any other place where people wouldn't normally go or be able to see you. This rule doesn't apply to vehicle picklocking or store robberies.

My reasoning for this is that we already RP that we live in a city that's "alive", for example NCZ's. It's fairly unrealistic that 4 cars go up to 1 person, 10 people step out and rob the guy for a radio or nothing else, especially during the day, when the city would be "alive". The game is based in the US, a place where daytime crime is (depends where you live) at a minimum in public places, however it increases during the night. People that simply want to rob others can still do so, in the mentioned areas above and anywhere else (like now) during the night. This would mean that nights would actually be more dangerous to go out and roam about.

I personally feel this would improve the quality of RP. People that want to RP something fun like an event won't have to rely on getting personal security with big guns or asking PD. There could potentially be more "civilian" RP during the day. Not everyone would agree, but I think some change has to be done to solve this issue.

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This is a suggestion that has a great amount of reasoning, and an example of a rule that could be implemented, this is a great example of a proper suggestion. 

Onto the contents of it specifically, I agree with everything that was said. I'd like this rule to be implemented, major +1.

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I was enjoying the server when I started, Ive been plying for 2 weeks. But kinda lost interest in the server. I was getting robbed about 3 times a day minimum. Anything you do you get followed by Zetas/Irish/LC and get robbed. Im stuck wasting about 7 hours a day to make decent amount of money to then get Robbed for my goods. With the rules theres no way to fight the person robbing you. Its just an outlaw server now. Something needs to be done.....

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+1 there's too many stupid unrealistic robberies happening with all the new people joining. Super unrealistic. Should be a rule forbidding that. Also there should possibly be a rule against using masks everywhere in public. Only using masks if you're going to rob people or you are running from someone.

Edited by Vetro
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100% agreed. As a civilian, it's really hard to survive/roam around the city without getting robbed. These OOC restrictions would highly reduce the robbery rate and allow civilians and newcommers like myself some 'breathing' space. 


You're still allowed to rob players that are near the drug lab, in the mountains/forest, or any other place where people wouldn't normally go or be able to see you.

Yes, Totally. These areas are meant for gangs or are isolated so it's "realistic" to allow robberies to take place here.

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