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I think that there should be a max player count for cops being clocked in relative to the amount of civilians/criminals in the server. I think this because I can't turn a corner without seeing a cop now and it just ruins criminal roleplay. I also think cop cars should not be able to reach such insane speeds because it just isn't realistic at all. I can understand the charger but the SUV's have no business being as fast as they are. I also think that cops should not have access to dirt bikes and sport bikes as their vehicles, it just makes it very unfair for criminals and it ruins criminal roleplay. So basically I think that cops need an insane nerf, what do ya'll think?

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I can understand the bike view on it. BUT. They need it to be able to fight back against the typical "basic BF400 criminals" that people go for. The generic criminal rollout bike.

Just because PD/SD stopped using them. won't mean that crims will. And if LEO's lose it. More crims will use it to get an unfair advantage of having an off-road bike to just poof the moment a police car turns their way.


And speed-wise. The police cars have their own civilian model, with the same stats that everyone can buy.

Edited by Loca_Mocha
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11 hours ago, BulkyUmbrella60 said:

 I also think that cops should not have access to dirt bikes and sport bikes as their vehicles, it just makes it very unfair for criminals and it ruins criminal roleplay.

Please explain how having bikes makes it unfair for criminals

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Both civilian and law enforcement vehicles have the same stats and are available for everyone, there are no unfair advantages. As for the number of law enforcement on duty, there needs to be a level of risk when conducting illegal activities and if done correctly its possible to do so without being spotted.

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With the cap its never gonna happen, and i dont think it should happen. This suggestion pops up every few months and its just not workable. Would create more problems than it solves.

OOCLY and ICLY the police are heavily regulated. This makes their patrol areas reasonably predictable. Theres all sorts of areas on the map where you can expect a lighter police presence if you play it smart.

Also the Scout is based off a 2013 Ford Explorer, the top of the line model of which has a 3.5L twin-turbocharged V6 engine. Producing 365 horsepower. It is not a Soccermom SUV. So yeah. Its fast. But the civilian model is just as fast. Kamachos are almost as fast and handle much better off road. You have the same options.

IMO you shouldn't be able to just floor it to lose the cops. This is why cars like the Issi or sultan are good evading cars as well. Slower than alot but they handle much better in the corners. Meaning a good driver can use map knowlege and tight cornering to break line of sight and then either floor it or hide.

Edited by Quietthecutie
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Criminals have access to meta vehicles like the Issi Sport, Paragon, Drag and the 8F Drafter (which outpaces even the high speed when taking tight turns) while cops regularly have access to about 5 different types of vehicles. There are criminals with cars like the Itali GTO which was available for a limited amount of time for credit purchase and it takes about 10 cops and 20 minutes to be able to catch it if at all because that vehicle can floor it and reach 230 almost anywhere as it is branded as a super car.

Criminals are at an insane advantage at different times of the day in chases simply out of the fact it depends who's on faction duty and has access to what vehicle because not all standard cops can just pull out a Jugular or a bike - which you can also buy too. What part is unfair?

Also - if cops weren't able to access bikes... what exactly are they meant to do if you evade on a bike and send it off-road or try and follow you in a 4x4 car through a tight staircase? Let you go?

These criminals vs pd threads pop up all the time and it's always the same - you are playing a criminal and you are not restricted as to what you can use and do while factions like PD and SD are restricted to regulations and conduct while trying to catch you. Use it to your advantage.

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I've never touched cop a day in my life but they 100% need bikes and decent cars ect or the server would literally be unplayable for them, as a civ/crim you get access to essentially whatever you can think of and cops are limited to mainly 5 ish cars. They also cannot use these vehicles whenever they want, there are certain situations/scenarios where they are allowed to use them, otherwise they have to use a specific cruiser until told otherwise 😄

Edited by tangy
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