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Police ruining the quality of roleplay in this server.

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Was told by admin to post here if I wanted to pursue this so I feel it needs to be brought to the admins attention more as it’s ruining the realistic aspects of this server severely. Me along with several of my friends in the city have noticed this a lot more recently in the past few months to the point that it’s become a problem and completely ruining the roleplay experience in this server. Police constantly will abuse their power and fail rp. Consistently with every single interaction myself or any of my friends have the cops will immediately fail rp and escalate with no reason to the most extreme measures. For example a traffic stop would be initiated and they go immediately to slamming into u and opening fire on ur vehicle the second u don’t show a sign of stopping this is complete fail rp it would never escalate that quickly in real life nor would a police force ever open fire in the public without either first being fired upon or if they were on foot and someone was attempting to run them over. Nor would they immediately go to pitting a car as it’s a danger to the public and puts others at risk and should not be the go to from the start of a chase. Then if u do stop for a traffic stop they immediately pull out assault rifles and shotguns and hold u at gun point if they’re planning to arrest u. And on top of that any time u try to run on foot or assault an officer with ur bare hands which is not a life threatening situation particularly instead of going to a taser or non lethal force first they first thing they do is pull out a full auto machine gun and gun u down the second u swing on then or attempt to run. This used to be an Amazing server to play on that was very well balanced and realistic now it just seems like everything is based on the police and they tell u if u have an issue and think it’s a rule break to report it to admins and good luck getting it to go through as there seems to be less active admins these past few months so there’s never enough online to deal with all the rp issues going on in the city at that point in time as myself or friends end up waiting 20,30,40 minutes for an in game response just to not get a response and have our rp experience ruined due to the amount of rule breaks going on. Most of the officers in the city do not follow any aspect of realism and just abuse their power. It has completely ruined the realism of this server and several of my friends have already left the server due to the very unrealistic rp going on and several rule breaks done regularly by the cops. I don’t have any video evidence of this currently but I think that admins should sit in on police and speak to them regularly along with some sort of standardized training to help everyone’s role playing experience when in the city as well as reinforce the realism aspect of rp with the cops. The role playing aspect with the police used to be my favorite part of this server now it’s just a joke, completely unbalanced and is fully one sided in favor of police. Myself and my friends will start recording in game experiences as to try to get as much evidence of all of this as possible in an effort to restore the city back to its former glory so everyone in the city can have the best roleplay experiences possible. 

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People preach realism for the other side but not for themselves.

For example, do you think it’s realistic to felony evade and risk imprisonment over a mere traffic stop? 

1 hour ago, MrGapingSack said:

And on top of that any time u try to run on foot or assault an officer with ur bare hands which is not a life threatening situation particularly instead of going to a taser or non lethal force first they first thing they do is pull out a full auto machine gun and gun u down the second u swing on then or attempt to run.

I’m gonna call cap on this, law enforcement are held to the same deathmatching rules as you are, and would be punished if reported for gunning someone down for no reason like that.

Theres also a lot of generalisations here with no real specific examples which make it a weaker argument.

But this is probably bait anyway 🤷‍♂️

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There is a group of admins/server staff called legal faction management that oversee the RP standards of any legal faction, such as Law enforcement, government factions, mechanics, Medics, etc. If there was issues as you describe here, they would be corrected first by the faction leaders of these groups, and as a secondary measure, by Legal Faction Management. If you have evidence of severe DM or rule breaks that you are referencing above, I can assure you that any leaders within law enforcement factions would encourage you to make a forum report and perhaps even send it to them, as Einhart has done above. 

Please don't spread misinformation or slander a group based on rumors or hearsay. If you have actual evidence of this poor RP occurring, make a forum report against those players and server staff will deal with it accordingly. No one is above the rules of the server. 

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I agree that a very select few cops can escalate and be slightly too aggressive for the situation at hand, but a lot of the time they're responding or reacting to things you can't hear or think of.


I got stopped once and a full PD Department on me and gunned down because I had an illegal firearm visible that I'd forgotten about - they do normally have their reasons and IA reports do actually work!

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I'm sorry you feel like law enforcement is ruining your fun, but the way you describe things in this post is not even remotely close to how things actually escalate in-game... I like to read constructive feedback but I feel like your post was just written with emotions instead of rationality. Accusing all law enforcement RP'ers of such things as you do is kind of disrespectful to the ones who put a lot of effort into their RP and try to make it as fun as possible for everyone.


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Anywhere and everywhere a little bit of bias will take place. And as of right now Eclipse it's in a very decent state, Thanks to some fine adjustments now you don't get mad or annoyed for going to jail and rush to /b blaming the cops/admins. Also, it's well deserved when you get a 62.5k fine and 5 hours of jail time, like killing 3 cops at a shootout in scrapyard. Other than that it's an IC issue when it comes to a higher-up from PD or SD searching you without "a valid reason", We call it gang suppression and whether they have a valid reason/IC proof/case, it is up to them and you won't know until you make an IA report, which if you do, that will eventually, get you targeted even more by him or others. 

We don't like toxic cops, they don't like toxic crims. Last year I was very annoyed by PD as well, the fines were like 20k just for evading, and money was rough if you didn't have like 1-2m invested in a lab.
In my opinion, now they slowly improved both the fines and making money. They even lowered the cost of guns in terms of cash, but raised the import stock price. Right now it's more of "don't annoy the cops" and you won't get raided, or gang-suppressed.

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Like I said myself and my friends will start recording and making reports. Yes I just joined the forums just barley but I’ve played in the city regularly. And many of my friends have played in the city for well over a year now. You can call cap all you want but I literally wouldn’t be bringing it up if I didn’t genuinely think it was becoming more of an issue. As far as the economy and fines, jail time, etc..  goes I could care less about any of that it’s just the way cops escalate so quickly as to lethal force with no gun or weapon even being involved from the pedestrian they’re stopping. Or immidiately pitting someone the second they try to take off in a vehicle. I agree if u run from a simple traffic stop yes that’s ridiculous and not very realistic. But if you don’t have a license or are in a stolen car or are a wanted person for multiple violations I feel that running is justifiable as to attempt to get away and avoid being jailed. It has literally nothing to do with emotions either. Maybe it’s new cops in the city or maybe it’s the cops are sick of dealing with criminals that constantly want to drag things out I don’t know. But the way the majority of law enforcement interactions from what I’ve seen recently compared to months prior is they escalate to the extremes almost immediately even if there is no reason to. 

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On 9/7/2023 at 8:15 AM, MrGapingSack said:

Was told by admin to post here if I wanted to pursue this so I feel it needs to be brought to the admins attention more as it’s ruining the realistic aspects of this server severely. Me along with several of my friends in the city have noticed this a lot more recently in the past few months to the point that it’s become a problem and completely ruining the roleplay experience in this server. Police constantly will abuse their power and fail rp. Consistently with every single interaction myself or any of my friends have the cops will immediately fail rp and escalate with no reason to the most extreme measures. For example a traffic stop would be initiated and they go immediately to slamming into u and opening fire on ur vehicle the second u don’t show a sign of stopping this is complete fail rp it would never escalate that quickly in real life nor would a police force ever open fire in the public without either first being fired upon or if they were on foot and someone was attempting to run them over. Nor would they immediately go to pitting a car as it’s a danger to the public and puts others at risk and should not be the go to from the start of a chase. Then if u do stop for a traffic stop they immediately pull out assault rifles and shotguns and hold u at gun point if they’re planning to arrest u. And on top of that any time u try to run on foot or assault an officer with ur bare hands which is not a life threatening situation particularly instead of going to a taser or non lethal force first they first thing they do is pull out a full auto machine gun and gun u down the second u swing on then or attempt to run. This used to be an Amazing server to play on that was very well balanced and realistic now it just seems like everything is based on the police and they tell u if u have an issue and think it’s a rule break to report it to admins and good luck getting it to go through as there seems to be less active admins these past few months so there’s never enough online to deal with all the rp issues going on in the city at that point in time as myself or friends end up waiting 20,30,40 minutes for an in game response just to not get a response and have our rp experience ruined due to the amount of rule breaks going on. Most of the officers in the city do not follow any aspect of realism and just abuse their power. It has completely ruined the realism of this server and several of my friends have already left the server due to the very unrealistic rp going on and several rule breaks done regularly by the cops. I don’t have any video evidence of this currently but I think that admins should sit in on police and speak to them regularly along with some sort of standardized training to help everyone’s role playing experience when in the city as well as reinforce the realism aspect of rp with the cops. The role playing aspect with the police used to be my favorite part of this server now it’s just a joke, completely unbalanced and is fully one sided in favor of police. Myself and my friends will start recording in game experiences as to try to get as much evidence of all of this as possible in an effort to restore the city back to its former glory so everyone in the city can have the best roleplay experiences possible. 

There’s been many topics  to fix this stuff but  nothings been changed  and won’t be most likely even tho it sucks 

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Not going to read that wall of text, but I can guess what it says, like most, so correct me if I'm wrong.

While we aim for realism (a little too much in my opinion on some internal things that wouldn't impact civilian/criminal players). If it was even closer to realistic, people would be in much worse situations when engaged with police. Police work with what they have and it really isn't that much, and under very strict guidelines on both IC and OOC levels from their own faction leadership and server staff/oversight.


On 9/8/2023 at 1:13 AM, Shwy said:

Wym? Its normally sized and adequate!

Here's my opinion on that..


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On 9/7/2023 at 6:41 AM, Ash said:

People preach realism for the other side but not for themselves.

For example, do you think it’s realistic to felony evade and risk imprisonment over a mere traffic stop? 

I’m gonna call cap on this, law enforcement are held to the same deathmatching rules as you are, and would be punished if reported for gunning someone down for no reason like that.

Theres also a lot of generalisations here with no real specific examples which make it a weaker argument.

But this is probably bait anyway 🤷‍♂️

it is not cap. I literally have an open report of a DoC officer using an AR to kill an unarmed inmate. I've had 8 cop cars pull me over, ar's in hand, and demand to search my vehicle, find nothing, and let me go after 20-30 minutes of tryna find something to charge me for. It's unrealistic af. admins always end up siding with the police to and say to make an IA report  rather then a power gaming report. If a criminal power games / forceRP / FailRP the victim is told to make a forum report, the same should go for cops. 

Edited by itamisaisei
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16 hours ago, itamisaisei said:

it is not cap. I literally have an open report of a DoC officer using an AR to kill an unarmed inmate. I've had 8 cop cars pull me over, ar's in hand, and demand to search my vehicle, find nothing, and let me go after 20-30 minutes of tryna find something to charge me for. It's unrealistic af. admins always end up siding with the police to and say to make an IA report  rather then a power gaming report. If a criminal power games / forceRP / FailRP the victim is told to make a forum report, the same should go for cops. 

LEOs do make Forum Reports. There are quite a few within the last month made by LEOs. Also stating that admins always end up siding with LEO is an untrue statement. As LEO, the consequences for rule breaking is the same as it is for anyone else on the server. COI's are checked before the admin takes the report. IA reports are suggested for things that make sense to pursue IC, as there wasn't a rule break in question.

Everything you listed in your first two sentences are literally not OOC rule breaks, these are literally IC things that can pursued. An OOC rule break would be an LEO running you over while you're on foot purposely, or a LEO coming to cuff you, frisk you, and using /drag without a single /me

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You just confirmed what I said. Make an IA report not a forum report. 

Cops can go around with ars murdering unarmed people and no proper escalation, make an IA report.

Criminals go around with ARs murdering people without escalation, they get deported.


This is the problem. Not tryna argue or hate or anything, just showing the reality of how things have been lately. Cops have IA reports well criminals just get reported and deported. 


EDIT: I get what you are saying about certain things can be handled icly with IA reports, I get that's realistic. The problem is that the line of what is ooc rule break and what can be done with IA reports, always seems to change. Criminals don't get that special treatment. They don't get IA reports. Everything goes straight to the forums. Cops have this blurred line of what is ooc and ic punishment. 

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If someone from the PD "murders" someone, they get at the very least suspended. We've just kicked two characters out the faction for beating a suspect unnecessarily. 

If someone from PD is going around with heavy weapons, it's because there has been something to justify that. If they are using the heavy weapons in a situation, it is in response to a certain amount of force and/or danger. But considering to my knowledge, you aren't involved in that sort of RP in ECRP, how would you actually know what goes on?

The PD is beholden to the same server rules as anyone else on the server PLUS our own internal rules too.

The key difference between the PD and criminals in terms of rules is that criminals have no in-character rules. Criminals have the in-character freedom to behave however they like, as long as they are willing to accept the IC consequences but PD doesn't have that in-character freedom, we have to stick to a set of in-character rules and our role within the server is the responder, not the aggressor in situations. The difference is, that if you follow the in-character rules for PD, you won't get punished because those in-character rules mirror the out of character rules.

The rules are weighted against the person doing the act and in most cases, the actor is a criminal. Criminal does x, so cop does y.

Comparing the two or expecting both to be dealt with, in the exact the same way is absolute nonsense. 

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"how would I know what goes on?" 

Cause I'm the criminal who gets forced RP every time pd shows up. You clearly have no idea what your officers are doing. It's extremely common for them to role up with ars just cause someone has a mask on in public or was speeding. Just 2 days ago coral arrested my friend for charges he literally just got out of DoC for. Her response to him saying he was already punished was "don't care you're still going to jail". It's easy for y'all to say here in forums that rules are followed and cops are punished just like criminals, but once the game is loaded and people go IC, it's a whole different story. 

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reminder that powergaming isnt the same as someone initiating rp with you that you just don't want to do e.g. getting arrested or someone doing their job.
In your example if coral did arrest someone for something they'd already served time for there's several avenues of roleplay you can go down to contest that, that's still not powergaming, maybe just a genuine ic mistake, or something your friend wasn't aware of, or maybe even corruption who knows but to claim powergaming because things dont go your way is bold. 

On 9/30/2023 at 11:13 PM, itamisaisei said:

admins always end up siding with the police

this is just not true lmao, they're punished as fairly as non-LEO are when they break a rule.

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1 hour ago, itamisaisei said:

Just 2 days ago coral arrested my friend for charges he literally just got out of DoC for. Her response to him saying he was already punished was "don't care you're still going to jail". It's easy for y'all to say here in forums that rules are followed and cops are punished just like criminals, but once the game is loaded and people go IC, it's a whole different story. 

I did indeed say this, I'm not going to take a criminals word for something just because they say it... that makes no sense. I continue with the charges and then as in this situation and others, I'll explain the avenues that can be taken. There's a bigger situation then what was seen. 

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1 hour ago, Akio said:

I did indeed say this, I'm not going to take a criminals word for something just because they say it... that makes no sense. I continue with the charges and then as in this situation and others, I'll explain the avenues that can be taken. There's a bigger situation then what was seen. 

Yeah but that doesn't matter because it doesn't support what he's saying

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1 hour ago, Bala said:

Yeah but that doesn't matter because it doesn't support what he's saying

this comment is just unnecessary. We're having a mature convo here about how people feel in the server lately. Just because I speak my opinion and experience doesn't mean its my way or no way lmfao. I'm not a cop 😛

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3 hours ago, Akio said:

I did indeed say this, I'm not going to take a criminals word for something just because they say it... that makes no sense. I continue with the charges and then as in this situation and others, I'll explain the avenues that can be taken. There's a bigger situation then what was seen. 

That's valid when coming from your point of view, but I also know y'all check your records when you pull people over. (i.e, every time a cop pulls me over it shows them checking their MDC) doesn't that tell you their arrest history? Like wouldn't it show they were just charged that day for what you were wanting to charge them for? I asked a cop once what my first ever charge was and they told me the exact date it happened. NOT SAYING THIS TO ARGUE, just genuinely curious. 



unrelated to coral, I just remembered this situation, on the note of IA reports as I asked an admin to appear during the game play, that admin told me to make an IA report, but the problem here is the cops somehow could see we had guns in the glovebox of the car BEFORE they searched. If they weren't lying, then that is an OOC problem not an IA report. ICly you shouldn't be able to see inside our glovebox without searching the car, humans don't have xray vision. This pull over should have been for an illegal turn and not have all the BS of them detaining us and searching the car. They had no IC reason to do so. The IA report was also declined cause our body cam proof was "too old" even though it wasn't 48hrs old yet. It was over 24hrs old but it's supposed to be valid for 48hrs. We've had admins state this when asked in the past. 



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1 hour ago, itamisaisei said:

unrelated to coral, I just remembered this situation, on the note of IA reports as I asked an admin to appear during the game play, that admin told me to make an IA report, but the problem here is the cops somehow could see we had guns in the glovebox of the car BEFORE they searched. If they weren't lying, then that is an OOC problem not an IA report. ICly you shouldn't be able to see inside our glovebox without searching the car, humans don't have xray vision. This pull over should have been for an illegal turn and not have all the BS of them detaining us and searching the car. They had no IC reason to do so. The IA report was also declined cause our body cam proof was "too old" even though it wasn't 48hrs old yet. It was over 24hrs old but it's supposed to be valid for 48hrs. We've had admins state this when asked in the past

As I am the officer that you are talking about here.

I was about to pull you over for driving in the incorrect lane of travel into the Burgershot. Your friend then exited the vehicle and I light you guys up, either telling your friend to get back in or he did it himself. Either way, your friend was out of the vehicle when I spotted a firearm on his back. He then got back in the vehicle and everything afterwards is in your recording. But what matters the most is what happened before, which isn't included

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12 hours ago, itamisaisei said:

Cops can go around with ars murdering unarmed people and no proper escalation, make an IA report.

Criminals go around with ARs murdering people without escalation, they get deported.

Server rules come before faction rules, with that being said if cops go around breaking rules, forum report them. IA is for breaching internal faction regulations, not server rules. 

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Tbh the roleplayed offered 90% of the time is being pulled over for something silly or for nothing, being searched and either going to jail or time just wasted for no reason. You try make money at labs, garbage for example, a cop is waiting outside waiting to see something or hear a gunshot so they can raid it. A cop will just pull a U turn for no reason to scan your plate. They will attempt you to charge you for anything and everything - yet this is within their rules - it just isn't fun. You shoot cops, its frowned upon by staff. You evade and your tires will be taken with a minute of the chase. I strongly believe there is just too much of a win mindset, criminals are expected to take the loss but that doesn't feel reciprocated when a LEO should take a loss. Criminal is getting increasingly more and more unplayable. I get realism but you have to sacrifice some of it for enjoyability. 

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