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Getting robbed

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Can't we calm it down with the gang stuff? It's either you join a public department or you join a gang. If 15 guys come to rob everything off you with guns out, how am I supposed to protect myself? It is getting to the point where I can't even drive down the dang street before a car is following me... heaven forbid I want to drive the speed limit and stop at a stop sign. I stop and then I get robbed. 

There are no restrictions to gangs besides follow RP rules but there usually is hardly any RP going on. Grinding money isn't roleplay.

Edited by Prezeey
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I had a girl once, who just lingered around LSPD, poorly dressed, with... basicly nothing. As a taxi driver, I was positioned there, for any incoming newcomers or for looking for a customer of opportunity.

So we talked really nicely and I showed her around a bit and brought her to a job in the end.

The next day, she was at LSPD again, seemingly bored and said, that she didn't like the job or that she got fired.

She wanted to go to the prison, she said... That was... one of the more strange requests I had in a while.

But we went for it...

When we left the freeway, she told me to pull up to get some fresh air. As she said I did.

What then followed... I didn't expect really... She pulled a small pistol on me, behind my back, demanding to step outside. As she demanded, as I did and she told to drop my gun, what I did as well.

She then took it and I asked her, why she would rob a friend (in my point of view). She told me, that she can't really live anymore and that the jobs are not her thing and she just doesn't know what to do...

In the end... I persuaded her, to not kill herself and we hugged each other and she gave me my gun back and told her, that I wouldn't report her to the police, but that she needed serious help and not... prison. We then drove together to another location which I... can't remember sadly...

It made me shiver... OOCly... it still does,  as it was really good roleplay, even though confusing, still not quite grasping, why she would act in such way. It's going to be a secret forever. A good one.

Robbers have to put in more meaning in robbing people, making it more fun for the being robbed party, with multiple outcomes, not just one: "We take all your stuff and then disappear."

Thanks for reading. 🙂

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+1 The way criminals "RP" at current time is nothing criminals would do IRL, i have seen german RP servers (i wont name names due to that would be advertisment) where the criminal system is basically perfect and way more realistic. Here at ECRP you see new people having a gun after a couple of hours and then yeah you see it commin: "CHANDS UP BLYAT".

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Absolutely agree with Prezeey, I have to make slaloms and tony hawk drifts with a goddamn transport shipment to avoid some assholes screaming at me to pull over. We.Lack.Too.Many.Legal.Factions. 

I don't care about fun. If you want fun in DM and robbing, go on normal GTA, not Roleplay servers.

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To be honest i've seen more rp in GRP than in here. most people with 50 iq says "oh but it's rp to get robbed" well is it rp to get robbet on every corner? Nope so where's the rp? This whole robbery thing is shitfest irl 80% of the time criminals will get caught eventualy, here you just need to go down few blocks and you're good to go. 

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Honestly, like i said in a different post, some people have better RP skills than others. Some dont know how to RP as a crime boss or whatever so they emulate what they see commonly on tv or something, a thug robbing people. There have been some gangs that their RP is fucking scary and really good, and there are others where its "HAND UP THIS IS ROB" and thats it. Gotta learn to adapt to it. As a taxi driver, I get robbed at least 3-4 times a day IF I'm not really paying attention. However, you can tell who is going to rob you, and who isnt. they usually linger around for as second, making sure the coast is clear, and then rob you. If you get a gut feeling that something is off, usually your gut feeling is right. Leave the area and dont get robbed. Or call the police ASAP and say there is a suspicious man lingering around the pier or whatever. Just gotta learn how to adapt and avoid them.

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