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Stew Walker

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Everything posted by Stew Walker

  1. I mean is this what happens in JTAC, TAC, TS? confused
  2. bruh FPS comes into play when just walking about the city. Back when we redid the mechanic shops I would crash/get around 10 fps when coming near them. Same is said for the Drift Arena, something I still have yet to fully enjoy due to my game not running smoothly in these spots. Increase in FPS without a doubt makes for a more enjoyable experience that I couldnt otherwise afford without upgrading my pc but maybe im crazy
  3. +1 I play literally at around 30 fps with shadows turned off
  4. Yes. PIT is fine. Scott v Harris was arguing that this maneuver was considered Deadly Force, which it isnt. Similarly, the officer's choice to attempt to end the chase by forcing them off-road was found to be a justifiable amount of force, right
  5. If theres a scenario where someone who actively poses a threat is attempting to flee of course, I agree here
  6. It actually says quite the opposite lol, there needs to be a danger/threat of violence. Not if the officer believes whether or not it is a plausibility. Fleeing it not violence, as per the ruling.
  7. Tennessee v. Garner (1985), the Supreme Court held that the Fourth Amendment prohibits the use deadly force against a non-violent, unarmed felon who is fleeing. This is just how it is irl in the US, not too sure what the IC regulations are for LEO though.
  8. We understand though that Police dont shoot people because they MIGHT have drugs or a gun, right? And yes, Officer's in LA will approach nearly every situation with a Taser before switching to lethal force.
  9. I have mentioned this a number of times. In the US authorized police force mag dump when they shoot. They do not take tires and they do not injure people with deadly force. Just to be clear I'm not saying they execute already injured assailants, rather if met with the need for lethal force they don't intend to maim them and never intend to take tires. Intentions are lethal.
  10. +1 I always RPly count cash im given from illegal activities. Would be dope if there was script around it fake bills !
  11. The issue is that it's not exactly the table that is important, but rather the tools necessary to cook specific drugs on the table right. Similar to the Toolbox scenario, gangs don't have access to manufacturers that they can buy these products from, which is why they use import system. Vents are quite literally the same exact thing that is sold at the furniture store but with differing purposes so +1
  12. Does the current script of /bindradio 1-8 provide too much complication for LEO to switch between them? In a variety of crim factions we have multiple frequencies that we switch between for when we are sitting at HQ, Freelancing, Command only, and for Labs. Genuine question?
  13. Honestly, I'm against any form of communication outside of /b and /pm being encouraged on the server. Not sure why we allow LEO the luxury of having a route of communication that could be subject to Meta Gaming without 24/7 surveillance or recording, but that's just me. I have been sitting in my Factions discord before with other offline members of my gang and was questioned by staff/handlers about why I was Meta Gaming. Similarly, with Jason's point on "passive meta" is only punished when reported or observed by staff if I'm correct? A common theme is if you are not LEO and are sitting in a discord call, online, with members of the community at all this could find you suspicious of metagaming however, we allow LEO to partake in OOC communication while in-game fluently when the opportunity to keep it in-game is available. -1
  14. I mean what was accomplished was making a serious operating drug lab cost millions and cooking in larger quantities has actually had the time to cook extended by the necessity to stop and refill your bottles or financial investment increased by having to buy a copious amount of bottles ... This is just the current state, not saying that it wont change in the near future.
  15. Similar problem im facing even in a property where a typical cook of 250 LSD now requires me to have 1,000 water bottles in safes. So on top of my hefty investment of around 5mill to make cooking as effortless and fast as possible, I am now required to invest another 350,000$ in water bottles if I wanted to maintain the pace I was cooking at prior. However, cooking in larger batches of 500(IE: 250 coke 250 LSD, which is common) would require 700,000$ investment of water bottles if you were to attempt it and so on. Tbf I wasn't prepared for this and now am just lost on how im supposed to be making that money...? ATMs? 250(quantity of cook) x 4(# of waters)= 1,000(total number of needed bottles) x 350$(price per bottle)
  16. Long time coming Brody. Keep up the good work
  17. Before I comment on any of this I wanted to first clarify that I have always been against cooking long hours every day, especially when done in lux apartments. Cooking isnt fun. We all log in to goof around with the community, not sit in an apt listening to JRE and a 3min watering timer. Crim staff has guided many players on how to roleplay refilling water bottles in a business property (Bar, Club, Drug Lab, ect). Installing a sink, bathtub, watering station, from the furniture store would provide all the RP necessary to refill water, as typically businesses have access to these commodities. Would it not? This just seems like removing something that was formally convenient to the limited amount of criminals that had access to the limited number of available business properties. Let alone these properties cost around 10x what a lux apartment cost; factoring in the necessity of smoke vents costing 50k per (I personally have 24 so 1.2m in vents to even begin a cook), the convenience of refilling your water inside only seemed justified for the risk. Similarly, retrieving said materials hosts a myriad of RP in itself. Holding drug labs and retrieving shipments can prove to be exhilarating experiences that I believe is appealing to a large majority of the serious criminal community. Many many many different and unique RP ops come from these scenarios. I can understand the frustration of the community that crims are spending around 30 mins to 3 hours cooking (Vol of cook x Time to cook / Number of tables) everyday to make a - as mentioned above by @LucasJHughes - enough money to purchase 1 weapon. However I don't believe that the solution is to make it more difficult. I could not agree with what Yousef said any more. To add onto his statements at the end of this quote, when asked what the "problems" are or what "solutions" we could express to resolve them I always come back to the quote above. The problem's I see are most likely my own and not that of the community as a whole. That being said if these issues are not resolved then clearly it was just that and ECRP was not meant for players such as myself. Maybe this is just me but like tons of in game wealthy civs that are LEO, Weazel employees, DCC drivers, Mechanics; all with super cars, 4g estates, business', when the majority of crims scrape by day to day to make money for an AK that they lose in 5 minutes and are even nerfed further. Leaders of gangs like the Royals, LSD, and even Rooks are not remotely close to the top 1% of wealth when IC'ly it would make all the sense in the world rather than a taxi driver, mechanic, or paperboy ... Moreover on the topic of nerfs, banks are unreliable to say the least. Grab Cash anim bug still super relevant and causes the bank to be voided. LEO's very short leash given to criminals when RPing with them at a bank is the reason for the current bike meta so this could be resolved rapidly however, wont. Gun nerf. Pog, pumps were super OP for being nearly half the price of SMG ... This really just changes the way aggressive RP will play out in terms of engage. New gun meta will be recognized soon enough and people will migrate there.
  18. As a member of both factions referred to by @Destuin, Los Santos Drift, and Los Santos Royals, for a combined 3k hours give or take I feel comfortable commenting on this topic in specific. LSDrift Backstory When I first joined Drift shipping power was something new to the gang and we had only the turfs provided to us immediately after receiving official status(Core + MMI + Gun Store Launder). This total a minimal amount of shipping power, around 120. In the foreground is a very live turf war between the then heavily active 6ix7even Spartans and Russian Mob over Azteca Tunnel drug turf - valuable in shipping power. Post 6ix7even Spartans disbanding left not only the Azteca tunnel turf uncontested but it left Los Santos Drift unprotected as well, as they helped to aid the Spartans in this turf war. Many of 6ix7even join Drift because people have built a relationship from constant RP. Russians and Drift start to struggle for Azteca Tunnel and LSD loses all turfs (other than core merely because script doesn't allow that). At this moment Los Santos Drift would receive - assuming Russians haven't hit core - 60 shipping power for the foreseeable future until the disbandment of the Russian Mob. With the industrial district now vacated and FM conveniently adding additional NPCs just before the disbandment of the Russian Mob to trucker's yard, gave Los Santos Drift the opportunity to maximize their business of exporting Lysergic, Muriatic, and Toluene. It has since remained that way and Drift would add or drop turfs as they saw fit for their activity currently matched with the decay and order flow (About 380 shipping power). Additionally, as the demand grew for Drift, FM allowed for the people who were constantly attending important shipments to import armor as protection; something LSD was not permitted to do before. Issues with high-class lore Speaking to how this Lore wise affects factions with high-class aspirations. For example an order of materials required to make drugs other than Coke and Crack occupies 37.5 shipping power for 250. Gangs such as Rooks and Royals find themselves in a unique situation as they always seem to be struggling with their shipping power even though they are meant to have strong business connections and have a seemingly endless supplier(As per lore). However, are only able to place around 3-4 a day when differing factions with an RPly weaker lore receive 3x. IC business plays a large factor as well, as stated in my Drift section, exporting orders was something Royals did to maintain their brand across the criminal community IE: Supporting gangs like Shenzhen Dragons(prior to official), VOID, and Creed. This would leave very little shipping power - around 85 - to divide amongst the 38 members currently participating in the Royals Faction. Unable to successfully hit all four banks every day, unable to import materials to cook drugs, and unable to work freelance jobs left gangs like Rooks and Royals scriptly and RPly in a tough position financially. Mixed messaging sometimes plays a role also as high command is guided to approach most things positively so RPly factions now form small cliques with compatible lore rather than contesting one another over common interests as Rooks and Royals were probably intended to do... It is this problem that leaves both Royals and Rooks the inability to expand outside of the hotly contested Drug Labs that provide the least amount of shipping power. Moreover, for these factions weapons are a priority before cooking drugs (mostly for RP and Lore) leaving even less power for people to fill their time up with criminal RP in tandem with the script allowing you to fulfill gang lore by being wealthy, successful, and remaining good at business. It goes without saying that nobody logs into the server to struggle day in and day out. The majority of criminals are looking for fun and creative ways to express themselves through their gang's lore. Occasionally there are script limits that prevent these factions from realizing their full RP potential. However, I don't believe that there is a "strict" aspect of FM that is hindering people to the extreme many might believe. A lot of the time a healthy conversation between the faction and FM can lead to an understanding that can be mutually agreed upon. This may not be the place but I would like to comment on the decision to limit the number of orders allowed by criminal factions following the Plane Crash Event. Maybe this is a problem exclusive to myself but I can not stay online without ANY script for more than a few hours at a time. Following the plane crash, maintaining turf was no longer a concern for the crim factions as their shipping power was effectively cut off. This lead to an unhealthy amount of inactivity and eventual conflicts internally about the priority of the gang. Nobody would log in for more than an hour or two to hang around HQ, RP for a bit, maybe show up to meetings and leave because there was a lack of activities to participate in that could both feed your RP side and your adrenaline. I somewhat attribute that IC punishment to my demotivation recently.
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