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Everything posted by XeV

  1. PLEASE someone go down this arc of RP and open an RP Vet clinic for pets. I would give an arm and a leg to take my pets there for weekly checkups/shots/vaccines. When I buy a new pet I would love to go down and pay to have my pet get a portfolio for his record of shots and stuff. A website to setup appointments/ a phone number to do the same. Maybe have it be a branch off a MD, I don't know I would LOVE to do this myself, but I ain't got the time to invest in it, So I BEG for someone or a group to please contemplate this idea and follow it through.
  2. you chopped a player car, it despawned after a time period because unless you park your car in parking, a house, a apt, or garage its about 2 hours before your vehicle just disappears and will reappear when you login (to save server fps). I chop cars DAILY, player owned cars give absolutely nothing to counteract about a year ago, when you could not even get gas without your car being stolen cause they chopped for 6k+, NOW player owned cars can be actually left on the street and shit instead of constantly being parked up because they chop for like 60$ a tire. NPC cars are here for a reason. So you chop those instead of players cars. was a W update because buying my car back from mors for 10K+ every 4 hours was really cringe TLDR - Not a Bug, Chopped a player owned car over a NPC car
  3. 8F Drafter Maxed - 600k Plate - Drafter 190z Maxed - 200k Vigerozx Maxed - 350k Plate - VigeroZX - At HE Contact info - 3979409 willing to budge a little, just need spaces
  4. I would 100% be down if we could go as far as ACTUALLY getting sick and maybe even some sicknesses being transmittable via distance of the player (aka LIKE RIGHT NEXT TO THEM) the longer you stand next to them the more likely you are to also catch it. Imagine ECRP covid, obviously I wish you could OPT in to catching diseases or opt out if its too annoying for you, but like your character could drop a /me sneezes or /me coughs in random automatic intervals and people would RP you as an actual sick person, but I mean this could all be done without script support. I TRY SO HARD to give MD rp but like its either autohotkey responses or just no one showing up so I get trunked =(
  5. I've been told directly and have had to have staff intervene in a situation because I told a dude what he was saying IC was making me uncomfortable and to please stop and I too got hit with the "IC is IC and quit being soft", but if someone is making you uncomfortable you 100% can tell them to stop and if they do not get a staff member involved or report it. Seen people banned for something alone the lines of "not a positive contribution to the community' at the end of the day this a gtarp server with an objective for people to enjoy themselves and have fun If you are not having fun cause some dude is telling you to kill yourself I am sure staff would gladly love to tell that person to just stop. Asking someone to stop telling you to kill yourself seems to me at least like a reasonable request. Nothing needs to be implemented really just use what is already there. Tell them to stop if it makes you THAT uncomfortable if they continue go down the same old road of gathering evidence in screenshots or video recording, even ask them again then just report it IC and then forums if needed. It is clear the intention of the party if they deem it necessary to be like "IC is IC" and continue to make you uncomfortable under the protection of some weird mindset.
  6. Do not think a phrase in its self should just be outright banned from being said, but as a lot of other suggested "context" is key and it simply just comes down to the simple steps 1. Phrase is said 2. /b or /pm "hey do not say that makes me uncomfortable or w.e" 3. Person either says more and goes harder or stops completely 4. Report is filed for the usage after being told OOC to stop 5. End I am defs not the most thick skinned individual but like its pixels and toddlers. Lowkey took me a good time to realize it to the full extent, but like nothing here matters at the end of the day. obviously if you are a LEO or arresting someone its a little harder to "leave" the scenario and 9/10 times your being targeted directly so I can see how it would hit harder if you login to that being thrown every day every hour. Easiest solution is the /b or /pm to stop and if it continues report it not to just ban it entirely. Can confirm certain phrases or the way people talk can be solved with the /pm please stop its making me uncomfortable etc...
  7. I would crash rarely around major POI's Such as Sandy SD, MRPD, and Like LSC and Bayview but now I am just getting game closed randomly with no warning like 1-2 times an hour.
  8. +1 now for a spicy suggestion. If we drop the cap of illegal factions we should cap legal factions that counter illegal as from what I can tell legal factions have no limit and as of typing this up PD and SD have a combined 225 and I feel they should be capped at maybe 60-75 each somewhere in that ballpark. doing so would make interviews more impactful actually going through and seeing who is the right "fit". People going out of there way to get more knowledge on the job before applying so they can be seen as a better pick. Instead of just learning as you go. (Just a thought) I HAVE 0 CLUE WHAT goes on behind the application process for either faction. Obviously Timezones are the BIGGEST thing, but if your timezone is just not popping for crim, make it poppin start your own group. I am 100% sure your not the only one feeling the same, but they might be scared of disappointment in trying to make their own thing, and if people see a specific group or a thing get traction during their play time they will gravitate towards you or it during my PEAK enthusiasm of ECRP I actually quit my job to find a better one that would suit the timezone playtime of the group I was gunning for.
  9. its hit or miss, sometimes it happens once or twice (animation reset) but then they just "teleport" into the final stage of the injured animation
  10. I like that people brought up MPT as an example because I have been following MPT since the very beginning as an enthusiastic bystander because I enjoyed what @Puzzling was tryna do, when I first joined the server my goal was to open a mechanic shop and work on cars as I did this IRL and wanted to do it here. When I heard MPT got official I was over joyed at the fact that there was gonna be a racing crew mechanic shop. But obviously my joy turned into sadness to hear all about how it was an uphill battle to fight for some sort of script support and then to only become a smaller bayview that could only do repairs. Like RP is supposed to be what you make of it, I would understand if it was like Gov restricting MPT and other types of competing business cause then it becomes an IC issue and could lead to some legal branch RP and court cases and trials and lawsuits etc...., but lowkey MPT been getting rawdogged OOCly, blows my mind that a racing crew whos whole drive is cars cannot scriptly Mod cars with their official status. Why is this a thing? is there a fear that LSC and Bayview will lose business cause MPT is more popular because they are interactive with the community and bring a story to tell with their business and lore. The whole MPT thing upsets me greatly because them motherfuckers were GOING ham to get where they wanted, making a racing app on a 3rd party website, cinematics, forum stories, making tracks for races, setting up race events, but then they tried to get there and were told no with no room to expand past where they are now of just doing repairs. And it is easy to see the lack of motivation that happened and MPT went from hyperactive excited people with a goal and plans. to just a dwindling group of car enthusiasts trying to have some sort of fun with equal minded people. all in all ECRP did MPT dirty and demotivated ALOT of people into "making their own business". If you rely on some sort of script support to enhance your experience your wasteing your time, but if you can do it without needing some OOC help its 100% doable. Take our red deer blip store where we sell cooked meat and water the cheapest in the city for example. One day we got tired of burgershot and decided to make our own store and compete with burgershot 100% word of mouth and a weazel blip later we booming more then ever. dropping /fdo posters at major POI's, paying people cash for their raw meat so they do not get taxed. Siitting at the bus depot to recruit new players into hunting for me or even just spreading word of the store through them.
  11. -1, as @hrxvey said mechanics are hard to find when most freelance pay more per hour then a gov salary (especially with the job board bonus pay) my play time on this server when I can play is DEAD hours, and I am thankful that my OCD requires me to get a repair when my car drops even below 800 so I never really perma stall too much, but there have been many times my cars bug out in walls or something and get 0'd and no staff is online to take my report AND no mechanics are online to come repair, so I just ditch it and try again tomorrow. Also in another post I made, self repair was a amazing option especially since it was SUPER CHEAP, but with a recent update that was never mentioned auto repair is SUPER expensive now for any amount of damage. Got my car repaired from 878-1000 and it cost me 2.8k.
  12. ive thought about this extensively for so long and its come to the conclusion of just as people have said, Lose the IC war, win the forum war, people get 0 repercussions for denied reports besides MAYBE if deemed worthy a petty report warning. I personally report if only SEVERE loss or I know if accepted I could put in a refund request for my stuff back or to cover the cost, but If i get rule breached on and lose a .50 that's worth less then the 25k so ill drop a report in game but if it does not get picked up I just move on, maybe drop a lil PM explaining what they did wrong and just move on. I have had dudes rob and kill me at Oil mines and I pm'd them explaining the situation and why what they are doing is wrong and they like /b oh shit my bad I did not know my b, and they gave me my stuff back and left. Nothing makes me more mad then when people complain that like the server pop is low or no one is logging in and they report people on the forums consistently. ALL WE ASK IS PLEASE follow the guidelines that are there for a reason and do what @MrDisciple said earlier why is never mentioned in any report along the lines of "And what was done OOCly to reach out and explain what the person did wrong and why it effected the RP so heavily". Cause ima be honest and drop a hot take IDK why cops are reporting people when they die unless its blatant DM cause like the guidelines state "SEVERE LOSS". and having a spawned in loadout that cannot be "looted" seems a little less then severe ALL in all ECRP has built a mindset inside the community of just win the forum war and you can win IC, Look at BSB for example an entire group banned twice for no reason other then the group reporting was the main enemy of the other. both Bans were appealed and accepted by Head admins but 2-3 months was already lost because of a report that was deemed wrong by a head admin when a Mod deemed it a rule break. And back then having a DM1 meant you had 1 more before you were perma banned so people walking on eggshells was VERY heavy.
  13. yo type louder for the people in back! this has been thrown into the echo chamber countless times by MULTIPLE community members myself included, nothing will change unless staff follow the guidelines that are literally set up to help stop this behavior. TOO many times is the guideline just ignored, like take for example Ceaser getting that NRP punishment for wheelieing over the tollbooth bar twice. That my friends is an IC decision if I ever seen one, but he gets a NRP cause some random tollbooth worker reports out the blue for something SO MINOR, but then we see cops pulling into a gangs HQ parking lot to acquire plates, get boxed in and shot and they get a "borderline FRP, but we chalk it up to an IC bad decision" im sorry but too many times in situations I have even been apart of do COPS get the "IC bad Decision" but I get a "oh you have 500k xp you should know better as a long time member of the community"
  14. Yah, the server lag from certain areas of the map that say have more people purchased property would be INSANE, like im just driving through the city and hit vinewood hills and i get 10fps, server would turn into like "yo bro avoid X street I get MASSIVE headaches" I would say MAYBE if we wanted to do this the outside portion of it would be in the other dimension to avoid main dim lag, as you are given infinite things to place when you inside a property as its in another dimension
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