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Doan last won the day on March 3 2021

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  1. Doan

    Server Restarts

    You are able to park vehicles at the parking lot (where no one is able to steal them), and you are also told in advance before a server restart takes place. This suggestion is locked and archived.
  2. You are currently able to do burnouts on the server. This suggestion is locked and archived.
  3. Credit vehicles do not take up any of your vehicle slots, and new vehicles are added to the rotation continuously. Also, since this suggestion was made, you are able to transfer your vehicle to another one of your characters for a price. This suggestion is locked and archived.
  4. This has since been implemented. This suggestion is locked and archived.
  5. Doan

    Street racing

    You are free to organize races In-Character and roleplay what you suggested. This suggestion is locked and archived.
  6. The taxi notification has since been changed. This suggestion is locked and archived.
  7. Doan

    Hands Up

    Many of the commands on the server are already shortened. For example, /up can be used instead of /handsup. This suggestion is locked and archived.
  8. There are currently multiple animations to flip someone off. This suggestion is locked and archived.
  9. The ticket-notifications are no longer sent to the player's phone, but are displayed in their chat box. This suggestion is archived.
  10. This has since been implemented. This suggestion is archived.
  11. The UI has since been changed. This suggestion is archived.
  12. Doan


    This has since been implemented. You are able to hand a player an item in your inventory, right-clicking on the item and selecting "Hand Over". This suggestion is archived.
  13. Tires do not pop out of no where anymore. This suggestion is archived.
  14. This has since been implemented. You can use tab and your mouse to select whether you want to put away your weapon or select a new one. The weapons available in these slots are the ones that are put into the weapons slots in your inventory. This suggestion is archived.
  15. There is no longer the option for a second turbo on the server. This suggestion is archived.
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