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Everything posted by tylxrrr

  1. I very much agree with this! Joe Riggy is easy to evade from In all seriousness though, the PD vehicles have their strengths and weaknesses . The "crown victoria" has a high top speed, but slow acceleration and terrible handling. The interceptor has better handling and accelerations, but a lower top speed. I think the PD vehicles are balanced and work fine in Eclipse's environment. Eclipse isn't supposed to be 1:1 with real life.
  2. tylxrrr


    Make an appeal. Posting this here won't get you anywhere. It isn't a criminal suggestion.
  3. Yoo, this is fire. Keep up the amazing work!
  4. +1 Good idea! It could be like how vehicles are frozen at the vehicle markets.
  5. "Do it...Do it", I hear behind me, followed by the giggling and laughter of my classmates. I feel something soft and textured hit the back of my afro and drop onto the old creaky floorboards of Ms. Williams' classroom. The sound of the laughter echoed throughout the room. I peered under my desk and looked past my worn out sneakers to see a crumpled up piece of paper lying on the floor. I quickly picked it up and looked behind me to be greeted by a group of boys smiling mischievously at me. I let out a sigh before opening up the crumpled sphere. I started to feel the tears beginning to roll down my cheek as I stared at the piece of paper. The laughter of my classmates grew louder. “Alright...alright class, settle down now”, Ms. Williams echoed. I quickly crumpled the piece of paper and stuffed it into my pocket. “Are you alright, Milton?”, Ms. Williams said with her eyes fixed on my tears. I glanced at the boys behind me and they returned a fierce gaze. “Yeah, I’m fine...I just got something in my eye”, I replied. “Do you need to go to the nurse?”, she asked. I shook my head no and she began class. “Today, we are going to be learning about long division”, she echoed. I stared blankly at the green chalkboard as Ms. Williams scribbled meaningless math on it. “One day, I will leave this garbage town”, I thought. My eyelids began to fall at the thought of a new life and everything went dark. The ringing of the bell woke me at once. I slipped into my coat and dashed out of the school. Snow blanketed the streets and sidewalks of Chicago. Each time I exhaled, a puff of smoke would appear in the frigid air. The snow crunched under my sneakers as I began my walk home. I did my usual look around to make sure no one was trying to mug me when I noticed a few classmates behind me. I let out a deep sigh and the crunching of the snow sped up as I began to walk faster. I glanced behind me and the same group of boys began to walk faster as well. “Milton! We just want to play!”. The snow crunched at a steady yet fast rate as I ran down the sidewalk. “Fuck”, I thought. The grinding of the snow behind me grew louder and louder. Almost instantaneous, my face felt wet and cold followed by a sharp pain in my ribcage. “Ahhh”, I yelped. I turned over on my back to see the group of boys hovering over my body. “Where do you think you’re going?”, one of the boys said with a smirk before striking my ribcage. I tried to scream but nothing seemed to come out. I stared up at the white sky as tears came down my cheek and froze. I felt powerless as the boys repeatedly punched and kicked my lifeless body. Darkness seemed to take over my eyesight and everything fell quiet. “Sir...sir, your boarding pass please”, the woman at the desk said. “Oh, sorry”, I replied. I took a look at the boarding pass and smiled before handing it to her. She took the boarding pass and briefly looked over it. “Happy travels, Mr. Perkins”, she said. “I hope so too”, I said with a smile and walked through the gate. “A new beginning”, I thought.
  6. -1 I think that this would destroy scamming RP. Although being scammed isn't great, it shouldn't be limited by a script. Also, scams are very prevalent IRL. I am sure we all have seen too good to be true prices or phishing emails. There are scripts already that you can use to avoid getting scammed or just don't risk it at all. Trading an expensive car for a house with a complete stranger is just asking to be scammed.
  7. Suggestion: Bus stops should be marked on the GPS with a blip. Why? The bus job seems to be more like a bus driving simulator rather than public transportation. I am sure that not too many people know where the bus stops are unless you actually have done the bus job a few times. It would be nice for these bus stops to be marked on the GPS, so that the general public knows where they are. It would increase interactions with people and bring more social roleplay. People may actually use the public transportation system more knowing they can get from one stop to another by looking at the GPS. It would just make sense RPly. If you search up bus stops near me on Google, you can usually find bus stops on your map. Possible Problem: It is possible that people will rely more on buses than DCC since it is free to hop onto a bus. Simple fix to this could be a script to make you pay depending on how far you go while on the bus. I don't think this would be too difficult to implement since a blip could be added pretty easy and the script that is used for charging based on distance for DCC can be modified for the buses. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this!
  8. If an alcoholic gets sick from binge drinking alcohol, that should be an in-character issue. Of course, they will have problems to their system, but that shouldn't be limited by an OOC thing. That is like saying the use function of drugs should be removed because you could get addicted and become a crackhead. While these things are true, it should just stay an in-character thing. About the realism, there are many people at parties who get wasted by drinking multiple drinks IRL, so it is definitely realistic. It may be careless, but it should just be an in-character issue. Bring out the voddy!
  9. Yeah, but it is just in-character. Some people may roleplay alcoholics.
  10. +1 Amazing idea. This shouldn't be too hard to implement either!
  11. +1 I didn't even know this was removed!
  12. I think scripted jobs actually pay way more than GOV factions. Have you tried the Paleto Bus Route? You make so much! I mean sure it isn't as social, but the fact that you could make more as a bus driver than a cop or a medic...
  13. Yeah, you really have to keep an eye on your vehicle. Personally, my vehicle seems to never get stolen unless I die and can't return back to my vehicle due to NLR or I get injured. There has been suggestions about a hotwire system or reworks surrounding stealing vehicles. We just kind of have to hope something gets put in place
  14. I agree with this. It seems like head staff is trying to push Eclipse in a certain direction, but they haven't made an announcement on what their vision is. They need to make an announcement and say this is what we want Eclipse to become and these are our expectations. I agree the quiz needs to definitely be more difficult as well. There needs to be more communication with the community on what is planned for the rest of 2021.
  15. I am only comparing the server to IRL since you brought up the FAA. I definitely agree that the server should not be like IRL because it would be very boring. Honestly, I think I did gloss over the part where you talked about code 0's. That is my bad. My point still stands that there won't be many planes in the sky. People are probably going to have to like queue up to fly their planes, which doesn't seem ideal The only thing that I think would be fine is helicopters. They are pretty compact and don't need much room to take off. The millionaires could probably get helipads as well to land and stuff. Helicopters would be great! There can be a good amount of helicopters in the sky, If you code 0, it might not explode or the teleport script can be implemented like you said. About the factions...I totally agree with you on that. F4 is an OOC thing. I am really not sure why they limit you on how many factions you can join. If people want to work 5 government jobs, then let that be IC. If they slip up IC and can't keep up with the hours, then they will probably be fired ICly. No reason why it should be limited OOCly. Overall, you make some interesting points. There are places where there are too many restrictions that I agree with, but I think you are pushing it too much that it would become like GTA Online.
  16. Okay, let's say there were airplanes. How many would be up in the air? The map isn't going to be able to have many planes in the skies. Imagine the amount of crashes that would happen each day. Imagine if a plane crashes into the pier, killing people who are fishing, just because they code 0ed. Sure the same can happen with a car, but in GTA the planes will explode on impact. I just don't see it being feasible. It would definitely be cool to have, but in our environment, I don't see it being a good idea. Since you brought up the FAA, I don't know how true this quote is, but it seems about right. "On a normal day, at any given moment, FlightRadar24 would be tracking anywhere between 8,000 to 20,000 planes mid-flight, which is a lot more than it's following now." This is worldwide. Now imagine just how many planes would be in the sky around Los Angeles...since Los Santos is based on Los Angeles. Link: https://www.traveltalkmag.com.au/news/how-many-planes-are-in-the-air-right-now
  17. I think it will be too much chaos. I know damn well everyone is going to be flying their airplanes, just like everyone be carrying a gun. If there were heavy weapon licenses, everyone will have a micro on their hip. The best way to mitigate problems and risks is to simply just not allow it or have it. I agree that rules should definitely be loosened up. For example, the robbery rule, it should be more about not robbing your average citizen doing their day-to-day job. It shouldn't apply to rival gang members. If someone is talking shit, you should be able to rob them anywhere or if someone is wearing your colors, you should be able to rob them. Same thing with the death match rule, it should be more about not killing a random person on the street. However, if someone stole your car, you should be able to shoot them...not shout demands that they are clearly going to ignore. Same thing with placing charges on someone. Obviously, you shouldn't place charges on someone randomly in the MDC. However, if you know Jimmy is a big-time criminal who drives the same car everyday, wears the same clothes everyday, has a distinct voice and you see a man evade from you driving the same car that Jimmy drives, the same clothes that Jimmy wears, and sounds exactly like Jimmy, and you even check to see that the registered owner is Jimmy. Only to find out that the driver is wearing a mask, so it clearly isn't Jimmy. Maybe the DOJ will help with this, but that rule should be loosened up as well. Some of the rules are way too strict that you have to be very conscious about what you do, even if it makes sense RPly.
  18. I feel like both sides of this discussion be dropping straight facts. However, I feel like there will never be any resolution to this. I think there has to be more input from civilians here.
  19. PD isn't exempt anymore. Only LSEMS and Mechanics are at the moment. What would you suggest for LSEMS and Mechanics for off-road if an MR or a call is in the mountains? I do know that LSEMS has Kamachos, but you have to be a specific rank to use them. So, that would make the amount of medics that can respond to mountain calls a lot smaller. How can mechanics go off-road for an MR? Let's say there is a car accident in the road and a car ends up stalled in a rocky area.
  20. IT HAS BEEN AWHILE SINCE WE HAVE GOTTEN AN UPDATE ON JAMAL'S LIFE! Part 3 Jamal did not find MD too cool, so he decided leave. Here is a picture! ----------------------------------------------> HONORABLE BECAUSE JAMAL SAVED A LOT OF LIVES. Jobless Jamal decided to do some epic BMX tricks at a skate park he found. I don't have a picture of Jamal doing epic backflips nor did I feel like drawing Jamal doing epic backflips, so here is an emoji! ----------------------><------------------------ Jamal would soon learn how to do many BMX tricks and become a pro. But once again, Jamal would become bored. He would soon do the unthinkable. STAY TUNED TO SEE WHAT JAMAL DOES IN PART FOUR Inspired by the one and only Thomas Boolululu. Jamal misses him dearly!
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