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Everything posted by tylxrrr

  1. To be honest, I wouldn't recommend for a new player to get straight into criminal RP. It takes a lot of resources to be profitable and successful. However, once you get those resources, it can be extremely profitable. As @TheCactus said, the more tables you got, the more money. Most people start off with a legal job, and then slowly drift into criminal RP. In this server specifically, "easy money" is through legal jobs, but the amount of money you earn is not much. "Hard money" is through criminal activities, but you can make a lot. The reason why you aren't seeing the reward is because you don't have many resources. Also, about the information being hard to obtain. It really depends who you talk to. Some people may tell you all the recipes and tell you who you can get stuff from. Others may not. That is just life. I believe the design of criminal RP being harder than legal RP is so that there can be more legals than criminals which makes sense. But yeah...I would recommend for you to pursue a legal job before going to criminal stuff...if you want to be successful. Build your way up! Good luck!
  2. Yeah, the point is that they could. That is why it is an in-character issue. There are no OOC rules behind it. Either the cop cares or they don't. Simple. You can then figure out what you would like to do ICly. RP injuries or something depending on your character. Not sure if that would be alt-RP but I would check with staff to be sure.
  3. Yeah, I mean it is up to the cop if they care. I am sure there are cops IRL that don't care if you have medical reasons or not. That is the IC part. You could IA report them, etc.
  4. I think this is more of an in-character issue. You could complain to the commissioners or protest for better policing or something. I am guessing that the admin probably thought the notice for health reasons is alt-rp? Alt-RP is very broad and it is definitely frustrating not knowing what is alt-rp and what is not. If it turns out that it was denied as it is alt-RP, then you could make an alt-RP request to carry around some type of ID that shows you have to wear a mask for health reasons. You could then show the cop your ID and have a /do like "/do There would be writing that states 'This person under law has the right to wear a face covering due to medical reasons'" or something along those lines.
  5. tylxrrr

    IC/ OOC

    But, there is the internet in real life. The RP setting does not take place in the 50s or something. Today, we do fill out a lot of forms on the internet. The government forums is IC as well.
  6. +1 Although I am basically a legal at this point... As Mr. Jake has said, people usually sell their drugs once they are at high demand, so they can make a nice profit. Receiving only the monetary value instead of the drugs does not allow for the chance of RP when driving/selling the drugs as well. Also if the person is in an official faction, those possible influence points are important!
  7. +1 Bala is the suggestion god.
  8. I agree. I don't want this to be taken lightly or be for petty stuff. It should be for more serious stuff.
  9. This^^^ As Mr. Jake has said, there seems to be some confusion on how the system works and even I am confused on how it works. Like...is this a true statement?
  10. +1 Need car to be nice any shiny!
  11. Usually before someone cooks, they gather all their materials including the water they need. Let's say Criminal A was going to cook some LSD. Their list for the cook may be: Gather Ingredient 1 Gather Ingredient 2 Gather Ingredient 3 Gather Ingredient 4 Refill Water Bottles Criminal A then goes out with a large vehicle and some crates to check off their list. If the suggestion is implemented, refilling water bottles would be off the list. However, they still have to get the other ingredients, so they still have to leave anyways. It really doesn't change much. If anything, it saves on gas to go to the ocean and saves time. The risk may be lower since you will be out of your lab for a shorter period since you do not have to refill water anymore, but that is really about it. I do not believe something this minuscule buff to criminals out weighs a nice addition to civilian RP. This is a civilian suggestion after all. Just my thoughts though.
  12. +1 With the drug thing, I disagree as well. You still have to always go out and get materials anyways. When I was cooked, I rarely went out to only get water. I would usually get water while I get materials. So if this suggestion was implemented, not much would really change. You still have to go get materials. This is a nice little suggestion for civilians. If you are having friends over, you can easily get them some water from your sink. It is the little things that count.
  13. This is a really good point. It is like a double-edged sword to be honest. Someone could be like, "It is only a 5 minute wait. I'll just wait." or "What?! A hour long wait?! I'll just take the L".
  14. Current situation: When you make a /report in-game, it just says that your report has been submitted. What am I suggesting? When you make a /report in-game, it should tell you how many people are ahead of you and an estimated wait time. How? I am assuming for the most part, reports are taken in a first-in, first-out(FIFO) fashion, so the following plan should work out nicely. There is a category for questions, bugs, rule breakers, and urgent rule breakers. Let me lay out a situation on how this can work: Question Reports: 6 reports -> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Bug Reports: 5 reports -> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 Rule breaker Reports: 4 reports -> 0, 1, 2, 3 Urgent Rule breaker Reports: 3 reports -> 0, 1, 2 Jamal_Lau falls through a property floor and does the following: "/report 2 I have fallen through a property floor." Bug Reports: 5 reports -> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 -> Bug Reports: 6 reports -> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Jamal's report ID is 5 and there are 5 reports ahead of him. Once he does his /report, the chat can display the following: "There are currently 5 reports ahead of you" or it could show up at the top of the screen. Let's say report ID 0 is resolved, then the chat can display the following: "There are currently 4 reports ahead of you" or it could show up at the top of the screen. This process of updating the amount of reports ahead of the reporter would continue until their report is accepted. For the estimated wait time, the following can be done: From when a report is put in till it is resolved can be timed. This can be done for each report and these times can be averaged. Once we have the average time for each report, it can be multiplied by the amount of reports ahead of a reporter. For Jamal's situation, let's say the average time per report is 3 minutes. We know that there are 4 reports ahead of Jamal. This means that Jamal's estimated wait time would be 12 minutes. The chat can display the following: "The estimated wait time is currently: 12 minutes" or it could show up at the top of the screen. This average would continuously change as reports are resolved to give a more accurate time. Putting these two ideas together, once someone uses /report, then the chat can display the following: "There are currently 4 reports ahead of you and the estimated wait time is 12 minutes" To be honest, I am not sure if this is the best/correct way to get an estimated wait time, but I think it could work. Why? It can be frustrating to not know when your report is being accepted or if there are even any staff available since /amembers was disabled. This would give people an idea on when their report would be accepted.
  15. The time varies. It could be up to 48 hours. Also, this isn't the section you should post this. Use the Discord for questions. You get faster responses.
  16. There is a lack of reports as people usually do follow the rule. You cannot report someone for following the rules. However, the problem is with the rule itself. If player A is being racist to player B and player B asks to stop OOCly. The damage is already done whereas if player A asked beforehand, then no damage is done. I would not say the rule is becoming stricter but the way how the rule is executed is changed. Current Rule: Offensive Language -> Person cares about the language -> Asks in OOC to stop Offensive Language -> Person does not care about the language -> Nothing happens Suggested Rule: OOC Consent -> Yes -> Offensive Language OOC Consent -> No -> Nothing happens When the current rule is followed, there is a 50/50 chance that offensive language bothers them. If it does bother them, then damage is done. Essentially, there is a 50% chance that you offend someone with the current rule. When the suggested rule is followed, there is also a 50/50 chance that offensive language bothers them. However, if the language does bother them, no damage would be done as the situation is prevented. Essentially, there is a 0% chance that you offend someone with the suggested rule. Obviously this is in a perfect world where everyone follows the rules, which will not happen. However, rules are usually made with the hope of people following the rules and if you do not, then you are punished. The suggested rule focuses more on preventive action rather than corrective action. I think preventive action works better with offensive language as this type of language could reach an OOC level. In a perfect world, we would want everyone to keep things as an IC level, but offensive language is more likely to reach an OOC level. It is the same thing with extreme roleplay. The reason why you need OOC consent is as it may make people feel uncomfortable OOCly. If you are torturing someone ICly without consent, you have already made that person feel uncomfortable. The extreme roleplay rule prevents this from happening. It should be the same with offensive language as offensive language can make people feel uncomfortable OOCly. Once again, I am sure there are quite a bit of people who do not care. Personally, torture RP does not make me uncomfortable, but I am sure it does to some people. The percentage of people who do care about offensive language should have the option to opt out of racist RP, homophobic RP, etc just as they do with extreme roleplay.
  17. I probably should've been more specific about this, but I don't mean that you would need OOC consent for like saying the N word without the hard R. That would be quite bad. However, If you want to use slurs in a manner to make someone feel bad or to cause shock then you would need consent. It is more of the way how the words are used which could causes issues. Some words are not even racist or homophobic unless you use it a certain way. Being clearly racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc is where I think consent should be needed. There shouldn't be petty reports involving this, but more outright offensive language.
  18. Yeah, it is restricting the organic RP, but it is a sacrifice that should be made. Wouldn't you agree that having a more welcoming community is more important than an organic feeling? The only word that bothers me personally is the hard R which has already been added to gross RP, so whether or not this rule gets implemented, it won't affect me, but I am looking out for the rest of the community here. I agree that if you are sensitive that you should not be playing GTA as nothing is really enforced, but you have to realize that I am talking about this specific RP community. In this community, it is very much possible to enforce such a rule. Enforcing this rule would allow for a much more welcoming community which is what I am sure people want. I just do not see how an organic feeling is more important than having a more welcoming community. I mean organic feeling has to be restricted in certain aspects besides this such as the power gaming rule. You have to wait for someone to respond to your /me before doing a forceful command which restricts organic role play. However, it is just a sacrifice that has to be made to make sure people don't power game. In all honesty, this suggested rule is not even as bad as waiting for someone to respond to a /me. You could continue talking to the person as you wait for them to respond to your /pm regarding OOC consent.
  19. Even if you are forgiven, depending on how much the comment affected the person, you still may have ruined their experience. I am sure that there are people who do not care about the offensive language and they will be completely fine, but that is not for everyone. To add on that as well, forgiveness is not guaranteed. I am not completely restricting the RP, you just have to ask in OOC if it is okay to say. This is the same with gross RP and to say the hard R in an offensive manner. "With that said, we want to make it clear that the use of the N-word with a hard "R" meant to be an offensive comment toward another player is considered disgusting roleplay not just offensive language. This means that if you intend to use the word in the offensive manner, or in a manner which is clearly meant to cause shock value on an OOC level, you must gain prior OOC consent from everyone able to witness this." This rule would be simply adding more to what needs OOC consent. I do agree that it would damage the organic feel though, but I much rather sacrifice organic feel over the possibility of ruining someone's night over something that could've been avoided. I actually logged out after situation because of offensive language before. If the rule is followed, it almost guarantees that people will not feel like garbage over an offensive language situation due to it being avoided completely. Even though we have a large player base, it will help with retention rate as well, because I know some people who have left the community due to offensive language situations. Some things take sacrifices and I definitely believe that someone's feelings is much more important than organic feel.
  20. Below I have listed the current rule on offensive language. 30/JUN/2020 Changed under 6. Advertising and Public Chat OLD: Players may use offensive language in IC chat for roleplay but not excessively. NEW: Players may use offensive language in IC chat for roleplay but not excessively, and must stop if asked by another player OOCly. CLARIFICATION: While we respect the fact that we're a roleplay server and we expect community members to create their fictional characters and RP around them, we also want our community to be welcoming for everyone. It's important that you understand that it should make RP sense for your character to behave in a way it does, whether that's being racist, homophobic etc - At some point, it becomes someone pushing their OOC ideology onto their IC character, thinking it's acceptable. This minor change does not pertain to the usage of offensive language OOCly. We will not tolerate e.g. racial slurs OOCly, whether it's to a friend or someone else, it does not have any place on our platform. This change only strengthens the ability for players to be more comfortable playing on our server, and feel more welcoming. What am I suggesting? I am suggesting that the rule on offensive language become: Players may use offensive language in IC chat for roleplay if and only if they get OOC consent from players around them. Why? This rule suggestion stemmed from me reading a discussion in #i-have-a-question earlier today about the offensive language rule. I understand that people may want to roleplay a racist character or a sexist character, but even though a slur may be used ICly, there is still an actual person on the other side. That IC slur may still affect someone on the other side of the screen. Now, in many other roleplay communities, offensive language is not even allowed at all! I feel disgusting saying this, but we should be grateful we are able to use offensive language in our roleplay, However, I think we could do better with this rule. By the time a homophobic slur is said ICly, the damage is already done and saying OOCly not to use that language is like putting a band aid on a gunshot wound. It just does not make any sense. I know people may reply to this suggestion saying "It is just in-character" or "It is just roleplay" or "It happens in real-life" or "You are soft", but honestly, it is just about acknowledging that you are talking to an actual human being and you do not know their OOC situation. It is just about being a decent human being and having respect. I considered making this rule suggestion about not allowing offensive language at all, but I do not want to restrict people's roleplay. To use offensive language ICly, all you would have to do is look at the IDs around you and PM each person asking for consent for racism or whatever it may be. Example: "/pm 16 Do you mind me being homophobic ICly?" or anything along those lines. I understand that "offensive language" is quite vague, so I will list somethings what would fall under it. Offensive Language Racism Homophobia Xenophobia Transphobia Sexism These are just some stuff that came to mind, but I trust that people would know what would fall under offensive language. I think that concludes this suggestion. I believe everyone will be on-board with this suggestion as it is about having a more welcoming community. Please feel free to give your opinions below. EDIT: The rule should not cover petty things or be a way to report someone over a little thing, but for outright racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism. For petty acts, it would be the same as the current rule where you ask OOCly for them to stop. The last thing I would want is to for people to start report wars over this rule.
  21. +1 When I bought my credit vehicle, I didn't even know that it could be refunded. If you wanted to test drive a vehicle, then you would do it as you would a normal vehicle. Ask a friend to try out their car, not buy the credit vehicle and then refund it. With the scrap vehicles, I agree as well. Scrapyard vehicles are already not great RPly, if they were chopped, then they should be permanently retired.
  22. I live in Chicago and honestly, you can get robbed pretty easily downtown, even though it is populated. My university campus is right in downtown Chicago and I haven't been down there due to remote learning, but will be going in the fall. I am trying to figure out how to take precautions with not getting robbed for my laptop or something because it does happen quite often. It even may be armed robberies at times. I've heard students get shot because of an armed robbery downtown. Now, I am not a criminal IRL, yet I still have to take precaution with not getting robbed as a citizen even in a populated city. Moving onto Eclipse, there shouldn't be citizens being robbed because it will be abused and people with take things too far as we have seen in the previous years. But, I think it should be completely fine to be able to rob a rival gang member wherever. It shouldn't be for no reason, but the player theft rule should definitely be loosened up with gang members. It definitely feels like it breaks immersion not being able to rob a rival gang member because of an OOC rule. I really think the player theft rule helped a lot for our citizens but it hurt the gang members. Staff should try allowing rival gang members to be exempt from the player theft rule and see how it plays out. If it is abused, then the rule could be reverted.
  23. Each support member has different standards. What probably happened was a support member let a question slide and said it was right. The next support member said it was wrong because they are more strict. The questions aren’t multiple choice. They are free response and can be interpreted in different ways. It all depends on the person reviewing it. The rules are pretty broad as well.
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