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Zoah last won the day on June 23 2022

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  1. +1 was going to make this suggestion myself. Sitting there on the pavement with some gauze and pressure on 10 GSW's is not realistic(need blood transfusions and surgery to stop internal bleeding at a hospital etc). Stabilization should be temporary !
  2. -1 We don't need any more limitations and tedious shit to deal with as Crims...
  3. Nice suggestion. Sometimes the mechanic's RP takes longer than the script repair
  4. Lately with my GMT+9 timezone it's been frustrating waiting sometimes an hour when I work 7 days a week and get 3-5 hours a day to play video games. I bet this issue is low on the Dev's priorities considering there's an argument for RP's sake. Maybe a compromise; if there are 5-10 + cops on duty it isn't automated ; if there's not 5-10 cops online it's automated
  5. +1 for logical realism Make it so your phone acts as a GPS but leave it so you can buy a GPS to be able to see the map without having your phone on. A GPS is a separate piece of technology from a phone...
  6. +1 Clean suggestion, will be visually pleasing and modern as well
  7. +1, RPLY it doesn't make too much sense to have to illegally import a ventilator system. I always felt goofy importing those via shipments
  8. The turf decay system was developed and balanced off of the old drug and money laundering capabilities prior to these updates. This has obviously made it quite a bit harder to maintain turfs. There are always unintended consequences with these updates, sometimes it's hard to think of them all before releasing the changes. Despite the good intentions of the update some further changes definitely need to be made to accomplish the original perceived goal. I would love to see people get out of their properties and be forced to RP to produce drugs and make money. The goal of making it so people don't have to sit in their houses/apartments/properties for hours was not accomplished. The main reason criminals do that is to order items from the Black Market. In order to maintain turfs criminals will have to spend even MORE time cooking to compensate for slower drug production from the table heat randomness nerf and the water bottle nerf. No matter what some players are going to want to grind money and not RP as much as others. Different people enjoy different aspects of Eclipse, if the idea is to drive out players that don't enjoy a server that only offers civilian RP and high risk no reward Crim RP then the update is fine. Maybe I'm not the type of player that ECRP wants on their server. This is just my analysis of the situation. The money laundering issue is horrid, the benefit of doing banks was that you were able to sell a higher $ value of packed cash to a single launderer in a single sell. Now with the 2000$ packs you get less influence and less money from your cash. With a constant strain already on money launderer turfs prior to the update this just creates more frustration and demotivation for criminals. I can see that the .50 and pump were deemed overpowered for their price to power ratio. I don't understand how the conclusion to just simply buff every other weapon by 50% was come to. It just seems not thought out well or tested well. So many unique weapons with unique powers and different useful situations being given a blanket multi weapon buff by the same 50% value can in no way be balanced. It's just going to change the meta, people are going to figure out what's best for their $ and gets them the most kills. My solutions to these problems. (not considering the planned drug update that I know nothing about) Drugs- remove the random heating effect. add water to certain furniture pieces. Or add actual value to the drug labs. Then instead of people killing each other at labs out of boredom there would be an RP monetary reason for conflict and control to be maintained of labs. Money Laundering- either make it so you can combine stacks of packed stolen cash into 1 stack or add a 3 minute timer to Money Launderer NPC's where all money laundered within the 3 minutes all sells for the same price/influence. Banks- Add a little more time allowed between aiming at the tellers. Sometimes poor ping and lag causes a bank to fail because 2 players were milliseconds off of each other on aiming at the tellers. This wastes the time of Cops and Crims. Why should players have to look at each others ping to see if theirs matches when trying to hands up some bank teller ladies? It feels very OOC and not immersive. Weapons- This doesn't bother me much as people who are heavily into PVP will just find the new meta and the supply/demand of those new best weapons will follow. This is a bit annoying for people who stashed many weapons that WERE good. It's pretty hard to RPly justify a change as big as 50% dmg increase. Like Woah !! these weapons that were sitting in my safe are all of a sudden killing people significantly faster... And these ones aren't.
  9. HUGE -1 This just seems like it would cause rule breaks and trolling...
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