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Head Administrator
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Posts posted by Osborn

  1. 27/APR/2020

    Added under 14. Deathmatch (DM)

    • Vehicles cannot be used as a weapon in an active shootout unless it's unavoidable when fleeing an active shootout.
    • CLARIFICATION: This was added after deliberation among staff and reading community input from the forums, it's clear that players in cars are more invincible than they realistically would be, thus making vehicles a stronger weapon than actual guns in most scenarios. You will no longer be able to use your vehicle as a weapon against other players if it's in an active shootout. Adhering to the Fear RP rule, you can only enter that shootout if you intend to use your car as cover, or to help a friend escape. If you are fleeing from a shootout with your car, and ramming someone is unavoidable, that's fine. 

    Added under 15. Player Theft, Prison Breakout, and Kidnapping

    • Robberies are to be conducted in a realistic manner and require the robber to have a reasonable in character motive. High risk, but little reward robberies are deemed unrealistic and should not be performed. Robberies should be performed in secluded areas where there is a low chance to be seen by witnesses.

    Read for clarification:


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  2. Law Enforcement officers are already required to submit search warrants reviewed by their Chief and then one of the 4 Commissioners before they can raid a property (property as in business, house etc). The only other time they can raid a property is if they have probable cause, which is heavily enforced In Character. To be honest with you, I've not come across an Internal Affairs report in a very long time regarding an unlawful property search. I don't think we need OOC server rules around it, there's only a select few that can ram down doors out of all the members that the faction has. Deliberately ignoring the regulations put in place would violate the OOC corruption rules in PD/SD and most likely lead to the removal of said member. In the event of a massive loss due to abuse of power/commands, Senior Staff can always intervene and make sure items or monetary value are properly returned.

    The 911 call that is submitted is deliberately designed to inform both FD and Law Enforcement of an explosion, which should prompt the response of both departments. It's what we wanted to ensure a % chance of drug making being regulated by Law Enforcement when the new portable system was put into place, as we understood that a larger portion of our playerbase would be cooking drugs and making profit out of it. We wanted a risk factor to it. I understand this is not currently the case (in terms of a larger portion of the playerbase using it), but as I've understood it, faction leaders have been speaking with NBDY to give him ideas on how to improve the system. 

    I don't think it's healthy to limit what type of units can respond to a call, if a tactical unit happened to be nearby I don't see why they couldn't go and check the explosion out.

    Other than that, I cannot comment on the rest as I'm not too familiar with timers, % chances, or many of the other drug table features. 


  3. 27/APR/2020

    Clarification around Kidnapping and Player Robberies

    • If a player wants to conduct a robbery on another player, they can move them out of sight e.g. into an alleyway or behind a building as long as it's not to an entire new location.  This is not considered kidnapping, however, all other rules applies. 
    • Like 8


    Auction Rules

    1. Before you place a bid, be sure to research the auctioned item, so you do not regret buying it.
    2. Do not post here, unless you intend to place a bid.
    3. Do not participate in the auction, if you already own a business. (let others get a chance).
    4. Starting bid is $1,000,000 and minimum growth is $200.000.
    5. Post your first and last name, or your bid will be deleted.
    6. The auction is planned to close on 27th of April, 13:00 (UTC).
    7. The auction rules can be updated at any time (ex.: minimum bid, deadline changes)
    8. Any attempts to circumvent the rules during or after the auction, by e.g. having a friend purchase the business with your money but you take the profit / manage the business, will result in your bid being deleted or business seized without a refund.
    9. If a bid is placed on the closing time, the auction will be open for another 30 minutes to give everyone a fair chance
    10. Must have the money at the time of placing the bid

    Auction Rules

    Paleto Bay Liquor Store (General Store) - Starting bid at $1,000,000 - auction will close in 24 hours. Bids must be made within increments of $200,000. 


    • Like 4
  5. Hello, thank you for your suggestion.

    We will not be expiring / removing older punishments from player's records, instead, staff handles situations case by case basis. They have a general guideline that they follow when they are issuing punishments but they are instructed and trained to take into consideration the time between punishments and severity of the situation. For example, a DM #2 will not always result in a ban, neither will a Non-RP #6. 

    - Osborn.

    • Like 1
  6. Thank you for your suggestion.

    We made a change to our internal punishment guidelines about 2 weeks ago to separate Combat Logging from our Non RP punishments. While they will be more harsher now, it will not result in a permanent ban on your first or second punishment, unless there is a strong reason for it.

    - Osborn.

    • Like 6
  7. 24/APR/2020

    Changed under 8. Non-Roleplay (NRP)

    • OLD: Players may not go to a NCZ within 15 minutes after engaging in criminal activity, unless you are turning yourself into law enforcement.
    • NEW: Players may not go to a NCZ within 15 minutes after engaging in criminal activity or using it as protection from a resulting chase, unless you are turning yourself in to law enforcement.
    • CLARIFICATION: Simple re-wording. Rule remains the same.

      Moderators+ still reserve the right to exercise discretion under "Non-Roleplay" on whether someone's actions are unrealistic or promotes poor quality roleplay. They can ask players to leave No Crime Zones.

    Clarification around Pets and Player Interactions

    • Staff will treat pets the same that we do with rules around players attacking empty cars. It should make roleplay sense to attack an animal, and players going around randomly attacking animals (pets) will be held under 8. Non-Roleplay as it promotes poor quality roleplay. Owners of pets will need to properly escalate the level of verbal / physical interaction against someone attacking their pet to a level where it makes roleplay sense. We will not tolerate players being KILLED over their pets as pets are invincible and run no risk of being harmed from another player.


    Clarification around Clothes and Robberies

    • Players may not go around randomly robbing players and taking their clothes. Taking a player's clothes should make roleplay sense. Staff will enforce this under 8. Non-Roleplay as it promotes poor quality roleplay.
    • Like 8
  8. Thank you for your suggestion.

    You are more than welcome to post individual suggestions for individual features that you wish to suggest for either side of the field (crim/civilian/legal) (to make it easier for developers). I'm not sure where you are getting your information from but National Guard isn't a thing, and will probably never be an official thing. The only time you'd ever see that is if there's some type of alternative role-play going on which Senior Staff can approve, but there's no development effort needed for that.

    The same goes for the San Andreas Aviation Service, there is no development effort that goes into it. It's something that @BallinByNature has created and it's purely role-play with the script support that is already in place. Again, there is no development effort that has gone into this, he has been making use of what's already on the server. 

    It's important to keep yourself informed through accurate sources.

    For the record, we will not limit ourselves to implementing new branches in factions and/or new legal factions if they require no development effort to implement, and there's a specific need for it. Our Development team that consists of NBDY and Osvaldon is trying to update the server with as many features as they possibly can create, and that we want to have. While the criminal side of the community is eager for updates, we also have a civilian side, and legal factions (DCC/Bayview/LSC/DOC/Weazel/LSSD/LSPD) all who wants old features updated and new features scripted. This next update will bring some new and updated features for those who role-play as a criminal, and some for civilians.

    - Osborn.

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  9. Hey, out of curiosity, what was your thought process when you put these down together:


    Panic alarm - 1.5 seconds 

    Changing Frequency - 1 second. 

    Turning off the phone - 1 second. 

    How come you put panic alarm at 1.5 seconds and the other two, at 1 second? When panic alarm is just a button on the radio that needs to be quickly pressed, which is the same as changing your radio frequency if you have it binded to a SHIFT+KEYBIND. 

    Just trying to get an understanding of what agenda you had when you made this suggestion.

  10. g6PuNDs.png


    All cars are almost fully modified, with the exception of Suspension and Turbo which are at 1/5 or 1/2. The Hakuchou Drag is at 2/2 Turbo, and 8F Drafter at 3/5 Suspension. 

    8F Drafter - $600,000 - Paleto Bay High End SOLD
    Hakuchou Drag - $1,100,000 - Paleto Bay High End SOLD
    Neon - $899,999 - Vespucci High End
    Cheetah Classic - $600,000 - Paleto Bay High End

    All vehicles were originally purchased from Hayes Dealership, except for the Hakuchou Drag, I have no clue who I purchased it from. 

    • Like 1
  11. Hello, as I replied to your message, we are comfortable with the response times on appeals right now.

    Some situations are more controversial than others, some situations are larger than others et cetera, there's plenty of reasons that prompts further deliberation with other Senior Staff. Just because an appeal is pending a Head Administrator, it does not necessarily mean that it's not an appeal that requires further discussion. 

    With that being said, I'll go ahead and archive this.

    Thank you,
    - Osborn.

  12. Hello, thank you for your suggestion.

    At the moment, we are comfortable with what we're offering to new players or current players for questions. We've got a report option for questions that Support Staff handles (and sometimes Moderators+), and we also have a questions channel on our discord server. Those two things should be sufficient for a player to receive answers for their questions.

    - Osborn.

  13. 2/APR/2020

    Changed under 8. Non-Roleplay (NRP):

    • OLD: Players who disconnect during roleplay must reconnect and inform other parties in order to resume roleplay. If you are unable to reconnect it may be excused after providing proof.
    • NEW: 
      Players who disconnect during roleplay must reconnect and inform other parties in order to resume roleplay. If you are unable to reconnect it may be excused after providing proof that would give you a valid reason not to return.
    • CLARIFICATION: No major change, just wording. If you cannot return to a role-play situation after crashing due to circumstances, you need to have some form of proof to provide a Moderator+ to potentially be excused. We have also added a discord channel #crash-reports where you can notify staff and players of unexpected crashes from role-play scenes, so that they know when they can expect you to return to conclude the role-play. It's still the player's responsibility to make an effort to inform staff / players involved.

    Changed under 11. No Crime Zones:

    • OLD: Players may not go to a NCZ after engaging in criminal activity resulting in an ongoing chase.
    • NEW: Players may not go to a NCZ within 15 minutes after engaging in criminal activity, unless you are turning yourself into law enforcement.
    • CLARIFICATION: No Crime Zones weren't meant for an OOC safe haven against retaliation and so forth. If you've done any form of criminal activity within the last 15 minutes, whether it results in a chase or not, you should not take advantage of the OOC protection that No Crime Zones gives. They were not intended for this purpose. The only reason why you'd do this is if you are turning yourself into law enforcement present at the area. 

      Moderators+ still reserve the right to exercise discretion under "Non-Roleplay" on whether someone's actions are unrealistic or promotes poor quality roleplay. They can ask players to leave No Crime Zones.


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  14. Hello. As previous suggestions, we have no intentions to let legal factions be looted off weapons which this essentially results in.


     If a gang steals one of these crates, they can be stored in their warehouse and the materials can be converted into weapons

    It has been explained in detail on about 5 suggestions already why we don't want this to happen.

    While we appreciate the suggestion, this system sounds like a system tried on SA-MP which was supported by an army faction, which had access to weaponized vehicles that was often used to protect the transports and facilities holding the crates. This is something that we don't have and most likely won't have in future, and I am sure that the criminal side of this community appreciate the fact that we don't (an army that is). 

    As for equipment (weapons / vehicles) having a cost to the faction, it's simply not supported by the script right now, but I'd imagine that the developers has planned for weapons and vehicles to deduct a certain amount from the faction treasury. 

    I will go ahead and close this before it kicks off, and refer you to read previous suggestions on this subject.

    - Osborn.


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  15. 14/MAR/2020

    Changed under 8. Non-Roleplay (NRP):

    • OLD: Spawning a scripted work vehicle and using it for crimes or submerging any vehicle in water.
    • NEW: 
      • Spawning a scripted work vehicle and using it for anything other than its intended purpose.
      • Submerging any vehicle in water or unrealistically beaching any watercraft.

    • CLARIFICATION: Wording change and separation of submersion rule. 
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