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Everything posted by branning12

  1. This has got to be in the works right? Regardless. +1
  2. Something very similar to Facebook/Twitter is coming to mind. There are plenty of examples already being used! I just feel that it's obvious we live in current time in the server but lack the technology/social media that we deal with everyday. Would make more sense of how word gets around so fast about everything, and just connecting with the community ICly.
  3. Hell something, better than doing nothing I guess.
  4. I personally enjoy whenever someone buys a new business/creates their own and it stays successful or even just steady. It appears many fall flat on their face before the week is done. Having a system that treats business similar to factions, such as hiring and firing through an actual process and employees working on hourly wage while "on duty." Would give owners and employees a reason to actually work. Let's say someone just got hired to work at a grocery store, and must sell items to other players to earn a wage. Keeping inventory in check would be a great manger duty as well. Anyone else want to see something change about businesses?
  5. Personally can't say much for the longer sentences, due to the fact that you can have plenty of RP in 6 hours or less. Depending on your sentencing. Longer sentencing doesn't seem it would fix the issue, there just needs to be some sort of involvement/activities for both DOC and inmates to do.
  6. I've heard great ideas followed by amazingly built interiors. Then they just go on a real estate selling spree or something. Lots of hotels were in production and would have been really cool RP wise, but just didn't finish or even started.
  7. Hope you are enjoying everything so far, played SAMP for years on both NGG and LSRP. Hopefully, you can bring some of your own flair and skills into the faction system. Had to remind myself to keep the same RP habits and create a world of stories. Don't let other's discourage you!
  8. It appears that many businesses either don't survive very long or don't get finished etc.. Having a bar that employs the bartender/necessary workers and many people just hang out or go to socialize is something that appears to missing or the business disappears after a week or so. The events at the Mirror Park Tavern are fucking awesome, however it's also the perfect place just to talk to strangers or invite the boys out and have a night on the town. Veterans/Business Guru's, what is something that you believe would do well, as an actual business? Also, just to cure my curiosity why do people throw so much time and resources in creating a unique business but never lasts?
  9. This shit is so genius, I can't wait to see more
  10. Reading/seeing this group succeed is so awesome. Keeping it realistic to the "gangbanger" lifestyles, as well as keeping everyone on their toes with their RP adventures. Nicely done.
  11. All of these cars would be a great addition to the server. Give a bit more character, than the ones we are familiar with.
  12. I agree, many "tactical" stores throughout the State's and pretty easy to obtain.
  13. I'm unsure if RAGEMP can read HTML pages, I'm sure it can but that's waay above my head. I was messing around the past few days, and it would be insanely easy for us to have our own version of "LifeInvader." Just need the good to go from the developers/founders.
  14. It seems that many of you in the community have agreed on a lot of similar things. However, after the usual banter and recalling past memories(OOC/IC) it led to another argument. This is one of the things that makes me wonder, how many people actually roleplay? Everyone was on the same track, and it turned into deeper matters. We went from a RP server telling others and themselves, that recently it hasn't been a RP server. It has slowly devolved into some, economy server or some type of "Second Life" sim. Of course some of you guys out there are still killing it as always,(Big Al at Bayview), but I don't know if it's the constant need to grind, or feel like you're falling behind. Simply because, you wanted the OTHER business property next to yours. Knowing you'll have to get something else, and never do anything with these. Arguing about who's going to get all the super-cars, so you can sell them for even higher. You didn't even think about remodeling those two hotels, and left them there so nobody else could give it a shot. Now with the lack of small apartments, or even hotel rooms. The server has become a real estate agents, wet dream. Admins or whoever is normally supposed to be involved in things in this nature, you didn't think of property taxes? Realizing, that with a literal 1% owning everything, it ruins so many good things that could come about and really change this server around. Bars/Nightclubs in every other neighborhood, South LS could be crazy good. Now, it appears to be some form of a finish line. Like we are all racing to a server end point, which is odd. You aren't supposed to let a server control your characters story/your character just jump on board with what the "entire world" is doing. However, it seems to be the case. Perhaps we are beyond fixing, coming to a sense of reality, where PD isn't portrayed as literal monsters. Only because of the lack of RP, (arrests, their word over yours, simply just wanting to drop you off at prison so they can patrol again.) Also, a very fine line, between "gang bangers & organized crime families." If the Zetas in IRL where in the same state with the triads, there would be no more costumes for any of it's members. As well as, the "gang bangers" not dressing like Robin Hood, and be more focused with terrorizing Fisherman with GPS's and more focused on selling drugs, and other(more creative) crimes, to pay their keep. Maybe that will keep the screaming, "Bank Rats" from telling every New Player&Player's about how awesssome running drugs are. Once again, I've began to ramble on, just like many will in the comments. We realize the problems, some don't know they are problems, simply because I guess they forgot it was a RP server. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to get back into those "LSRP" days, after a cool night filled with RP events and nobody lost a small fortune or started a war. It would take change, and retraining our minds what proper RP is, but we can really make a difference, and bring the community together(OOC) so we can all have those good RP IC moments. TLDR: We all know the problems. From New Players being here for a day, to Staff being here since the beginning. Now let's fix them together, as players, so we don't have to play with a toxic IC & OOC community.
  15. You're not wrong, I had maybe 3 characters killed in LSRP in various biker gangs. One was a hot shot who wouldn't shut up, and the 2nd one tried to overstep and think about his morals. And the 3rd followed orders, but was killed by another MC. So, one of the things that I've always felt as a player on this server was. It doesn't matter what I say or do IC'y because it's just going to be a rinse and repeat.
  16. And that entire process just doesn't sit right with me. I say process, because it appears you've seen the same exact product.
  17. That's what I had said in my OP, doesn't make a whole lot of sense for someone to suddenly become a demi-god simply because they are baptized in a certain color. Typically, a leader would teach his younger guys a little discipline and how to act around another leader or whatever the case is. Don't know very many gangs who would go to war with another simply over their younger guys. I also stated that the city wide urge to constantly be stepping on the little guy or figuring out a way to always rip somebody off, just because they don't want to work hard and build a character or a story arch. They just want to ride around sports cars, and make it all one color. Why? Well, it seems that you and I have played on different servers possibly SAMP as well? I just got a really good feeling that some of these folks don't really have the urge to keep roleplaying after they have reached their "Nirvana" and simply stop caring about playing a character or never did
  18. The entire thing would be better off just getting reworked, that way you don't have to wait for on-duty and all that good stuff. I'm not quite understanding the increase in reward, though. It's just like knocking off your local 7/11 with three other people. Doesn't seem like it's going to be a good take regardless.
  19. Good job idea however, this quote is bothering me. Perhaps if the role-playing as a whole was set to a standard and enforced, there wouldn't be a need to implement grindy static to static jobs that you and I both know that there will be zero RP being done. It feels like actual character involvement, is not a thing. With a server of over 250+ many wish to avoid others completely while grinding for their cash. Then when the robbers come around and take their easy pray, everything becomes a problem again. Also, more RISK always means that when caught or god forbid you have to speak to another character, you just dip the fuck out.
  20. Damn, went straight from lowering possible perception to just straight up "fuck y'all's rain."
  21. Oh no doubt, however I don't think it should be gravy train. Robbing your local 24/7 IRL is typically known as high risk-low reward. Typically associated with smaller street gangs, or people who are beyond down on their luck.
  22. What benefit would I really have to rob a corner store in the first place? Typically the stores are right open for everyone to see anyway. Also, haven't seen too many people IRL even successfully escape after small time robberies such as this.
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