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Everything posted by KCAJ

  1. KCAJ


    -1 its IC
  2. A cash safe that you can put money into. So if you and your friend or a group of people have a business yous can all access it and put money into it instead of putting it in to one persons bank account and having to wait for them to come on.
  3. On the rules section there could be a video tutorial of how to perform fear RP or any other rules. The video could consist of ways the rule is not performed and the way it should be. Because I feel like some people might not understand the rule from text format and this may seem easier for them to understand by video. Yes I understand every situation will be different but it just might help new players and other people who are unsure.
  4. Cool i actually don't care, why you salty over the smallest thing?
  5. KCAJ

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