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Everything posted by Exodical

  1. +1 I have the same problem with my brother.
  2. Same since I have a bag that weighs 500+
  3. I know but if it makes my stash unusable its kinda annoying.
  4. +1 I feel like it should be removed aswell because it brought a lot of issues and bugs into the game.
  5. Date and time (provide timezone): EU Amsterdam 1/1 2019 Character name: Lucas Daniels Issue/bug you are reporting: Stash is unusable for me since the newly added weight system, as you can see in the GIF my stash has to much weight. I also feel like this system brought to many issues and problems. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://gyazo.com/19c2aa6cd7161607128f29fe6f6d89c9
  6. +1 Me and my brother share the same house, but the problem now is we have 2 elegy retro's. I think you should be able to see the license plates so you know which car is from who, because we keep taking out the wrong car.
  7. @Osvaldon But now when i open my inventory and try to open the stash the same happens as in the video.
  8. @Osvaldon It did work but i had to switch all my items in the stash with an item in my inventory to actually see the stuff thats in my stash.
  9. Me and my friend share the same house and he has the same problem.
  10. Date and time (provide timezone): 8/27/18 EU Amsterdam Character name: Lucas Daniels Issue/bug you are reporting: Stash not working. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdk4Ndc-gCI&feature=youtu.b
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