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Everything posted by DeanThompson

  1. One of the things I find annoying roleplaying as a cop, people don't use drugs. I'd love to roll up on people roleplaying doing drugs in a back alley, have a little chase and bust them. There needs to be an incentive for players to roleplay using drugs.
  2. Simple suggestion: Add a reason parameter to /impound so we can see WHY the vehicle was impounded. /impound [licence plate] [reason]
  3. Can we make it so people can flag their vehicles as stolen by going to the PD, using /policedesk, selecting their vehicle and marking it as stolen? That way when cops check a car on the MDC it will flag that it's stolen.
  4. Yes but that doesn't stay above your head, it just flashes momentarily
  5. Well it opens up roleplay such as: "Why have you got socks rolled up down your pants? Creep!"
  6. Fairly simple suggestion: Create a command allowing players to create a text label above their head to describe something about their character. The command could be /describeme Examples could include: Wearing a body worn camera, Missing one arm, Missing left eye, bruising / strangulation marks around neck, Smells of liquor, Smells of marijuana Obviously there is potential for abuse with people making up silly descriptions or using it to behave in a Non-RP, but like any rule breaking those people can be dealt with by admins. This would open up a whole other level of immersion.
  7. If by abuse you are referring to people doing the grand escape from police by plane or helicopter its pretty simple to add a say 30 second timer to starting the engine so people can't just run off.
  8. Players should have the ability to have an animal alt character. An animal alt really wouldn't be able to earn money or do much other than be a fun pass time for roleplay. Having the ability to roleplay an animal would open many opportunities, for example: 1) Roleplaying as another players pet 2) Police dogs 3) Wild animals that occasionally run in front of traffic and cause the odd car accident and need the PD to come out and put them out of their misery. 4) Hunting - Players roleplaying animals could roam through the wilderness foraging for food while players roleplaying humans could hunt the animals. (I can't think of any perks for this yet but honestly it'd just be fun for the roleplay) Animal roleplay rules: Talking while roleplaying an animal would considered powergaming & Non-RP. You may only use your mic to make sounds that animal would actually make.
  9. Prison crafting: Make it so prisoners can create hidden crafting stations and stash spots. Items for crafting can be found throughout the prison such as garbage bags, smuggled goods, prison shop, prison kitchen etc. Ideas for items that craft able items 1) Pruno (Prison wine) - Fruit, water, sugar cubes, ketchup 2) Tattoo gun (used for tattooing other inmates) - Small motor (smuggled in or found in VCR, tape players, electric drills etc), pen, spoon, guitar string
  10. It's even more fun prosecuting them Come developers lets have a judiciary
  11. I remember this was a feature on Valhalla's (Later Owlgaming) MTA:SA Roleplay and was pretty cool...however that was text only roleplay and we are voice. I think its a cool feature but not sure we should do it here because it would be impossible to emulate in VOIP
  12. Changing your name & appearance is not a change of character though. If there is a CK or change of character then yes but this isn't something that has been officially supported by the server. For this particular suggestion I still give it a thumbs down, however I'd support a system to CK.
  13. It's virtually impossible to hack police radios for the reason I mentioned. I can't speak for every police department but at least where I live everything is strictly accounted for - Firearms, radios, OSTT equipment (spray, baton, tazers etc) are all issued at the start of the shift and returned at the end.
  14. -1 A change of name is not a change of character - All your old acquaintances will still know you as your former name until you tell them your new name.
  15. -1 Police scanners are mostly a thing of the past as most modern police departments now use encrypted digital radios. Also in terms of stealing a police radio that may work in the very short term however radios on a network and be remotely disabled and rendered inoperable.
  16. My thoughts exactly - Things are fine the way they are.
  17. Well much like the PD has no OOC corruption rules the same would apply to the judicial system to maintain a healthy level of realism.
  18. Nope - The very fact you need two people promotes roleplay and encourages you to interact with other players.
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