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Everything posted by flow

  1. Well that's not entirely true. Regular cruisers do not stock SWAT gear, however, members of SWAT often deploy from home and their cruisers as they are required to be able to deploy at any time, anywhere, SWAT responses IRL are time critical, they do not drive back and forth to deploy, members of SWAT deploy from anywhere and carry their gear with them.
  2. No, we WANT it with a realistic timer for all of those actions.
  3. I have read, but I am not finding the sense in what you say. You are opposing the possibility of PD and SD changing clothes by the roadside? For what reason? We don't change into SWAT gear for the sole reason of shooting, when SED and SWAT get deployed, there have already been shots, we're not the aggressor, ever. You're trying to oppose a realistic act, carried out all over the world on a daily basis, because you don't like that it wouldn't require SWAT and SED to waste time driving back and forth for something as simple as changing their clothes? That's very very biased and not community focused at all in my opinion. Why are you allowed to put on and take off your armour (which you currently have a suggestion made to buff it for crims) but SED and SWAT shouldn't? That's very very biased towards your playstyle.
  4. We're talking about changing clothes, why does this need to be kept away from PD and SD? All the /me and /do is already there in the /pw command, how would it be spammed? If it was a 60 or 120 second timer, can you explain how that would be abused or promote bad roleplay please?
  5. Yes, it needs a reasonable timer! However long it would realistically take you to put on your swat/sed gear. That way, it couldn't be abused in shootouts and it would greatly help with not having to drive across the map twice just to change clothes
  6. The suggestion goes deeper than that. There is no reason SED and SWAT have to return to their stations in order to change into their gear, it's not realistic as something as simple as clothes can be carried in any vehicle. All it needs is a timer for the /swat command to change into gear which can he idk 30 seconds or whatever really. Driving halfway across the state to change clothes is not realistic nor necessary. How it works irl for reference
  7. How will being offline to serve your sentence promote any kind of prison rp? We're trying to promote more roleplay everywhere and by having people just log off, there's no roleplay.
  8. GTA was deliberately made to favour the player, who is a criminal, and put the NPC police from singleplayer at a disadvantage. So what we can't do in the context of roleplay, is compare singleplayer speeds. Now, yes of course the supercars would outrun the police, no questions asked. However, supercars and heavily modified vehicles, the comet retro is a 1980s Porsche 911, are sensitive vehicles. They are not made to race around cities and towns, components are prone to fail. If you ask anyone who owns supers or heavily modified sports cars IRL, you'll see how prone to failure they are and how much maintenance cost they need in order to keep running. Driving fast is very expensive and taxing on these vehicles. We do not have maintenance on vehicles, they cost you virtually nothing to beat up again and again. Go service a supercar IRL and you'll come out with a service bill that's a downpayment for most midsize homes. Speed without cost is not realism. It's favour towards one playstyle over the other. Nobody here can seriously criticise the speedcap for being unrealistic without also criticising that there is no need for maintenance. It's very very biased to mention one without the other. I am in favour of supercars outrunning cops all day long, but that costs money. These vehicles are after all very very expensive to maintain. So yes, increase super car speeds IF there is maintenance and people pay the 10k, 20k, 30k, service fees at different intervals that these vehicles demand IRL. Either we have all the realism or none of it. Should a crown vic go 240? No, and that needs adjusting. I think police vehicles should be capped at 210. And I have no issues with that, if the police get 1 car that can keep up. Not the whole fleet, 1 vehicle. Whether it be a super or a mod I don't mind. I'd prefer a marked vehicle for obvious reasons. We had 811s etc, while yours did 350km/h ours did 200km/h. The system needs checks and balances. If vehicle speeds are going to be incrased again, so need to be their maintenance costs. Speed comes with a tradeoff and in a vehicle's case, that is high maintenance costs. Police vehicles should be capped at 210km/h while at the same time police factions get access to 1 specialized vehicle that can reach the higher speed cap in order to have a balance.
  9. Date and time (provide timezone): After the recent update Character name: John Wallace Issue/bug you are reporting: Members of the Special Enforcement Detail group can no longer use /swat to receive their gear. Expected behavior: When using /swat, you should be put in the SED uniform and receive SWAT armor. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Place yourself in the Special Enforcement Detail group and use /swat
  10. You don't need to doubt anything, all you need to do is pull out your old physics textbook and calculate mass of impact and changes of velocity, it's not that hard. Alternatively, you can also watch the video I linked which shows a vehicle driving into plastic barriers at not even excessive speeds.
  11. No, but aren't you taking the risk of severe injury or death by choosing to throw safety over board in the first place and drive with speeds beyond any safe threshhold to get away from the police? You are trading in your security and life for the chance to escape the police. You've got to be aware of this risk anytime you choose to do so. Also, hitting a wooden barricade at speeds of 200km/h would absolutely disable your vehicle, potentially kill you if the top part crashes through your windshield and pierces your upper body. You're moving a couple thousand pounds at 200km/h into a static object weighing around 20 pounds, that will not end well for your vehicle. Any airbag in the world will deploy and you will lose control of the vehicle, not to mention the damage to the front of your car that would also immobilise it. Just watch the video I linked above.
  12. That is only if the driver non rply speeds at 200km/h everywhere he goes. People need to take a little bit of responsiblity for their actions. If you drive the speed limit, or slightly above, they render in just fine with more than enough time to slow down for them. However, if people display their amazing realism and roleplay abilities by going max speed everywhere, they are bound to not see small barrickades and crash into them. The problem isn't the barriers, the problem is people literally going max speed everywhere they go. Drive the speed limit or realistic speeds and you'll be fine. Removing the barriers because you crash into them at 220+ is really not an argument. Adjust your roleplay to the environment you're in. To add to this, here's a real life example of a vehicle, in this case a police cruiser, crashing into a police barriers at reasonable speeds. That car is a write off. And these were plastic....
  13. Date and time (provide timezone): 25/03/2020 Character name: John Wallace Issue/bug you are reporting: PD & SD's /ram does not work on property type houses and it also doesn't work on interior doors placed by players. Expected behavior: /ram should, like on houses, work for both properties and interior doors as they are not different to other doors and it currently ties up admins in that roleplay while it doesn't need to. A door is a door and /ram should work on all doors. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Place yourself into PD or SD SWAT or SED groups, attempts to use /ram on a property or interior door.
  14. @Osvaldon Thank you, it is all working as intended now. @Xoza That is correct! It was set up in the detective group type though and all issues resolved. Thank you for your help!
  15. What is wrong is that people shoot at cops for minor tickets and 10 minute jail sentences. You have to keep in mind, the development of PD and SD was never ahead of crim rp, it has always and will always be a reaction. PD and SD did not start patrolling with heavier equipment because they could, but they did so because the number of trigger happy people shooting at us went up and is sky high. You can currently not even ask someone to clear the road without having abuse thrown at you and being circled by multiple gang members looking to disable you. PD and SD won't ever have to pay for weapons out of pocket because they are government funded, and thus the government will keep providing funds for what is essential to battle crime. The crime rate on this server is ridiculously high, we barely scratch the surface with our current possibilities. I'd go as far and say that we don't even counter act more than 30% of crime that is happening which is a very bad statistic. People go on and on about how law enforcement factions don't lose anything which is not the case. We lose out on roleplay, character progression and valuable time spent not being forced into shootouts because someone decided it's a good idea to fight a ticket with a pistol. We chose different paths of roleplay, some of us went into law enforcement and some into gang rp, you made that choice and so did I. We both knew what we're getting into. The only thing this will achieve is weakening PD and SD which quite frankly, is only in the interest of people who would like a roleplay server with lesser standards and a gang simulator. All current law enforcement factions are not powerful enough for the amount of crime we have to deal with. So no, these suggestions have been made before and for good reason, have always been denied.
  16. To add to this. Anyone placed into the Detention & Parole Bureau group gets the LSPD uniform when they go on duty instead of the SD one. Anyone within that group does not get paid while not in uniform, an issue PD used to have with IB as well, which is the same group type, Detective so it'll just need the adjustments PD had done to the IB group. Anyone in the the Special Enforcement Detail group is not getting paid while on /swat duty, which they should.
  17. Date and time (provide timezone): 01/03/20 Character name: John Wallace Issue/bug you are reporting: When going through the list of payments and confirming each payment, one was not cleared and thus appeared again, resulting in the faction member being paid twice. The same has previously happened for PD, maybe other factions as well. Expected behavior: When a faction member has been paid, their name should be cleared and the amount reset to 0. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:
  18. Apart from the insurgent and wedge, yes, I think most suggestions are reasonable.
  19. If you and any other gang have issues with anything our members do, I know that myself and I am sure Osborn too, are okay with you sending us a quick message with the problem and we'll deal with it. Neither PD nor SD encourage people to camp labs and chops, so if that happens we need to know. Ideally by whom. And we will act. Certain faction leaders do message me from time to time with issues on discord and we talk about them and I do try to resolve them.
  20. You are looking at this from the wrong perspective. The problem isn't too many cops, because you will never ever see these numbers online at once. The issue is the lack of things to do for criminals. Taking some cops away will not increase your roleplay. You are still bound to the current limits. You need to make this a crimrp vs. lack of things to do thread, not a crims vs cops thread, that won't go anywhere.
  21. Yeah, vests should not be unlimited. Maybe 2 extra vests per cruiser since you'll need that if you partner up and that's it. As for ammo, it is small and easy to store and realistic to have extra ammo with you. Having maybe an additional 4 clips isn't overkill.
  22. Being official is a priviledge that factions earn for providing the community with good roleplay. It's not something that can be bought and its purpose has nothing to do with money. The priviledges official factions have are given for their roleplay, dedication and general enrichment of the community. A system like this wouldn't account for roleplay value, anyone can get money and unlock things. So no, definitely not something that would be beneficial to the server.
  23. Date and time (provide timezone): Persistent issue. Character name: John Wallace Issue/bug you are reporting: Members of SD who are in the Special Enforcement Detail branch and use /phat get the PD hat instead of the SD one. Members of the other branches get the right hat. Expected behavior: /phat should give all members and branches the SD hat. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:
  24. Date and time (provide timezone): Persistent bug. Character name: John Wallace Issue/bug you are reporting: When entering a custom interior at day time and exiting it, it is suddenly night time. The server time does not change but the player is in a night time while the rest of the players are in daytime. Expected behavior: When entering and exiting custom interiors in daytime, it should remain daytime. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Enter custom interior during daytime and exit it.
  25. I agree with this, we need the map icons to be cleared up.
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