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Reverting back to the old way of searching downed bodies

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Very short and simple suggestion...

Just because a player is down doesn't mean they shouldn't have to /friskapprove a /frisk, please revert back to the way we had it before. This would solve a lot of headache from players and admins from "ninjalooting".

Simply being able to walk up to downed players and press "I" to obtain their items is ridiculous. 

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-1 The amount of time wasted dealing with people refusing to accept frisks was insane. And the amount of reports that would be never answered regarding this would also be insane. This would only work if people were willing to RP and 50% of the time they are very sour to have been downed so just stall and meta game their mates coming to help them.

This puts the players who play in a legit manner at a massive disadvantage.  

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6 hours ago, Phil McGee said:

-1 The amount of time wasted dealing with people refusing to accept frisks was insane. And the amount of reports that would be never answered regarding this would also be insane. This would only work if people were willing to RP and 50% of the time they are very sour to have been downed so just stall and meta game their mates coming to help them.

This puts the players who play in a legit manner at a massive disadvantage.  

^ Yupp, there are so many rule breakers especially the people that are butthurt over the fact they got injured and like Phil stated they metagame and call their friends which results into disadvantage, so i completly support @Phil McGee on this one.

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6 hours ago, Phil McGee said:

-1 The amount of time wasted dealing with people refusing to accept frisks was insane. And the amount of reports that would be never answered regarding this would also be insane. This would only work if people were willing to RP and 50% of the time they are very sour to have been downed so just stall and meta game their mates coming to help them.

This puts the players who play in a legit manner at a massive disadvantage.  

tbh I don't really care about this rule as I dont take stuff/a lot of stuff with myself etc so there's pretty much nothing to rob, but imo it's annyoing as fuck to be dropped and every 2 sec you see that someone's checking your inventory..


Regarding dealing with people... yesterday I tried to rob some farmer with a friend(imo its pointless as fuck) we told him to put his hands up, gave him a chance he started running towards his car and got shot, he locked his vehicle(while being shot at, maybe even dropped) ignored all of our rp started metagaming, we eventually called admin and the guy logged off, then admin had to deal with the situation.


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40 minutes ago, MusketDeezNuts said:

If someone loots your body without any RP. Its powergaming.

Its not been actually outlined if it is. "i" is in the same area as /mug /drag etc and is thus considered a forceful server side command and was never really a big issues before the influx of recent players, some of whom who are swaying outside the rules. 

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Apart from it being debatable if a keypress is the same as a command (typed in the chatbox unlike opening the inventory) I fully support this idea. People don't RP kneeling down, going through pockets, etc. All people do is remain standing, not even giving the victim time to type a /me while the items are being looted in the current system. The amount of times I've been on medic/police scenes with people walking up and looting (which I RP as someone kneeling over the body and taking their items) is ridiculous and if you address those players ICly, none of them realize that this would look ridiculous.

Example; Police is treating a civilian, another civilian walks up, presses "i" (leans over the body in RP I'd imagine) is asked what he is doing and takes items. As a medic you can be giving someone CPR in RP and someone suddenly walks up and takes items from the person, realistically hindering the medic from doing their job properly, endangering the life of the civilian even further, because the CPR technique was interrupted. If anyone that responded negatively here wants to warrant this as good RP, please do but in my opinion it is absolutely unacceptable and it is encouraged by the current mechanic of pressing "i" next to a downed body.  Refusal to RP (NonRP) is punishable so all players opposed shouldn't want a broken system, instead aim for punishment for the rule broken by the player, be it through ingame report or player report on the forums if no staff is able to assist at the time.

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9 hours ago, Phil McGee said:

-1 The amount of time wasted dealing with people refusing to accept frisks was insane. And the amount of reports that would be never answered regarding this would also be insane. This would only work if people were willing to RP and 50% of the time they are very sour to have been downed so just stall and meta game their mates coming to help them.

This puts the players who play in a legit manner at a massive disadvantage.  

Very very true. I'd say over 70% of people refuse to RP after being downed, they dont accept frisk so we cant get name, cant figure how much cash they got on them and so on.

Even on a downed body, I pat down with a ME then use a /do any reason i couldn't? - But they just don't reply, it's sad. We then /report and wait 2+hrs for a reply sometimes. 

Don't make it worse for us than it already is, just ask any criminal. 


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-1 When we rob a player as it is they never do /friskapprove never mind after they have just been shot and in effect lost an RP

The rules are VERY unclear on if you HAVE to RP pressing I as well? Like what is the correct definition for it people say its its powergaming but how?

I think we should just RP it and if they refuse to do a /do yes or /do no within 8 seconds you just carry on and press I


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