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Dealerships, & Stores - QoL Changes

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Dealerships, Stores & More
Quality of Life UI Changes

At the current state of Eclipse, we've seen plenty of changes in terms of UI that have been shown within development or even implemented in-game. It is definitely show that this new UI that is slowly being put across all areas is more uniform and easier to navigate around. Leaving it both clean to look at, and very user friendly to interact with.

I've spent some time today to design a mock design of what a potential dealership could look like UI wise. Allowing a player to view the specifications of a vehicle, along with having a more user-friendly navigation to get to the proper car they're looking to buy.

This type of UI is already something we have in-game which can be viewed within our F6 menu when a player is interested in purchasing a vehicle with credits. So keeping it uniform with dealerships as well is something that could potentially help people out when making their next purchase of their dream car.


As seen in the image above, this is what the future of a dealership could potentially look like.
Giving a player a user-friendly menu to navigate through, while also still being able to view the vehicle they're looking to purchase.
This allows them to get a brief on the specifications on the car so they're able to outweigh their decisions on if that car is the right choice for them.

This also brings up better navigation for Dealership owners. Being able to properly navigate through specific categories and set the prices of the vehicles when they're imported in on purchase.

I think this UI has shown great use across the server as a whole as it's a huge part of a player purchasing apartments, or donating credits to purchase something new off the Credit Store.

While I've only made a design for the Vehicle Dealerships. I believe there are other UI's that have been seen implemented in game already that we could utilize for other areas such as gun-stores, and general stores.

There is a UI that is used on the Criminal Side of the server which I will show below but for the sake of saving from Metagaming, It's been heavily blurred. (Dev's should know of which UI this is so even with the knowledge being blurred. The usage behind it is known of by them)

This UI shows a great usage of what could be used within Gun Stores and General Stores. Bringing a more uniform look across the other UI's used within the server compared to a player needing to run into multiple different UI's and getting confused by the learnings of each one.


This is just a huge suggestion that I felt I would share, unfortunately I would've designed more to the mock design but I ran out of free-time to work on it but I still am eager to hear what the community thinks on this, as I feel this could assist all around for both players and owners of said stores. 

Let me know your comments & feedback down below and I hope you guys have a great day/night!

Happy Roleplaying!

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