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Counterfeit Money Forgery Script

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Henlo my fellow criminal friendos

Today I'd like to suggest a new script be added to Crim RP, I'll be explaining why something like it is needed, and what I think would be a good addition to fix the issues brought up in this thread.


Money Laundering

As official factions, as part of the Turf Update a core activity that most of us are required to do is either Bank Robberies or Store Robberies to launder Packed Cash through the Businessmen NPC's in our turfs. The continued decay in influence on top of the growing Criminal RP community means that this activity has become more common and an almost daily activity.

On top of this, more factions are learning the best ways to rob banks, and banks are robbed the minute that they reopen via the script. The fact that there are only 4 Fleeca Banks to be shared between all of these Official Factions is starting to become a problem. I find it as a daily occurance that My Faction and Another would arrive at a bank at the same time, and would have to argue about who gets to rob it.

It's known by everyone in Crim RP that General Stores barely give any money or Influence when you launder the Packed Cash to the Businessmen NPCs, so we are forced to just manage our Launderers via Bank Robberies alone.

Counterfeit Cash

My suggestion is simple, add a script very similar to the already existing Drug Tables script to allow players to forge some counterfeit cash at home, which would give Packed Cash that said player can then go launder to their Businessmen NPC's.  This script would be almost identical to the Drug Tables script, you would be able to purchase Counterfeit Cash Forgery Tables through the import system, and you would be able to "cook" Counterfeit Cash on this table, which you could then sell to these Businessmen to launder into clean cash.

The only difference I would say would be good for these cash items, would be that you are unable to unpack them with a knife. RPly this cash would be counterfeit cash, and so would not be able to be used for regular purchases like normal cash. So instead this cash must be laundered through the NPC, which would also promote more Criminal RP between Official Factions and Non-Official Factions and Criminals

Inspiration for Developers

Linked below is a video by The Infographics show to explain how Counterfeit Money is made if the Developers need inspiration. I may edit this post as it goes on if I find any other material that I believe may benefit the developers with inspiration, etc.



I'm happy to discuss this more in the comments. It's just a suggestion so please leave your comments and ideas below! Thanks 😛

Edited by Harley
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Us criminals are always looking for quality of life updates. Something like this would relieve the reliance on banks. Not saying that I wouldn't want a rework of the current bank robbery system, the main issue with it is the reason most banks fail (besides cops) is failure to aim at the same time between the two people that aim at the tellers. This issue completely feels NONRP and OOC to me, as the split second in failing to aim doesn't feel like a realistic reason for the tellers to hit the alarm. This could be easily fixed by increasing the time it takes for the teller to start the alarm. This would decrease the amount of failed banks for a bad reason. This issue also causes the cops to come and waste their time on a scriptly failed bank robbery.  I don't think I should have to worry about my ping and the other aimers ping to rob a bank, it brings OOC into IC. 


Here's a link to a video explaining Counterfeiting if the developers need any inspiration about counterfeiting money.  LINK


Overall I think many crims want more ways to launder money and this would be a great addition 🙂

Edited by Yousef Assad
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Huge +1, I believe there can be a lot of great RP interactions with official factions and non-official factions with the addition of a "forged money maker" item. Would be nice to see another greater investment with a good money outcome in similar relation to drug tables for crims. The current state of getting packed money is very one sided in regards to banks being the meta and only time investment worth doing compared to stores with the little of influence you get from the packed money. There is a bit of unfair advantage when it comes to banks with competition with the regard that if a faction hits their peak of players to do a bank during the night in U.S. time it is near impossible for one, a bank to be available, and secondly enough cops being online to even attempt the bank. It is also to say that the pink cage bank in which is a last resort with its location and surprisingly isn't even open often along with it being buggy, making there really only three banks considerable. It is to the point where especially if there is a high need of packed money the faction who hits their peak consistently earlier because of time zone difference always does the banks and there isn't even a chance for people in later time zones to organize and do a bank with the drastically long cooldown times. Overall I believe an addition of a "forged money maker" item would benefit a lot of crims and factions giving them a fairer chance with getting packed money to give to a desired official faction to launder so that one faction who has people online earlier can't "control" the banks in a way over all of the factions, controlling the majority of influence for money launderers.

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+1 Like every other criminal activity, there should definitely be risk. Perhaps when you launder the money to the dealer, unlike with bank/stores money where it’s instant, there is a timer on how long it takes for the dealer to launder the money.. In this time, perhaps there is a percentage chance that the dealer will crack to PD interrogators and therefore the money is lost and the relationship with the dealer decreases. Wondering if there’s some way for a property to be alerted for counterfeiting activities the same way they get alerted when a drug table explodes? Or what types of materials should be ordered or what “ingredients” are needed to start counterfeiting, like lysergic to LSD? Just some thoughts, like the idea overall!

Edited by Lola
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3 minutes ago, Lola said:

+1 Like every other criminal activity, there should definitely be risk. Perhaps when you launder the money to the dealer, unlike with bank/stores money where it’s instant, there is a timer on how long it takes for the dealer to launder the money.. In this time, perhaps there is a percentage chance that the dealer will crack to PD interrogators and therefore the money is lost and the relationship with the dealer decreases. Wondering if there’s some way for a property to be alerted for counterfeiting activities the same way they get alerted when a drug table explodes? Or what types of materials should be ordered or what “ingredients” are needed to start counterfeiting, like lysergic to LSD? Just some thoughts, like the idea overall!

I like this suggestion, definetely think it should be balanced.

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-1 / +1

While the concept sounds interesting, it would be another way to grind for the very desired influence over the turf dealers. I would say the best non grindy way to support turfs is laundering money right now, and adding this would create another opportunity to get people to grind mindlessly in their apartments.

It seems like this would just be to bypass doing banks/stores to sustain the turfs, and this addition would just be an easier way to grind for turf influence. 


I would support it though, if it would be a "heavy" import and the cleaned counterfeit cash wouldn't produce any influence, or barely any. 



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From an LEO perspective it would be great if detectives could 'examine' packed cash. Then a notification at the top could say 'Money appears genuine' or 'money appears counterfeit'

This way there is risk and reward both ways. If you're caught with counterfeit money you can get 'possession of counterfeit currency' 

If you get caught manufacturing 'manufacturing counterfeit currency


Also contributing to criminal RP and progression. 


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16 hours ago, arcangel said:


From an LEO perspective it would be great if detectives could 'examine' packed cash. Then a notification at the top could say 'Money appears genuine' or 'money appears counterfeit'

This way there is risk and reward both ways. If you're caught with counterfeit money you can get 'possession of counterfeit currency' 

If you get caught manufacturing 'manufacturing counterfeit currency


Also contributing to criminal RP and progression. 


I like this. Was waiting for an LEO to reply to this to suggest how it could be incorporated into the Penal Code. Would love this

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