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DCC Dev Suggestions

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These are just a couple suggestions that we've come up with that would make thte DCC experience a better one for all employees and help make it run a lot smoother.

  1. Scripted Black List Implementation - This will prevent blacklisted individuals from placing calls with their name or phone number for a duration of time specified by the person who put them on the list. Example of this could be /blacklist [Firstname_Lastname] [duration in days] [reason] the reason doesn't have to be implemented but would be nice. The message would either go to the player requesting the taxi ride and/or the DCC on duty employees to prevent anyone from accepting it. So an example would be /blacklist Steve_Oconner 3 harrassment
  2. Command Showing Blacklist - Something along the lines of /taxiblacklist would bring up a list of all blacklisted persons name, a blacklist ID#, and duration. [Steve_Oconner 1 3days Harassment

If this is not doable or if another way of doing it is possible, we could also add something in the F4 menu (something like when we are invited to a faction) and then implementing something like stated above. 

  • Taxi Driver Off-Call (office) Mode - This would be used by management (conducting interviews, trainings, ect.). This would allow people to take out city bee's when managers are performing these other tasks and not taking calls.
  • Ability to Cancel Active Requests - When we have someone who is constantly moving away from a call or an employee to takes a call they shouldn't have, we would like to implement a /closetr [id] (closetaxirequest). This will help not get someone caught up in the current script if a call needs to be canceled on our end and not the requestor's end.
  • Possible Gated Parking Lot for DCC Employee's- https://imgur.com/a/XEhQq00 This lot is not being used by anyone or for anything. It is a secure location very close to the DCC HQ. Currently employee's have to risk parking at Glory Way or another non-secure location or even the casino (which is an NCZ and not currently being used). 
  • Built-in Radio Inside Taxi's - If possible, it would be something similar to what PD has. If this could be added (or even an set freq like PD has) this would be a huge releif and a much less of a headache. Being that our freq has to change on a daily basis due to it being compromised, we wouldn't have to PING all employees every day with a new freq.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and possibly consider any of these as viable options. Thanks for all the hard work the devs do to bring us this amazing virtual world to enjoy. 


Thanks @Skatz

  • Phone charger - A lot of people who have/have not been in DCC have suggested that every spawned taxi+ should come with a charger.
  • Updated phone application - We have some vehicles that still need to be added to our phone application ( Patriot2, Enus Cognoscenti and XLS ).
  • Scripted taxi request permissions - Let's say a trainee accidentally accepted a stretch request which is only allowed for senior drivers+. The script would prevent certain taxi requests being accepted by people who don't have permissions for that vehicle/call.
  • "Debt system" - Currently you can abuse each taxi ride if you do not have any money in your bank. What could be done is an implemented script that would take out money either from the persons salary, or from their bank whenever they redeem their salary.

Thanks @DimitriS

 Perhaps something to select who gets fare and who doesn't, so people can go in pairs. 

Edited by ImSteveHi
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+1 to all of this. As well some other ideas that could be added:

  • Phone charger - A lot of people who have/have not been in DCC have suggested that every spawned taxi+ should come with a charger.
  • Updated phone application - We have some vehicles that still need to be added to our phone application ( Patriot2, Enus Cognoscenti and XLS ).
  • Scripted taxi request permissions - Let's say a trainee accidentally accepted a stretch request which is only allowed for senior drivers+. The script would prevent certain taxi requests being accepted by people who don't have permissions for that vehicle/call.
  • "Debt system" - Currently you can abuse each taxi ride if you do not have any money in your bank. What could be done is an implemented script that would take out money either from the persons salary, or from their bank whenever they redeem their salary.

    Currently that's all what I'm able to think of. If more ideas come through, it will be added to @ImSteveHi post.
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Huge +1, theese are some changes that need to be made. It will make the DCC more convenient for its Employees. DCC is a faction the city needs just as much or even more than other factions, so why not make their job a bit easier with theese changes? 

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+1 I love all the suggestions above but I have 2 more to add. 

1. List a driver unavailable when he drives a customer same way he is unavailable when he is heading to a customer.

        When you call a taxi or looking at the DCC app it tells you how many drivers are available but that is not accurate. Because the script only make a driver unavailable while he is heading to the customer (accepting a call). But when we drive the customers to their destination the script lists the driver as available. Same goes with the command /taxidrivers. 



2. Modife the command /taxidrivers.


This is the command /taxidrivers. Let me explain you what needs changing. 

Here is the information of the command, breaking it down to three sections. 

  -  [which drivers are onduty]
super useful it does not need any change. 

  -  [It shows us if the driver is on a call]
Add "[Busy]" instead of "[off call]" if the driver has a customer. Like I mention in the frist suggestion. 

  -  [It shows us how much the employee is getting charged] 
Here is how it works. It only shows how much a DCC Employee onduty is getting charged by another driver. If you look at the photo above Steve Oconner is the driver and Joe Markov is the client. They are both onduty and the script is showing us how much Joe Markov is getting charged next to his own name by the taxi ride from Steve Oconner. That information is completely useless to us, the employees onduty should never be able to get charged in the first place. 
The suggestion is the following.
Show how much the client is getting charged next to the drivers name.

Edited by maxjos
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  • - Scripted Black List Implementation - This is something that is more internal and I'm not sure needs scripted support. If it was scripted, it would need to be scripted for other factions as well
  • +/- Taxi Driver Off-Call (office) Mode - All employees even supervisors/managers should be documented and ready to take calls. It could be better if additional work was completed, while there was an abundance of drivers. I actually believe if there are less than 3 DCC drivers, City Bee's should be able to be taken out, instead, this would solve more issues than just being the only one on duty, not responding to calls.
  • +/- Ability to Cancel Active Requests - I haven't encountered any issues with canceling requests.. I think you should be able to call a taxi and start walking though..
  • - Possible Gated Parking Lot for DCC Employee - DCC already has a gated area. They're also a transportation service, you could park literally anywhere and catch a taxi to work.
  • +/- Built-in Radio Inside Taxi - Police don't have 'built in radios', these are owned by the players. I do believe I know what you're getting to though, to have your own, secure frequency and I agree with that. There is a phone number on the taxies, that would be a good frequency and/or a phone number to call alternatively for a taxi.
  • + Phone charger - Customer service, however you could have players just jumping in to charge their phone, but not go anywhere.
  • + Updated phone application - The application does need to be future proofed, where you click a button, simply to request a taxi, with an optional message you can enter. Here you can make special requests.
  • - Scripted taxi request permissions - I believe this should be maintained ICly. A permissions system would get very complicated.
  • + Debt system - Players that log out during transport to dodge the charge, or people without money, should be charged into debt. Please add these to bug reports or report malicious behavior as they are abuse.
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19 hours ago, Xoza said:

+/- Ability to Cancel Active Requests - I haven't encountered any issues with canceling requests.. I think you should be able to call a taxi and start walking though..

Steve was talking about canceling requests from DCCs side, if needed, not from the caller's side.

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1 hour ago, DjBricheta said:

Steve was talking about canceling requests from DCCs side, if needed, not from the caller's side.

I feel like this could be abused from the company side, but I can also see it used for blacklists. If canceled it should have a reason. Per server rules, players cannot neglect duties to 'government factions'.

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19 hours ago, Xoza said:

I feel like this could be abused from the company side, but I can also see it used for blacklists. If canceled it should have a reason. Per server rules, players cannot neglect duties to 'government factions'.

 I understand the risk of potential server rule violation by a rare occasion where a member does this to avoid faction duties. However, like every faction in the server, all have functions both IC and OOC that have the potential of someone violating that server rule. PD/SD for example have the option to close 911 calls. That said, I don't see any difference than for DCC to have a command where they can also close their calls. I've never seen someone from PD/SD abuse the command of closing someone's call for illegitimate reasons, so I doubt someone in DCC would do so, chances are, they'll probably just ignore the call. Being a former member of DCC, I understand their frustration when it comes to situations like the ones already mentioned by others. At the same time.... I don't know how Anal DCC is now, but back then, the most obscene policies would be enforced by managing and supervising members of DCC on IC and OOC scale.

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