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Offshore Crime

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With the re-release of boats and the introduction of Islands, I would like to table a suggestion.

*Drum Roll*

The addition of offshore crime.


Hear me out.

As an example of a way to conduct this, Illegal Turtle Fishing. You can go to certain areas of the sea in order to hunt turtles to sell inland. Then it would need to be transported by vehicle somewhere on the map to be sold, maybe multiple moving areas kind of like drug labs. I feel it would start to spread out, and diversify, the amount of crime that is committed on the server at any given moment, as well as adding a new aspect, without being too overbearing or overpowered.


Naturally this would lead to needing an LE force for the sea.

Enter in!

*Drum Roll*

The Coast Guard.

It wouldn't need to be massive. But the addition of a Coast Guard faction, or even a maritime division of LSPD would enable people who wish to get off land a way to enforce and patrol the ocean. The ability to conduct water safety inspections and drug/turtle interdiction would add a new element of RP to the server and allow us to use even more of the map.

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3 minutes ago, Asiantator said:

With the re-release of boats and the introduction of Islands, I would like to table a suggestion.

*Drum Roll*

The addition of offshore crime.


Hear me out.

As an example of a way to conduct this, Illegal Turtle Fishing. You can go to certain areas of the sea in order to hunt turtles to sell inland. Then it would need to be transported by vehicle somewhere on the map to be sold, maybe multiple moving areas kind of like drug labs. I feel it would start to spread out, and diversify, the amount of crime that is committed on the server at any given moment, as well as adding a new aspect, without being too overbearing or overpowered.


Naturally this would lead to needing an LE force for the sea.

Enter in!

*Drum Roll*

The Coast Guard.

It wouldn't need to be massive. But the addition of a Coast Guard faction, or even a maritime division of LSPD would enable people who wish to get off land a way to enforce and patrol the ocean. The ability to conduct water safety inspections and drug/turtle interdiction would add a new element of RP to the server and allow us to use even more of the map.


I love the idea and it might be implemented in the future but i think at this time with out the water is desynced i don't think it would work at this time. But im not a dev but @Osvaldon is a dev only gonna tag one and let him see it and if he reply to it he does but he is very busy. 

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+1 overall, 

I'm all for new & unique criminal suggestions so long as they make sense.

Simple forms of higher risk/higher gain "criminal" jobs would be nice and this is definitely one to add to the list, along with the recent money laundering suggestion. 

However I feel that adding a separate legal faction just to manage the sea may be overkill, I would rather see some internal divisions pop up within pd/sd to handle this. 

Onto the topic of islands, there would need to be new IC regulations set out to follow the searching and even approaching Islands by law enforcement. This would prevent the current walk up and search what we want attitude. Perhaps a revamped warrant system or something to coincide with this would work. 

A private owned island is the pinnacle of private property, essentially being out of Los Santos durisduction as its in "international waters" within the boundary of the map of course. 

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6 hours ago, CaesarSeizure said:

+1 sounds cool

also LSPD baywatch division 



2 hours ago, CarlTTT said:

I don't think we need another division of law enforcement to be honest, unless that happens to be the Department of Justice.

Thats why I suggested both, either an LSPD maritime division or for more accuracy, the Coast Gurad

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