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West Coast Assassins

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As what's left of the Wanted drift out of the city, WCA members meet up with the Triads to discuss the war efforts and continuation. It's well understood by everyone that Wanted is now functionally dead.


Andre swings by the Zetas Store to exchange thoughts on the scene of the town, and on the new organizations that propped up.


As the crew was rolling through drug labs to make sure that no undesirables were operating them, they notice two Wanted at one of them, and a paramedic. The paramedic and her ride-along weren't harmed, but they were held until the robbery of the Wanted was concluded.




The group then moved to the local chop-shop and began chopping some vehicles they forcefully seized.


Edited by alexalex303
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A WCA contingent attended the wedding of Triads leader Bruce Wong, on their private island.


Not so long after the wedding, the groups met once more for business, at the Triads' noodle shop.


Trey and Andre speaking to a person wishing to join the group, as hes being introduced by another member.



Fresh from the induction, Andre and company received a backup request from a member that was being chased by a small group of Russians. The only one silly enough to point a weapon was quickly dispatched and the rest fled.


The day was ended with a routine check of the drug manufacturing facilities, where they found a civillian trying to make ends meet by producing LSD.

Edited by alexalex303
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Met with Jay Gamble to discuss the latest state of affairs in the city, and came upon an interesting resolution.


In the hills of Vinewood, we descended upon the house of Jamal and announced our plans, and resolved to work together.


As the rumors of the black warehouse continue to circle around Los Santos, Dimitri was the target of several questions during our first meeting in a relatively long time.


The first shots in the war having been fired, more soldiers arrived into town and were inducted into the organization.


Night descended upon the city, and so did the WCA-Vory hunting party. Unlike our opponents, automatic weapons are a regular sight in green hands.


NLA attempted an ambush at the dam, but armed with pistols and shaky hands, they all fell to the combined forces of Vory and WCA.


We then swung by the hood to relax, enjoying our victory at the dam, when Tim took the relaxing to the next level by attempting to jump into the pool, and missing. Luckily an EMT arrived quickly and he made a full recovery.


It was time to hunt again. With their spirits crushed by their failed ambush, NLA members just got off their bikes and surrendered at the mere sight of the green cars.



As the war continues, shop owners in the mirror park area would be well advised to stock up on knee pads, as NLA soldiers will require them in heavy quantities.

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Arriving at the meeting location, we were greeted by Triads HC and we discussed the on-going war against NLA and company before moving forward to the usual dealings.


We set a rendezvous with Vory and embarked on a trans-gang hunting operation.


This unfortunate NLA man was made to eat the meat of his fallen comrade after being robbed. He quite audibly protested as he was munching down on the human remains.


Purple wasn't safe either from the green and gold force that was sweeping the city.


One man was allegedly teaching some friends how to cook LSD when we set upon him and his companions.


They were relieved of their product and vehicles.


Night fell over a large confrontation as a contingent of WCA was checked by three different groups. The assassins quickly dispatched of every enemy that faced them until they went through all of their rifle ammo. As the heavies went dry, NLA weaponized their Futos and achieved their pyrrhic victory.


Edited by alexalex303
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