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The Rooks

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A Game Of Golf


David Disciple thought it was time to take a break from the mayhem of city. The Goblins have been trying to take full control of the drug industry with attempts to own every weed farm up north. For many months The Rooks have shown nothing but respect to all organisations in San Andreas, forming neutrality and agreements to help keep the piece. Knowledgeable gangs such as LFM, FSO, Irish, and Aztecas have respected these agreements therefore less bloodshed is spilled and gangs aren't loosing numbers. After LFM disbanded Goblins had no one else answer to, causing them to be careless of their members lives in attempts to bait Rooks into unnecessary shootouts. Over the last week Goblins have made several attempts to take Braddocks for themselves (Supposedly the only lab they don't own), this resulted in many injuries and deaths from both sides.




Because of this David Disciple needed something to take his mind off things. So, he gathered his high command Frankie Valalero and Johnnie Everdeen and they all got into their golf gear and went down to the country club for a game! This also became a good time to discuss Johnnies new business in safety depository, as they putted holes across the course.


Johnnie had recently appointed David the roll of security in his uprising business. Before the golf game David was given a tour of the facility he'd be working in. This ended in the main office where paper work and keys were given. Clients using the safety depository need to feel their belongings are well looked after which is why Johnnie has brought in so many security personnel.

The Rooks golf game was a huge success, all 3 of them had a lot of fun talking business and having a good play at the same time. The game ended with David Disciples victory who hit the least shots!


Golf Video and some RP photos:





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A Day At The Races

Monday 5:00AM

Harley woke up to her phone ringing on her nightstand. Immediately she bound up from her bed, picking up her phone, placing her head in her hand and lifting her phone to her ear.

"Mhmm, yeah. Yes Sir. I'll see you in 5."

Harley had been expecting this call. The night before, she prepared her belongings in her home to be ready to leave in 30 seconds. Her firearm on the nightstand, clothes hung up, and her bags next to the door. Harley prepared herself for the long day ahead of her, dressed in her best suit, she masked up and left her home.

Harley's heart rate began to rise, as the risk ahead of her started to become real. Everything they've worked towards in the past few months, the efforts her family have gone through, all comes down to her actions tonight.

She stepped out from her mansion in Rockford Hills, and walked into the garage, taking out her Paragon. She opened the door, and let herself fall into the driver's seat. She tuned her radio onto 'Home' Frequency, and gave a message to her family.

"High Command are going to be busy for most of today with the most important task in the past 6 months. Our phones will be off and we will all be Radio Silent. Look after eachother. I love you all."

With that message given, she turned her radio back onto the agreed frequency for the nights task, and she stayed quiet. Harley started to drive towards the agreed meeting location and waited for the others to arrive.

Harley sat in her car in silence, anxiously bouncing her leg on the floor of her car, ignoring the outside world and focussing on her nerves. Her hands began to shake, and sweat profusely. She bagan to focus on her breathing. Slowly lowering her heart rate and relaxing herself.

Not two minutes pass before Harley hears radio chatter that brings her back to reality.
"We're around the corner now. Get Ready. Don't be followed".
Harley immediately looked up, coming out of her trance, this time focussed and ready for the day ahead of her. She watched as [
g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] pulls around the corner in his Jester, and follows him closely. They pull into a small Ranch just north of Vinewood, commonly known as 'La Fuente Blanca' and park around the stunning fountain.

[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] Enter the ranch, while the rest wait patiently outside for the deal to be finalised. Harley's heart finally began to slow as she watched them walk inside of the ranch with the briefcase of cash in hand, knowing their money was finally secure.


The deal was made, and after a few minutes they both came back outside, confirming the time and location of the shipment. They both shared a handshake, confirming The Rooks and La Fuente Blanca were finally officially Business Partners.

The Shipment

Hours passed as they prepared their boats and trucks. [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] recieved a text stating the shipment was ready. He then announced this on the radio, and they made their way to the boats, moving directly towards the location.
The oceans were treacherous and the winds were strong as they travelled away from the state, causing troubles with their boats. Throughout their journey, a dinghy was thrown into a rock, damaging the engines, causing their arrival to be delayed.


Upon arrival onto the private Island, The Rooks were escorted to the docks where the shipment was located. Each of The Rooks stepped off their boats, looking around the Island, amazed at the sights. Harley & 
[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] walked up to the mysterious man infront of them, shaking his hand as their glance drifts over to the weapons laying in the dozens of crates.

[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] gestures his hand towards the crates, allowing Harley and [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] to take a look for themselves. Harley walked over to the crates and examined the contents. Her eyes widened as she rummaged through the weapons, feeling like a kid in a candy shop.


Closing the lid of the crates, Harley turned her head over her shoulder, locking eyes with [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and giving him a slight nod, confirming the contents are all there and good.
[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] nods back to Harley, acknowledging her gesture. Harley looks towards her fellow Rooks waiting on the docks, gesturing them to start collecting the shipment into bags.


After an hour of packing the contents of the shipment into their bags, The Rooks make their way to Harley,      [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and the rest of LFB, confirming to her that the shipment was completely loaded up and ready to leave. Harley nods to them, and glances towards [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]. He nods to Harley, and gestured her and The Rooks to follow him to their vehicles.


As The Rooks walk away from the dock, a deflating sound could be heard from behind them, as Harley turned her head she saw LFB cutting the rubber in the two Dinghy's they arrived in, sinking them to the bottom of the ocean.

"Those boats are way too easy to catch. We have a better idea"

Confident in La Fuente Blanca, Harley nods and continues to follow [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] up the hill until they reach the peak, when he moves to the side to reveal an evac vehicle. A matte black Cargo Helicopter stood before them, with the rear door open and more cargo loaded inside. 

Animated GIF

[g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] explained that this helicopter is one of their options to leave the island, but will be a lot louder and could cause Police attention. Concerned about this, Harley decided to let him show them any other option to leave. [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] nods and gestured them to the other side of the docks, where two Longfins were waiting for them. Harley grinned and agreed with him. She told The Rooks to load themselves into the Longfin boats, and prepare for evacuation of the Island with their precious cargo.

Minutes passed as The Rooks loaded their cargo into the boats as Harley and [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] had their final words with [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg]. They stated their upmost gratitude and both shared their excitement to work together in the future. One more handshake was exhanged as Harley and [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] hopped onto the Longfin.

Animated GIF

As they were driven away from the Island, harley took a deep breath as the fresh air from the ocean blew in her face, and looked towards [g-yuI4F0iGXklCXHl4gFB7dQ1fqfsNE0vKTpzTu2G4cDBwp-3kt8Av6nX0RwjRF9KG9IoOG1z2eCuoBxm6372ThK0Yzoc3vbfDnTmfvf8GfbcDxzVuzkWNjC5hmHUZjwdq03fhlg] and her brothers and sisters. They had done it, they were on the final mile to successfully shipping in their largest shipment of their careers. As she looked over to her brothers and sisters, she was reminded of the journey that brought them there. The pain, suffering and loss they had to go through to get where they were today. She remembered all the family she had lost, and all that she had gained throughout the years she had been a Rook, and at that moment
she felt content, she felt proud, and she felt complete.


"The final mile"

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A Set up



She laid there staring at him, eyes slowly scanning every inch of his body, remembering every scar, every wrinkle, each out of place hair in his mustache as he sat on the edge of the bed talking on the phone. She trailed her finger down his side, slowing as she reached each rib; he was losing weight again. He flinched a little as he looked down at her laying on her side to his left, swatting her hand away as he smiled at her. “Stop it” he mouthed. She huffed and flipped onto her back, her hair cascading to the ground. She needed a haircut she thought to herself as she rested her arm over her face, knees bent, one crossed over the other, fidgeting.  “Of course, that won’t be an issue…” he assured the person on the other side of the conversation. He turned quickly, reaching behind him gripping her thigh tightly. He quickly muted the phone and asked “Are you okay? You seem off today Ravyn.” She lifted her arm from her face just enough to see him, looking at him confused, “What?” she whispered. He squeezed her thigh again to bring the attention to her twitchiness.  She made an ‘EEK’ face and quickly sat up wrapping herself around him from behind resting her head on his back as he continued his call. “Yeah, that’s not a problem, we will be there. On time.” 

She kissed his back as she went to get off the bed, “Do you want breakfast?” she said softly. “Not just yet” he responded as he tossed the phone on the bed, and quickly grabbed her arm tugging her back to his lap. “What’s going on with you? You have been off, you have been acting differently, something is going on.” He was being overly persistent about this, it was out of character. “No. Must be getting sick or something. I’m fine. Nothing is different.” She kissed him softly and stood back up. “Go shower, I’ll make you something to eat.” 

She knew he wouldn't buy it, she had felt things were off for a while, things were different. She is used to the stress, she is used to not talking to him as much, but it just felt different the last six months or so. She was right, and he knew he was right and it hurt much more to think he knew how she felt without her saying it because he had told her over and over what it was going to be like, and she accepted that with no obligations. “He picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder, “Well, you are coming with me then” he demanded as he made his way to the shower.  

As she wiped the steamy mirror off she felt she was looking at a stranger. She felt so lost lately, she questioned who she would be a lot more without him lately. She put on a brave face though and reminded herself it was just in her head as she squeezed the toothpaste onto her toothbrush and began the morning routine. She smiled at him as he came up and kissed her forehead as he secured his towel around his waist and began to brush his teeth. “Can you make some bacon? Please?” he winked at her before spitting into the sink.

“Of course love,” she nodded as she brushed out her hair, quickly securing it in a top knot and sliding one of his t-shirts on and walking out. He slapped her on the ass and chuckled as she jumped yelping. “Hey Olivia?” he said sarcastically, “I love you.”  She stopped and turned to him, smiling slightly, “ I know you do. I love you too” she said as she turned to walk to the kitchen.

As she shuffled through the fridge grabbing the thick cut bacon, onions, tomatoes and fresh eggs she thought about the events over the past few days. She could still hear the chickens clucking from off the shore on the dinghy, they were so loud as if something was attacking them off in the distance. A fox in the hen house, stealthy, deadly, direct and to the point. It was a blood curdling noise, she can only imagine the carnage that was left behind. She can remember what it was like to have blood all over her hands, the smell was always the same. It's a smell you can pinpoint in a second, it's all too familiar at the slaughterhouse if you are there enough. She remembers frequent visits there after having to clean up after herself. She smiles a sadistic smile as she remembers what it used to be like, a small giggle escapes her mouth before she quickly looks behind her to see if he was near. 

She lets the cupboard door slam shut as she grabs the pans and sets them on the stove. It's amazing how much dropping crowbars on cement sound like the metal pans on the burners. “Let’s go, make it fast, we don’t need to be here longer than necessary, we all have things to do.” Moving our order from one place to another was quite a job. 



The majority of High Command was in attendance to get the job done, quickly and with as few mistakes as possible. Granted it didn’t all go as smoothly as we had hoped, but we got the job done with no police and no casualties. Ravyn has had her hands clean for far too long, her true character was fighting to break through and it was taking everything she had to restrain doing anything to jeopardize her freedom. The thing that held her back was each and every face she called family. They were the reason she fought every day. The reason she sat on the side lines, antsy, irritated and becoming more and more displaced in her own mind. 



As she dropped the dirty bowls into the sink of water the backsplash hit her in the face and she laughed. The shitty quality of repair on the dinghy was definitely not funny, but hearing them tell those on the dinghy she was in to hurry up, in its slow and water retaining state was hilarious. The ride back to shore to store items was so long and frightening with sharks swimming the water and possibly stalking on land. Blood in the water had an all new meaning that night. The fins breaking the water set fear in many of us that night, all it would take was one failure in the engine and we were all fucked. She began laughing as she thought about how she nearly fell in jumping to the speed boat from the failed dinghy she was in charge of keeping afloat. 

“What’s so funny?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. “The fucken dinghy” she replied, still laughing.  “Yeah, that was a nightmare,” he sighed as he grabbed a cup of coffee and walked to turn on the television and immediately switched to the news as he always did. “I wonder if any of LSK will make an appearance from the other day” he scoffed as he sat on the couch looking through his texts. 

She finished breakfast and put together their plates, quickly bringing them to the living room so it didn't get cold. “I don’t know but I would love to be able to drain each and everyone of them…” she blurted out. She handed him his plate as he sat back and scooted over for her to sit next to him on the couch. “Thank you,” he said graciously. “I cannot believe how arrogant that mother fucker was. Like he acted like you didn’t matter, like you were no one” she growled. “I know,” he replied. “He will end up learning the hard way, don’t worry baby.” He grinned as he shoved an entire piece of bacon in his mouth. She knew it's been some time since he ate actual food. She smiled at him shoveling food in his mouth, “I know you will be sure of it.”

A few days ago there had been LSK members selling at the pier and those who knew better were aware that was Rook territory and that was off limits. So in true diplomatic form, we wanted to have a meeting to discuss how things were going to proceed from there. After some words and numbers were exchanged with Kirk, an LSK member, we waited for a call, a call we should have just ignored.  Ravyns phone rang as they were looking at properties in Del Perro, UNAVAILABLE flashing across the screen. She picked it up answering cautiously, “Hello?” 

“Yeah, who is this?” the caller demanded.

“I’m sure you called me, who the hell are you?” she laughed.

“You wanted to meet with me I was told, so who are you?” His tone was less than desirable in any situation. 

The conversation continued in a way that had her wanting to reach through the phone and choke a motherfucker. She got his name, Trent Johnson, and his number and gave it to so he could call him back. When that call was over you could see the annoyed look on his face. It was his “I cannot be fucken bothered with this” face. She laughed as she looked at him but was quickly alerted to Remmi’s screams. As she was looking around the building she had gotten clipped by a rogue Go Postal truck on the road, but not hurt too badly. “What the fuck is going on with all these fucken drivers these days?!” she grumbled. They were a problem everyone was having to deal with as of late, but our current situation took priority over the chaos that are Los Santos drivers.

Neither of them was too sure what drove us to go meet with LSK after the asshole on the phone was disrespectful and demanding. Our better judgement said otherwise, cancel or as Ravyn suggested several times, change things up, go to a different location last minute. Regardless of the tingles up her spine and spidey senses screaming don’t do it, those of us awake went to meet with the arrogant prick who was leading LSK and his followers. 

As they pulled up to the meeting spot you could see the members standing there in the hangar waiting for them. There were no real pleasantries exchanged, straight to business and rude as well. We all removed our masks as we were told, ’s remind on as well as ’s. The rest of us should never have listened to  in this situation, but we did as we were told and it was something that would make the family’s life a bit more complicated.



We’re familiar with the city, we got eyes everywhere man. We got guys posted up two miles up the road, one mile down the road, half a mile down the road and a quarter mile down the road.


Ravyn could feel the irritation in  radiating as she stood inches from him. It grew quickly by the second with every word spoken, it was in the way their leader was demanding in areas he had no right know. He was in no position to know half of the little he was even told, yet demanded more and began to take control of the meeting. For anyone who knows , being spoken over, disrespected and made to look weak was not going to go over well. “Am I not being heard? Am I not talking?” he asked us standing at his sides. “No, he just doesn’t fucken care” Ravyn hissed low and slow. You could hear the leather gloves rub together as she tightened her fists and gritted her teeth at the man across from her. 



She learned to whisper to on her right, just past Remmi, “This fuck is far too arrogant.”  agreed with her and they were cut off as Trent spoke over them, directly to them. “What are we whispering about?” he asked in an undesired tone. “Deciding what I’m going to make for dinner...” She was cut off by  who sternly told the man “If it was something you needed to know, you would’ve been told.”  “Oh yeah?’ he laughed sarcastically, “ I mean we could eat, when are we coming over?” Ravyn wanted to slice the smile off of that ugly ass face of his. Before she could say anything  chimed in, “Yeah she can cook, but let’s get back to business”

It has recently become a common recurrence with  to hear  “Take your mask off”, “You’re being disrespectful”, “I won’t talk to someone who won’t take their mask off”, you can only laugh at this point. There were too many loose lips around and if they did not want to acknowledge that, they were part of the problem. Those that have met with many times before decided acting like they didn’t know him, his voice, the fact that all of us looked to him when they asked a question, waiting for him to respond, were suspicious to say the least. There was no logical reason for them to see ’s face unless they needed to make a positive ID on him, and unless it was for PD when you clearly knew , save your bullshit and lies for the next fool. 

The comment of having people posted not far away rattled in Ravyns mind. “We’ve got guys posted…” And that they did, the LSPD as a matter of fact.  When we met with the people below him earlier that day, they stated their leader was being arrested or was in jail, how long unknown, but conveniently released not long after we requested a meeting. Convenient don’t you think?

It wasn’t long into the meeting before sirens were heard, far too close, tires squealing as numerous cop cars came barreling in behind us, not leaving  a lot of time to get out. As they ran to their cars, Ravyn struggled to tie her mask back on as floored it out of the airport, other cars speeding behind us. We saw members of LSK stalled or crashed on the side of the road on our way out. 


Ravyn knew what she needed to do immediately after they were free and clear and laid low. There were so many things that went through their heads as they hid out for awhile, how much did  actually let them know, what was their angle. Ravyn replayed every single word said over and over in her head, their tone, any meanings behind it, EVERYTHING



“Are you full or did you want something else?” she asked as she grabbed his plate from him. “More coffee please?” he asked politely. She nodded as she headed to the kitchen to clean their plates and refill his mug. She could smell the blunt he lit as she put away the clean dishes in the cabinet. She handed him the cup and he passed the blunt to her as she sat besides him sprawling her legs across his.

“We should go get going, we have people to judge, can’t be late,” he replied as he got up and motioned her to go get dressed. She smiled and compiled, this is her life, she knew what it was, this is what it will always be. This is what they will be, she will always be wondering when he will tire of her and leave, but she was persistent in reminding herself she was being paranoid and it was a problem. 

As the day progressed she didn't hear anything from him, no texts, responded to, no calls answered and she knew he was around, she heard him on the radio. She arrived shortly before anyone got there and talked shit with Frankie for a bit before others began to arrive. She was always at ease with him. She could laugh and be herself and she was thankful. It wasn’t long after her telling him a new name choice, since it may have to happen again so soon that the shit talk fell out of his mouth like ice cream from a self serve machine. Frankie and Ravyn laughed over different options as the others finally arrived. 

The entire day passed before she saw him and had the chance to say anything to him. Had she done something she wasn’t aware of? What was his issue? As approached her she told him “I may need to change my name again, Church was asking for my ID today at the pier after  and  were standing next to me, both saying different names” she groaned rolling her eyes. He looked over to her, brow raised in curiosity. “What did you have in mind?” he asked. “REDACTED ” she said quietly and cautiously, “What do you think?”  He didn’t say anything on the subject other than repeat it back to her questionably before he walked away calling everyone to gather up. 

As they waited for the remaining members to arrive she whispered to him “Would you even care if I disappeared?” He didn’t acknowledge she spoke to him, not even a look, a sign, nothing. It has been eating at her since they have been getting more and more distant it seemed. She bit her tongue and leaned against the rail waiting for it all to begin. As she stood there came up and stood beside her and whispered asking what ’s problem was today. He seemed off the last few days, it seemed she wasn't the only one noticing. Their conversation continued as they listened to the prospects and asked their questions. In the midst of it all the conversation turned a direction she hadn’t expected with .  Jokingly she told him to kill her, and he asked when and where and from there it seemed to get a bit more serious. She kicked a pebble over the edge and listened for the splash; there wasn't one. No echo, nothing, just silence. “I’ve thought about disappearing too” he whispered to her as he moved in closer, his gaze looking down as well. 

 REDACTED and I both thought about it, doing it together” he said in a sad cold tone.  “I still do” she stated as she turned around returning to her leaning position against the rail.


As the time began to drag on, as recruitments tend to do with us, some members began to get antsy, Frankie and Ravyn being two of them. He slowly approached her on the right, sniffing the air near her. “What in the fuck are you doing?” she said quietly to him.  “I smell dog shit, did you step in some?” he questioned, looking her over, continuing to assault her with his sniffing. “NO” she said a bit too loud. “Did you?” she said quietly. “No, check your shoes.” he demanded. She looked at the bottoms of her shoes and reiterated her statement, “Nothing on them. Maybe it's your upper lips nasty ass” she laughed softly. The conversation continued and they were a little louder than they realized and it caught his attention and he was not amused. He walked over scolding Ravyn, whispering to her “Are you ignorant? Drunk?” in an unfavorable tone, the tone in which she knew her place and to shut up.  “You can continue on with not saying much to me from here on out” she whispered in a growl to him and walked away.  

It wasn’t too long before REDACTED came up to say something to her quickly. “Sorry I’m hangry and I feel like I have told you to chill already multiple times'' and then walked away. Thankfully recruitment ended shortly there after and they were free to leave. Ravyn couldn’t get away fast enough, walking for quite some time before Shawn was instructed to pick her up and bring her to collect REDACTED ‘s car and pick him up. She did as she was told and collected him and drove back to the city saying as little as possible before stopping to fill up his tank. REDACTED ’s tone had changed, but she still proceeded cautiously. The ride back to the city was fairly quiet on her part and the conversation was basic and business as usual with a few little jokes inserted at an attempt at comic relief. 

The suggestion to go fishing to relax was put on the table and they headed that direction, things starting to fall back into place between them. As they approached the entrance to the pier he said something that caught her off guard, reminding her she was wrong and her stress was getting the best of her. “I think we should go skydiving one day maybe.” She just looked over to him, confused at his request. “Everyone?” she questioned. “No. You and I” he reassured. “Ok.” 

Maybe he did hear her, but she will never know.



Edited by WillowRaven
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With the long days it is always good to just take some time to chill and hang out with family at the beach. Sharing laughs, drinks and just vibin' the day away while capturing the moments we wouldn't want to forget. 





[Ravyn & Remmi]
























Edited by WillowRaven
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Part 1 - A New Connection

As time had progressed Vlad had been taking on more responsibilities as a high command member of the Rooks. As the Rooks were looking to expand their operations in Los Santos there was an idea that sparked in Vlad’s head. Vlad thought hard about the amount of drugs they would need to make sure they sustain their influence efficiently throughout the different areas of Los Santos. At the time Vlad knew that most of the other organizations had connections and relations with the other bigger organizations in the city so he tried to think of who wasn’t working with them. Vlad went to the pier to fish for a while as he thought about this. After a bit of fishing Vlad had received a text from an old friend that stated that he had a guy that wanted to meet up and discuss business. 

Vlad had then texted this man about meeting up to discuss business although he really did not know who he was and where he stands in the city. Vlad had chosen the hotel as the meetup spot and went straight there on his Hakuchou Drag. After waiting for a few minutes, a man in a black Baller had pulled into the hotel parking at the far end. Vlad quickly drove over as he noticed him. Vlad had made sure he had allies nearby as he was not too sure who this man was and who he was affiliated with. As Vlad walked up to the mysterious man he was greeted as the man introduced himself as Danny Spears.


(First Meetup)

Danny got straight to the point as he explained that he was with an organization called the White Rose Brokerage, what appeared to be an unfamiliar organization in Los Santos to Vlad. Danny had explained to Vlad that he was calling the shots as the boss and that they are a secretive organization that likes to keep their business on the low. As Vlad introduced himself to Danny and explained who he was, a smile cracked on Danny’s face. Danny had explained how he admired how the Rooks ran their business in the city from the shadows and was thrilled to have the chance to work with them. Danny continued to explain how they are a new organization that’s trying to be more of a middleman of selling illegal products to people throughout Los Santos. 

Danny had explained to Vlad that their specialty is cooking drugs. As Danny mentioned that Vlad cracked a smile as he liked where the conversation was going. Danny had told Vlad that his organization has multiple drug labs setup where his guys are cooking every day. Danny sold the main point of business that he wanted to discuss as he wanted to help supply the oldest standing organization in the city with drugs frequently. As Vlad wanted to discuss this with [Redacted], he told Danny that he would like to meet again tomorrow to finalize a deal between the two organizations that would benefit them both.

Vlad had thanked Danny for meeting with him and they both went on their way. After thinking long about it and discussing it with another high command member, Vlad decided to meet with Danny the next day where they finalized a deal. Vlad had agreed with Danny to supply his organization with a chemical that only certain organizations and people could get their hands on along with other illegal items needed to cook. In return Danny agreed to supply the Rooks with the drugs made with the chemicals being supplied to them and other drugs that were made by his organization weekly. Vlad had thought that he had hit a homerun with forming this new relation just in time as the Rooks expanded their operations in Los Santos. This was just the beginning with the Rooks working with the White Rose Brokerage.

To be continued...


(Second Meetup)

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