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PD Unit just for Impound Lot & Towing

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Hey all,

Basically as the title says - I've spent a hell of a lot of time around Mission Row waiting to do a Ride Along and I cant tell you how many people would show up completely frustrated at the fact that no PO's are around to service the impound lot.

Now I was a Cadet late last year before a passing in my immediately family, and I know that Cadet's were allows to service the Impound Lot at that stage providing they were given permission, which for me was impossible at the time because there were not any officers online in my timezone ranked high enough to grant me the permission. Not my point though.

My point is why don't you look at hiring a division within PD, or the Government, just to service the Impound Lot/Towing since it gets so much traffic so consistently?

Becoming a PO or EMT is ALOT of work, and some people either don't get it, or don't want to get it, but to still be a part of it in some capacity (even at a lower pay grade) so you can still engage in RP with all kinds of characters would still be something I think people would apply to do. I play a good 4-6+ hours 6 days a week and I certainly would apply and would be quite happy to move around inside the impound lot on duty RP'ing with everyone to retrieve their vehicles, as well as get called out to tow jobs. And I know for a fact that some (certainly not all, and maybe not even a majority) of PO's would brush off going to the impound lot, or driving the tow truck, in order to respond to a more interesting crime, so my suggestion is palm off those roles. PO's can still do them of course, just branch it out to people who just want to do that to put more people in that area.

Cheers for your time and any input.

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Only Cadets tend to that and it needs way more attention. To be honest the LSPD should not be wasting it's time with clerical parking stuff like this. I was going to say maybe make a LSPD Division for " Parking Enforcement " but that would just pull manpower from the streets that could actually be used to fight real crime. IMO Government should be handed this responsibility based on the fact that LSPD Officers and Cadets should have more important stuff to do than figuring out impounded vehicles. The fact that so many people are incapable of going to the parking lot and or using their home/apartment garage before heading out of town is baffling to me. Half of this is because people use static NCZ parking areas as IC parking lots. Like at the Bank, every day and night people leave probably 20+ vehicles there that have to be admin impounded because not even the LSPD can impound that many.

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4 hours ago, Xoza said:

Cadet restrictions have been lightened when it comes to impound duties. Honestly though, impound is easy work, if i'm not doing anything else I'll gladly hang out at impound for our citizens.

That's good to hear. I'm still recommending that PO's still have the power to tow and release vehicles, just create jobs that allow applicants that may not necessarily pass PD FTP for police operations, or even don't want to be a PO, but still qualify and pass enough to fulfill that role to be able to have good RP situations that they can ultimately grow from. Far too many people are frustrated with lack of attention to the impound lot throughout various time zones, and like you said, doing impound work is easy and your happy to do it providing nothing else is going on. PO should be focusing more on fighting crime. Instead of working at the impound lot, why not set up speed traps when its quiet, or random breath testing, etc. Things that RL PO's would do when its quiet.


6 hours ago, James_McNulty said:


Only Cadets tend to that and it needs way more attention. To be honest the LSPD should not be wasting it's time with clerical parking stuff like this. I was going to say maybe make a LSPD Division for " Parking Enforcement " but that would just pull manpower from the streets that could actually be used to fight real crime. IMO Government should be handed this responsibility based on the fact that LSPD Officers and Cadets should have more important stuff to do than figuring out impounded vehicles. The fact that so many people are incapable of going to the parking lot and or using their home/apartment garage before heading out of town is baffling to me. Half of this is because people use static NCZ parking areas as IC parking lots. Like at the Bank, every day and night people leave probably 20+ vehicles there that have to be admin impounded because not even the LSPD can impound that many.

I think if there are staff authorised and focused purely on Towing and the Impound Yard than we'd have more tow trucks on the road removing unlawful parked cars to keep the NCZ's clean. This may also encourage more people to actually buy parking tickets. Too many cars litter the NCZ's, and even on the middle of the roads after arrests, deaths, robberies, or stolen cars that have ran out of fuel/broke down/crashed and dumped.


I would honestly put a lot of my time to making this work (and even training new people to do it if I was deemed suitable), and I think it would answer a lot of issues. It's clean citizen RP that isn't just playing cops and robbers.

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24 minutes ago, Hills said:

Sounds more like of an IC suggestion to the Police Department.

I'd be more than happy to introduce the suggestion in game (and fully intend to if its do-able). At this stage I just wanted to put out the idea to see if its something people would want to play and figured there may be a possibility that the role could leave PD for Government or another faction that would require server changes/permissions, so I've suggested it here on an OOC platform so any issues I'm not aware of that could prevent the idea can be discussed/explained for a better understanding.

Edited by CycloneDavid
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7 minutes ago, WillJ said:

+1 i personally think that Bayview and LSC should be able to free cars from impound since they have the ability to tow and impound cars


I'd agree with your idea, though I think the issue and current reason would be that PD won't release a vehicle with outstanding warrants or fines, and to see this you need to be a PO/have PD affiliation to do the check. That would be the only reason I could see preventing Bayview and LSC from being able to do it.

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Just rework the system so that it is automated. I'd much prefer PD was able to set an amount of time for the car to be impounded for and once that time is up the person can go get their car provided they have a license, not currently wanted and can pay the fee. 

Nobody enjoys impound RP. Civilians, Criminals and other legal RP'ers don't enjoy waiting around for 30 minutes (sometimes hours) and cops don't enjoy having to get them out. 

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3 minutes ago, Aldari_Tagril said:

Nobody enjoys impound RP. Civilians, Criminals and other legal RP'ers don't enjoy waiting around for 30 minutes (sometimes hours) and cops don't enjoy having to get them out. 

I don't believe all players would feel this way though. I certainly don't. I'd apply and do this job hands down. I'd prefer do a clean citizen job like this and RP with real people rather than be a postal worker or money transporter, working by myself, and only RP'ing with real people when I'm being robbed.

How would this role suggestion be any different than being stationary at Bayview of LSC working on vehicles that drive in? I believe people don't enjoy the impound lot RP because of the wait as you said. If people are employed to that then ideally the wait isnt there. PO's don't always want to do it (as I noted in my opening comments) because they'd rather do some real police work. 

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