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Some timers made good RP less realistic, please consider reworking timers

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This has ruined some of my favorite aspects of RP!

I am an EMS and enjoy bringing water to patients when I am on duty as EMS. The car inventory and bag inventory locks have caused issues with this.

I also have issues with the house timers and closet timers. Please consider the following

Ambulance/Firetruck locks

The locking situation makes no sense because a patient may die while I wait for 15 seconds to lock the ambulance. Every second counts for them. Locking the vehicle and then getting out seems more of a fail RP. How does one get out if the door is locked?

When people ask for pain killer, I like to offer them water. There have also been many RP events where the person's injury is dehydration. This is the current process with the new timers.

If the water is in a bag on my back, it will take me 20 seconds to get to the water. If I am in a vehicle I have to first wait 15 seconds to unlock the vehicle which puts me at risk (I have been kidnapped as an EMS before, the person pulled the driver out and took the ambulance with me inside), 20 more seconds to get into the inventory, and another 15 to lock the ambulance again.

**Perhaps if you are in the vehicle, you do not need to unlock it first to get to the interior inventory or the timer is shorter? Could the same be true if you are inside of your home?

Closets, bags, and clothing

Next is getting water or anything else in and out of our houses. I know these rules are not considered with female players in mind by the way the sit animation makes a woman in a skirt sit. I would like to request that you consider that the women in this community like to change their clothes based on the occasion. Here is what I need to go through if I want to get my swimming suit, or I have to risk getting robbed at a store.

  • 20 seconds to unlock the house
  • 20 seconds to go inside
  • 20 seconds to re-lock the house
  • 35 seconds to open my closet/stash
  • 20 seconds to open the main bag
  • 20 seconds to open the briefcases with the item I want. They are sorted by type
  • 20 seconds to open the main bag again
  • 35 more seconds to get back into my closet
  • 20 seconds to leave again

Can this be reduced in any way or omitted if your house is locked? I like to keep things organized by bag. Many of us do.


Is the alternative to no longer change clothes, no longer bother going into my house, instead of RPing that I go home and get into jammies or lingere for my man before bed,  I might as well start sleeping at the hospital.


Eating and drinking

How is it 35 seconds to take a sip of water or a bite of food? We are completely vulnerable. We cannot eat in our cars, we can only eat at an NCZ location. This is particularly difficult when you are on duty as EMS and trying to save lives. Now I cannot take the next call because I have to take a sip of water and if I stop drinking water, I lose the whole thing. I personally work during a time where most people are asleep in EU and in the US I am often the only EMS on duty. My only option here is to eat or drink before or after duty and just let people die for a while.


Would you consider allowing us to eat and drink within our vehicles?

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I would like to see the times adjusted. After hearing a lot of community members out it seems like a majority is in favour of shortening the timers. Example: The drinking timer is ridiculous at the moment. It takes 3-4 seconds to take a sip from a bottle IRL.


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23 minutes ago, rhiome said:
  • 20 seconds to unlock the house
  • 20 seconds to go inside
  • 20 seconds to re-lock the house

IRL literally takes bout 5-10seconds to do all 3 of those actions. when you own a home and have keys for awhile it becomes muscle memory what key it is. You arent looking through a set of 10keys trying them all out to see which one it is. These timers are way, way too long. Not to mention on most if not all homes locking your door from the inside takes about 1second to flip the lock on the door once it is closed.


23 minutes ago, rhiome said:

Can this be reduced in any way or omitted if your house is locked?

The point of these timers were to add realism, which i can appreciate and i like the intent behind them. But currently in practice they are doing the complete opposite. Truth is for many of these timers having it happen instantly was more realistic than waiting 20-40seconds for an action to happen. All of the timers you mentioned are painfully slow and unrealistic.


23 minutes ago, rhiome said:

How is it 35 seconds to take a sip of water or a bite of food? We are completely vulnerable.

when i first came back from the update and started eating i was like "huh, one timer then the burger is finished? Cool.". then i realized i had to repeat it many times until it was finished...


+1 op

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9 minutes ago, Rodiz said:

After hearing a lot of community members out it seems like a majority is in favour of slightly shortening the timers.

Personally i would say "significantly" rather than "slightly". most of these timers are way too long for the action they are supposed to be slowing down.

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Just now, TheCanadian said:

Personally i would say "significantly" rather than "shorter". most of these timers are way too long for the action they are supposed to be slowing down.

"Slightly" was removed. Thanks for your input. I agree.

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I agree the timers are longer than they should be. On a similar note, I am surprised it takes awhile to lock/unlock cars as if we need to put a key in it. Was hoping to decrease the time back to normal since there are key fobs IRL and GTA5 is set around the current time period.

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+1 I enjoy the timers, but it takes a person 0.0 seconds to reach down and pick up our box or bag... while we spend 4 seconds opening it? How much time does it actually take to aim your eyes at an open box.... I feel like the timer should be on "picking up" bags and boxes, and not "looking in" them.... also house cabinets... my stash is on an open shelf.... its not exactly hard to open.... also I understand a 3 second timer to unlock the door (fiddling with keys) but I dont understand taking 5 seconds to walk through the door...

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Can i also mention that all cars from this century have key fobs that allow them to be unlocked BEFORE EVEN reaching the car? Literally one button press and POP car is open.

My mother's car even has contactless key, so it unlocks itself...


Big +1 Times need to be adjusted!

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The thing is for example about stash, why you need to wait till it opens if its a house and irl you would just throw stuff on the ground or so on, so the devs want you to think that stash is some invisible storage, about cars, you open trunk and everytime you need to wait till it opens car inventory why the fuck you need to wait you have already opened trunk and you can just throw stuff in its just not realistic.


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Also can someone please mention the fact that these timers are HUGE in my UI??? Kind of sucks for immersion and people who want to stream. Someone may need to adjust how freaking massive this shit is. I don't get why we aren't basing anything off of Nopixel which is obviously very nicely built?

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Oh my goodness, I gave up before I put my swim suit on that I spent all they time getting. I tried to put it on today and I wanted to cry.

And it takes a long time for someone to take their mask off too, so you can alias them. I believe it takes 1 second to pull a bandana off of your face.

I like  the timer bars but wow this is too much. Thanks for the support on this issue. 

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