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House robberies.

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Good evening all,


This has probably been covered a number of times and sorry if it has but thinking of house robberies using bobby pins, not your normal bobby pins but a special one that is quite rare and a little expensive to get hold of.  I know it's not as easy as it sounds because it's going to have to be monitored to a degree otherwise people are just going to chain rob houses.  Maybe adding safes into houses, cameras that take pictures of the robber so it makes him wanted for robbery, stuff like that.


  I'd just like to know peoples opinions on this matter and see what you all think.  Thank you for your time.  

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46 minutes ago, ixTooT said:

cameras that take pictures of the robber so it makes him wanted for robbery

Problem is a 2500$charge doesnt mean shit to someone who just raided a house with hundreds of thousands in heavies.

+1 if more thought is given to this idea and it is more fleshed out
-1 to how it is currently described in your suggestion

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24 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:

Problem is a 2500$charge doesnt mean shit to someone who just raided a house with hundreds of thousands in heavies.

+1 if more thought is given to this idea and it is more fleshed out
-1 to how it is currently described in your suggestion

It it just a vague suggestion, add to it if you like, heavier fine? More prison time? Throw the suggestions in the mix.

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3 minutes ago, ixTooT said:

It it just a vague suggestion, add to it if you like, heavier fine? More prison time? Throw the suggestions in the mix.

I would have to think more before i add my own suggestion, but its why i didnt just flat out -1 it. i can see this working well if the whole system is taken into consideration and implemented properly.

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I could see this being something a bit better than what it is now. It would be nice to see alarm systems that alert the police (which crims might steer away from using them because of the illegal items inside), cameras like stated above, hell even rig a shotgun to blast when you walk in without taking the proper precautions? I think the idea of having a different tool to get in would be okay, and the home owner should have to be online to give them a fair chance.


Like @TheCanadian said +1 if there are some better ideas but -1 as what you have now.

Edited by PennyWise13x
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Limited amount of stuff that can be stolen, let's say either 1/3 if someone has stuff that would cost approximately around 100k in-game currency or 1/4-150k, etc.

In this case +1

I would not be happy to lose all my stuff if I would be off for a couple of days. 

I like the idea of house robberies. 

Edited by Quas12
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+1 if you can invest in security systems like an alarm that can be customized to notify police and/or your phone (a criminal might want a text on the phone instead of cops showing up to his house) when the house is broken into and a safe that must be unlocked to help protect the stash

Edited by Victor Einhart
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13 minutes ago, Victor Einhart said:

+1 if you can invest in security systems like an alarm that can be customized to notify police and/or your phone (a criminal might want a text on the phone instead of cops showing up to his house) when the house is broken into and a safe that must be unlocked to help protect the stash

Alarm systems along with a safe would be good - and maybe to combat chain robberies and poor role-play, we could make it so house robbing needs to admin approved and supervised? I don't want someone who doesn't have the slight clue about role-play being allowed to do them.

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It will definitely need monitored in some way, chain robberies would be pointless, something needs adding to make it pretty hard to be a successful robbery, alarms would be great, cctv, guard dogs if pets are implemented.


I put this post out for people to come up with ideas you know, my ideas were just straight off the bat, just wanted an idea of what you guys thought not to say my ideas were useless because that's not what I want added and that's it, it will need a hell of a lot of work.

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1 minute ago, ThePro said:

If we get the ability to have safety systems on the house, then... +1

Something like that would need to be done and it would be great.  Could open up jobs aswell for the installation of cameras, if they break down, cameras need changing etc.

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4 minutes ago, ixTooT said:

Something like that would need to be done and it would be great.  Could open up jobs aswell for the installation of cameras, if they break down, cameras need changing etc.

That's actually a great idea for a new faction!

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Just now, ThePro said:

That's actually a great idea for a new faction!

I think a lot of opportunities could open up from putting in house robberies, just wanted a general opinion on the matter and see what ideas people have, would be cool to add it in.

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4 minutes ago, ixTooT said:

I think a lot of opportunities could open up from putting in house robberies, just wanted a general opinion on the matter and see what ideas people have, would be cool to add it in.

This would be really cool, but I would love to see the admin team make more houses available to purchase. The best would be if all the houses on the map would be available to purchase. It would just add a lot of realism into the game. And then this could be implemented as well.

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2 minutes ago, ThePro said:

This would be really cool, but I would love to see the admin team make more houses available to purchase. The best would be if all the houses on the map would be available to purchase. It would just add a lot of realism into the game. And then this could be implemented as well.

They are working on something, there's a lot of admin markers around the town, they're trying to make housing a bit more affordable so I hear.

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5 minutes ago, ixTooT said:

They are working on something, there's a lot of admin markers around the town, they're trying to make housing a bit more affordable so I hear.

I've seen admin markers months ago. That's nothing new. I made multiple topics about this issue, and they just completely ignored it. Low-tier admins can't do anything so they don't want to be involved, and high-tier admins just don't care. So unless someone pushes them to do it, we will see the prices of houses increase even more. It makes no sense that a house that is worth 20k is sold for 300k. But this is the sad reality. Eclipse has even more issues than just this one, and they keep being ignored. It's a pity, since I see a lot of people like you with great ideas, but they are kinda worthless unless we fix the main problems.

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1 minute ago, ThePro said:

I've seen admin markers months ago. That's nothing new. I made multiple topics about this issue, and they just completely ignored it. Low-tier admins can't do anything so they don't want to be involved, and high-tier admins just don't care. So unless someone pushes them to do it, we will see the prices of houses increase even more. It makes no sense that a house that is worth 20k is sold for 300k. But this is the sad reality. Eclipse has even more issues than just this one, and they keep being ignored. It's a pity, since I see a lot of people like you with great ideas, but they are kinda worthless unless we fix the main problems.

I know what you mean, hopefully we can get replies to things more seeing the server is just growing and growing, more stuff added would be cool.

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4 minutes ago, ixTooT said:

I know what you mean, hopefully we can get replies to things more seeing the server is just growing and growing, more stuff added would be cool.

Don't worry about that, I see that Developers are doing their work and they add new stuff all the time, which is cool. I think that right now they are working on hunting or something.

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Just now, ThePro said:

Don't worry about that, I see that Developers are doing their work and they add new stuff all the time, which is cool. I think that right now they are working on hunting or something.

There's a few things I've seen coming in the next update which I hear is very soon.

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