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Cyrus Raven

Issue with new firearms license protocol

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It is great that an effort to increase the standard of RP and add new features to the server is being made. 



However, I would like to suggest a change with the recent firearm protocol. 


It used to be the case that you could essentially walk into the PD and get a license provided you weren't wanted, had 10k to pay for the license and had no speeding tickets. However, it is now the case that essentially any existing character on the server who wishes to get a firearm license has to have a completely clear record, which makes those players who want to adapt to the higher standard of RP a bit difficult. 


I understand that giving a firearm license to someone who has 50 counts of manslaughter is unrealistic, but maybe some leeway should be given for less egregious offenses like reckless driving.


My suggestion is to either


  • Lower the requirements and take into account the date in which these were committed (if it was before the change then accept them provided they have no felonies after the date of the new firearm protocol). This means that essentially everyone has a chance to get a new license and this will be their one and only chance to prove they can carry one if they fail to adapt they get their license revoked and they won't get one issued again for the foreseeable future.




  • Allow for players who want to pay in-game money or IRL credits to change their name, which would then automatically clear their record without having to give up their backstory, items, money, etc...



These are just a couple of suggestions, feel free to contribute. Essentially what I am looking for is a way to fairly give a chance to existing players to acquire a firearms license without having their entire past prevent them from doing so because of the recent firearm license changes.

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1 minute ago, Serthon said:

Licenses aren’t given if they have a previous felony charge. People with past misdemeanours will have a chance to get it. I don’t see an issue, to be fair.

The issue is that because of the recent change on how firearms work we essentially went from a state where anyone can grab a license no matter their charges too if you have a single felony you will be denied. 


While this process is 100% fine and something I fully support, all I am saying is that there should be an opportunity for people to redeem themselves given this massive change, otherwise, as I've pointed out, most people who have been playing on here for the past month will most likely not be able to get a license if they've even been remotely involved in gang/criminal activity. This essentially means that the only way to get a firearm license is to create a new character, which as you might imagine is probably not the most fun thing to do.


Thus the suggestions above. 

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Honestly I played between 2 raised them to 80k xp, never been arrested (and I have been playing criminal as well, that doesn't mean i never did any crimes. If you're blindly robbing everyone ofcourse you will get caught, that's why you need to play and assess every situation. I think the system maybe needs to add little bit more ammo in the ordering for gangs that gangs would start selling it in the streets, since now it's mostly limited to the gang members. 

I don't get why at the current state of server everyone thinks that it's a right to get a pistol and do crimes, this is a role play server not DM.

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16 minutes ago, Scott Cleverley said:

Honestly I played between 2 raised them to 80k xp, never been arrested (and I have been playing criminal as well, that doesn't mean i never did any crimes. If you're blindly robbing everyone ofcourse you will get caught, that's why you need to play and assess every situation. I think the system maybe needs to add little bit more ammo in the ordering for gangs that gangs would start selling it in the streets, since now it's mostly limited to the gang members. 

I don't get why at the current state of server everyone thinks that it's a right to get a pistol and do crimes, this is a role play server not DM.

I don't disagree with you, but I'm arguing against anything you said. 


Let me try to illustrate my problem.


Someone who is new joins the server and tries to go make some money at the farm. One of the things he notices is cars being lockpicked and people being robbed very frequently. After a few days, he decides to join a gang as most people are a part of a gang. He spends most of his days rolling around as a group and going to drug labs and chop shops, he eventually (as is natural in that kind of environment) gets arrested for either attempting to shoot a rival gang member or even an officer.



I wouldn't be surprised if this is the experience a lot of new players get when joining the server. To answer your question ''I don't get why at the current state of server everyone thinks that it's a right to get a pistol and do crimes'' the reason why this is the current state of the server is because that's what the server indirectly promotes. 


Prior to this change (I can't say if this is still the case after the firearm license change) everyone and their mother owned a gun, either legally or illegally and if you did happen to get caught doing some fucked up shit, no one would care because they can just re-buy the firearm license and go down to the closest store and purchase a gun. This type of behavior, as you pointed out, is not worthy of an RP server, which is why these changes are really good in my opinion.  


However, transitioning to a system that essentially encourages more RP and less running and gunning around the city with no recourse at all for existing players seems unfair in my mind. I think it would be sensible to allow players a second chance at owning a firearm license and becoming a law-abiding citizen. I understand you might be exceptional in so far as you were able to cultivate two characters with no arrests, but surely even you recognize that you are the exception the norm. 


I think that the best case scenario we get people who want to own a firearm license for protection and still be a law abiding citizen and the worst case scenario we get an influx of people who get the license and end up still committing crimes, in which case they get the license revoked and can never own a license for the foreseeable future. I think this solution is better than potentially alienating a lot of the player base that is looking to improve their RP to something besides criminal RP. 



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If someone had a criminal history, and can't obtain a firearm permit because of it, he can decide to kill his character and start fresh. (keeping all of his assets)

That is the main avenue, or staying in his gang, and obtaining guns from them. The only different is that a felon can't carry them legally anymore, which is very welcome.


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2 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

If someone had a criminal history, and can't obtain a firearm permit because of it, he can decide to kill his character and start fresh. (keeping all of his assets)

That is the main avenue, or staying in his gang, and obtaining guns from them. The only different is that a felon can't carry them legally anymore, which is very welcome.


I wasn't aware of this, how would you go about doing this ? Just changing your name and then ask a staff member to clear your records?

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3 minutes ago, Kyle White Raven said:

I wasn't aware of this, how would you go about doing this ? Just changing your name and then ask a staff member to clear your records?

You roleplay killing your character off in the way of your choosing, then you walk into the precinct and change your name. If you didn't use the name before, your record will be cleared automatically, no admin assistance required.

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Just now, alexalex303 said:

You roleplay killing your character off in your way of choosing, then you walk into the precinct and change your name. If you didn't use the name before, your record will be cleared automatically, no admin assistance required.

Well dam, I was not aware of this at all. Thanks for clarifying. Maybe something should still be done for those who have used up their one name change (and are forced to donate to change it), but I imagine this solution is available to a lot of people.

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Just now, Kyle White Raven said:

Well dam, I was not aware of this at all. Thanks for clarifying. Maybe something should still be done for those who have used up their one name change (and are forced to donate to change it), but I imagine this solution is available to a lot of people.

They can create a new character in the second character slot. With that they will have four chances.

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I see both sides of this argument. But I think by choosing to live a life of crime, you also have to accept that the police and the government will naturally do things to stop you from committing those crimes. I can understand, from a gamer perspective, it might seem unfair and unannounced, but I feel like this is more of an IC change. The government of Los Santos saw a massive upswing in crime, so decided to tighten their gun laws (sound familiar?). 

On the other hand, if you are deciding you want to live a crime-free life, and quit your gang, than I could understand wanting some way to clear you record and be able to purchase a gun for protection from criminals and your ex-gang.

So the question for me would be, what IC reason do you have to make the changes you request? If it because you are actually giving up crime and your gang? Or is it because you are a criminal and in a gang, but want to try and avoid the cops this time, not get caught, and maintain your right to purchase a weapon?

And, based on those answers, the government may consider some system to allow a criminal to clear their record (preferably with a time requirement etc) before accepting them back into life as a law-abiding citizen.

Remember, there are some of us who have put as much time into avoiding crime and staying clean as others have robbing and stealing from innocent civilians. At some point, it would be nice if law-abiding citizens who have put significant time and effort into staying clean caught some sort of a break. 

So of course, ICly, I would completely disagree with your recommendation, and instead want even stricter gun laws.

Edited by Jasmine
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On 4/17/2019 at 7:24 AM, Kyle White Raven said:

It is great that an effort to increase the standard of RP and add new features to the server is being made. 



However, I would like to suggest a change with the recent firearm protocol. 


It used to be the case that you could essentially walk into the PD and get a license provided you weren't wanted, had 10k to pay for the license and had no speeding tickets. However, it is now the case that essentially any existing character on the server who wishes to get a firearm license has to have a completely clear record, which makes those players who want to adapt to the higher standard of RP a bit difficult. 


I understand that giving a firearm license to someone who has 50 counts of manslaughter is unrealistic, but maybe some leeway should be given for less egregious offenses like reckless driving.


My suggestion is to either


  • Lower the requirements and take into account the date in which these were committed (if it was before the change then accept them provided they have no felonies after the date of the new firearm protocol). This means that essentially everyone has a chance to get a new license and this will be their one and only chance to prove they can carry one if they fail to adapt they get their license revoked and they won't get one issued again for the foreseeable future.




  • Allow for players who want to pay in-game money or IRL credits to change their name, which would then automatically clear their record without having to give up their backstory, items, money, etc...



These are just a couple of suggestions, feel free to contribute. Essentially what I am looking for is a way to fairly give a chance to existing players to acquire a firearms license without having their entire past prevent them from doing so because of the recent firearm license changes.


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I believe that there should be more added in the ways of criminals to obtain weapons in a roleplay way, like buying them off other players. This needs to either be another faction management approved thing or add incentives for gangs to sell guns to criminals who arnt in gangs. 

Weapons by no moeans should be easy to get if you are a criminal but i still do believe you should have a semi decent way of getting one. 

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