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Scott Cleverley

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About Scott Cleverley

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  1. These people are usually new players, so you're saying they don't get robbed enough lets milk everything out of them? big -1.
  2. In any public place officer may demand you to leave the place for disturbance of peace. talking about robberies I would agree 100%, as in my understanding in broad daylight and on a street there should be considered people watching at all the times and you couldn't just rob anyone like that. But it's up to admins and they don't want to do nothing about it, they just say it happens IRL, lets just pretend it's not cops vs criminals server with some rules.
  3. Not sure about whole story why you were asked to leave and so on. Also people tend to think that DOC is public property...
  4. I think masks are way too op, people with masks 24/7 running arround with guns and so on. remember that there is no way to track person down with help of npc, cameras all around the city. If you would look in real life majority of criminals get caught because cctv's are everywhere as well as people report crimes. here if you haven't seen the man face basicly no way to charge him, even if you got robbed your claim is not enough of an evidence itself to punish the guy.
  5. The thing with this server is people don't get that you should be afraid to go to jail. I have watched loads of documentary about mafia/gangs, guess what, once they would get caught they would snitch on each other since it is a big difference between being wealthy and rotting in a jail and here people don't care if they get caught. I understand that in reality some people ain't afraid to go to jail, but it's because they have mental problems in the first place. I don't think that if we increase time anything will change, people will just try to evade even more from PD. The problem what this server has, that people don't understand how role play works in the first place, now everyone is running as a hero, who is not afraid to get tazed, shot, punched or stabbed when irl you would try to avoid such situations. Second thing people don't understand that street bikes shouldn't go off road expecialy hachou street bike ( it would litteraly crash even if there would be some sand on street) but people just drives trough the mountains with it and so on which is bs in the first place. If they see blocked road they won't decrease speed they will just increase it and try to ram the cars. What I'm saying is that the problem is with people mindset on this server, other true rp servers gives you 15 minutes jail time and so on, but you roleplay that you don't want to get there in the first place and act like you care about it.
  6. You get that there's not as nearly PD officers as irl you would have? There's like 5 cops chasing one suspect at most times so how you think you can put 4 cops to block the highway? also when people drive 200km/h + you can't plan nothing ahead. As I said if we would have npc chases wouldn't go 200km/h + all the time and police could try to make traffic jams and what not. People are crying here about the chases when everyone drives high speed cars, can drive max their speed and police cruisers can't even catch up with it. + Police have strict chase protocol. Criminals don't escape the most of the time cuz they really drive badly and with no caution so you just need to wait them to crash...
  7. I understand, I'm not saying it's looking good rp wise, but as I said there's no other way to stop people since you can't block the roads while they're empty unless pd would start shooting at tyres at all times on high way, but then again people would cry about that. People don't understand that irl Law enforcement is always the strongest, but here people wants to contest criminals vs PD.
  8. -1 on a high way like this police would make a traffic jam and suspect wouldn't have anywere to go. since there is no NPC we have no ways to make a traffic jam and while everyone has high speed cars it's just makes impossible even to chase someone, count the fact in that all chases goes to the max top speed since there's no npc to get in your way.
  9. Well often if it's active rp like robbery/police pursuit and so on, people hate it because /ooc stalls the situation while their friends or just people in general comes and starts doing some shady shit, the thing is that people don't get that IRL you wouldn't pull at the scene and start doing stuff but here as example try to pull someone at the bank everyone will run at you and start talking shit it's just people mentality in general, so people just want to finish situations as quickly as possible since typing and so on already takes up time.
  10. You take from many people items, where do you store it? We have no storing system + if you're behaving most of the time you will get your stuff back if you ask them and they will keep it for you and give it back when you end your sentence and contact them. Most of the times although if you're reckless driving, felony evading, public endagerment, I don't see a point not taking everything away from you since you're danger to a public irl you would serve max sentence for such things since you put everyone life at risk and you wouldn't. As I see it if you clearly ain't scared (remember irl people are afraid to go to jail, they even snitch and so on to evade jail time not like here) to go to jail for such things why should we give you priveledge to get your stuff back?
  11. I have no problem if someone talks to ooc to non related things although if you interact only rply with someone and they take it to /ooc it's annoying af.
  12. I mean, you can already do it, just don't deliver for such price. If no one going to deliver for low price they will increase money for delivery request, if someone deliver for low price it's just their choice. That's how economic works in real life.
  13. Yeah, I work in PD and I got call for scammed car. I mean you can deal with it ic'ly reporting it on gov website and detectives will look into it, But still I mean it's really low rp to get keys, sign papers and to run off with the money.
  14. Honestly I played between 2 raised them to 80k xp, never been arrested (and I have been playing criminal as well, that doesn't mean i never did any crimes. If you're blindly robbing everyone ofcourse you will get caught, that's why you need to play and assess every situation. I think the system maybe needs to add little bit more ammo in the ordering for gangs that gangs would start selling it in the streets, since now it's mostly limited to the gang members. I don't get why at the current state of server everyone thinks that it's a right to get a pistol and do crimes, this is a role play server not DM.
  15. Wait have you ever even been to the prison? I bet you have not. I had a practice in there as a social worker, no one attempts to kill you and so on since they don't want their sentence extended, they want to get out on a good behaviour. LOL
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