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Make Crim Great again.

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There are a few flaws i will mention below that i feel even a small change would make it perfect.



At the moment, speaking from experience. Nearly every single crim does the same thing.. although some people may find this entertaining, i think i will speak for the majority in saying driving around in your car surfing to different drug labs searching for people to rob or to produce a massive load of drugs eventually gets boring. I am certain that a massive improvement here can and should be made. 

I think that weed should be able to be grown in any grassy, fertile location across the map, however instead of giving the plants a 15 minute growth timer as they are now, it should be extended to something like 2 hours. and you must tend to the plants by watering them and perhaps even using fertiliser to improve the yield. 

Doing this allows a more exciting thing to happen, gangs and other people would now start scouring the map looking for peoples grow spots, and keep you on your toes trying to protect it, and it would be much more rewarding having you complete a grow and getting away with it.

The current state.. of marijuana plants popping up out of the ground in almost desert like terrain is unrealistic and is almost giving players an unlimited supply of weed.

I think that there should be a guy hidden around the map who sells different types of seeds that you can purchase and buy water and a pot from the shop and start your own grow.


Public Labs:

I think this is good and bad. It is good because it allows interaction and conflict which keeps the server alive and active. But for the players who wish to not be part of a gang are absolutely screwed unless they go there with no valuables and stash everything they make in a bush and pray the bigger gangs do not find their drugs. 

Drugs like cocaine are not usually produced in the states but rather countries like columbia etc. I think it would be interesting to see some drug imports, perhaps at the docks or a drug boat in the middle of nowhere, you can make orders to an NPC supplier to get it imported and then passed down to the small time gangsters. I know that gangs should always have the upper hand as they have taken time and effort to build themselves and recruit, but believe me when i say.. there is a lot of money to be made by yourself in the real world. Im not entirely sure what could be done here but the whole, gangs pulling up at a public drug lab is extremely unrealistic and it could be a lot better if there was other ways.


On a final note, drugs are obviously the main way for crims to make money, and seeing as the majority of the server is crim, it would be nice to have a different way of playing it. Give the player some reward for coming up with new creative ways of doing things rather than being forced to follow the crowd and take a chance in a public lab? there is no secrecy at all. making drugs should never be public and should always be in a safer place for you.

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a tentative +1.

In total agreement that the current drug production systems are unfulfilling and heavily geared towards larger groups with the capability to hold public labs, or the super rich who own island property where they cannot be disturbed as they cook outside. the only way for small time crims to cook drugs presently is through the use of RVs, which can only hold about 3 tables if you are being honest about placement. this produces less income per hour than "working" at burgershot does.

As i have said before. Private labs were removed and nothing was added back in the fill the monumental hole that was left behind. cooking in private labs was a moneymaker that so many solo/small group crims used and now its gone with nothing to fill that space. as a result cars to chop are more scarce, Stores to rob are more scarce, and the competition for public labs is hotter than ever. 

I dont think that private labs should be brought back in their original format. but its clear that something, anything needs to be added to help divsersify criminal roleplay.

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I think crim rp should be changed from just rob and lab surf.

its gotten to the point that players who are semi new to the server grow a "its clapper crew or nothing" mentality. having been here since 2017 i've seen that mentality come and go. and when it arrives it's always signs that the server is doing something wrong. making players gravitate towards clapping instead of RPing.


Gang's shouldn't need to consider clapping other gangs as a part of their RP. there should be more RP options available to pick from where clapping is result of a gang messing something up. not just because they did what they needed to do to progress money and rep wise.

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On 4/22/2024 at 5:52 PM, Quietthecutie said:

a tentative +1.

In total agreement that the current drug production systems are unfulfilling and heavily geared towards larger groups with the capability to hold public labs, or the super rich who own island property where they cannot be disturbed as they cook outside. the only way for small time crims to cook drugs presently is through the use of RVs, which can only hold about 3 tables if you are being honest about placement. this produces less income per hour than "working" at burgershot does.

As i have said before. Private labs were removed and nothing was added back in the fill the monumental hole that was left behind. cooking in private labs was a moneymaker that so many solo/small group crims used and now its gone with nothing to fill that space. as a result cars to chop are more scarce, Stores to rob are more scarce, and the competition for public labs is hotter than ever. 

I dont think that private labs should be brought back in their original format. but its clear that something, anything needs to be added to help divsersify criminal roleplay.

ey ey, i am the only crim that ownes a island, all the rest are officials or civils XD, trust me, its ,not worth putting drugtables on an island, since you can only take about 10 tables max with the current cooling system, so you might aswel put it in a backyard on a normal house somewhere since you can only run that much tables, lets say the successfully, nuked crim, I don't even go to my island anymore only to show some people around pretty much, 

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On 4/22/2024 at 10:52 AM, Quietthecutie said:

a tentative +1.

In total agreement that the current drug production systems are unfulfilling and heavily geared towards larger groups with the capability to hold public labs, or the super rich who own island property where they cannot be disturbed as they cook outside. the only way for small time crims to cook drugs presently is through the use of RVs, which can only hold about 3 tables if you are being honest about placement. this produces less income per hour than "working" at burgershot does.

As i have said before. Private labs were removed and nothing was added back in the fill the monumental hole that was left behind. cooking in private labs was a moneymaker that so many solo/small group crims used and now its gone with nothing to fill that space. as a result cars to chop are more scarce, Stores to rob are more scarce, and the competition for public labs is hotter than ever. 

I dont think that private labs should be brought back in their original format. but its clear that something, anything needs to be added to help divsersify criminal roleplay.


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There is no. Cooking on islands. You cant hold much more than 10 tables. With the refil bottle system, this  rumor is from that video  of that raid 3 years ago on the volkov island, i own this island now and i turned into a civilian. Making me the last crim that resigned to a civil. Al the other islands are owned by govs 

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so its as i feared. private labs are practically non existent. alot of really good suggestions get passed up on these forums, crim and civ, but i really hope the devs look at this one. Crim RP is incredibly stale, as are the methods to make money. which if we are not counting the casino (and i dont because the odds are firmly stacked against you in everything but poker) its been years since a crim activity to make money was added.

we can add all the new outfits and cars and other window dressing we like but if the core gameplay of being a crim isnt being worked on then its all for nothing. i was flicking through the patch notes and i dont see any reference to spawnrates or replishment rates being adjusted for stores banks or chop cars despite the fact one of the biggest crim activities on the server was torpedoed, meaning more people are looking for chops or stores or banks but no adjustment has been made to compensate.

Somethings got to give.

There are alot of extra activities that could be added to diversify crim rp.

A few examples:

Arson: taking a contract from a dealer, similar to house robberies, but in this one its either insurance fraud or extortion, going to a location with fuel cans and torching the place, bonus points if we can get FRD involved to put the fires out. also gives people a reason to buy jerry cans besides when they hecc up and forget to refuel.

Cyber Crime: driving to a location and using a laptop to hack the local network, either doxing the system or infecting it with randsomware. minigame could be something like typing tutor to make you feel like a hacker. bonus points cus it gives laptops a reason to exist besides LEOS.

Extortion/loansharking: driving to a location and either trashing the place or assualting an NPC until they give you packed cash. measures can be put in place that would trigger an LEO response if not fulfilled. if this was implemented i would expect a sharp uptick in the purchases of baseball bats etc. 

There ARE options for stuff we can add to this game to make it more fun.

Edited by Quietthecutie
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We need to stop trying to"fix" cooking. The reason crim RP sucks is because there are limited options. The server just needs new content to keep things fun for the players which it is lacking for everyone.

My biggest gripe with criminal activities on ECRP is that there is no depth to anything. If activities had layers to them, they would be more fun and engaging. By depth, I mean that criminal activities should have a sequence of tasks where you need to do one task to be able to do the next part however everything is surface-level and very unsatisfying.

I like the idea of adding items that can be achieved by doing X to be able to do Y which is better paying and then doing Y can give you a chance of getting the items required to do Z.

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19 hours ago, Quietthecutie said:

so its as i feared. private labs are practically non existent. alot of really good suggestions get passed up on these forums, crim and civ, but i really hope the devs look at this one. Crim RP is incredibly stale, as are the methods to make money. which if we are not counting the casino (and i dont because the odds are firmly stacked against you in everything but poker) its been years since a crim activity to make money was added.

we can add all the new outfits and cars and other window dressing we like but if the core gameplay of being a crim isnt being worked on then its all for nothing. i was flicking through the patch notes and i dont see any reference to spawnrates or replishment rates being adjusted for stores banks or chop cars despite the fact one of the biggest crim activities on the server was torpedoed, meaning more people are looking for chops or stores or banks but no adjustment has been made to compensate.

Somethings got to give.

There are alot of extra activities that could be added to diversify crim rp.

A few examples:

Arson: taking a contract from a dealer, similar to house robberies, but in this one its either insurance fraud or extortion, going to a location with fuel cans and torching the place, bonus points if we can get FRD involved to put the fires out. also gives people a reason to buy jerry cans besides when they hecc up and forget to refuel.

Cyber Crime: driving to a location and using a laptop to hack the local network, either doxing the system or infecting it with randsomware. minigame could be something like typing tutor to make you feel like a hacker. bonus points cus it gives laptops a reason to exist besides LEOS.

Extortion/loansharking: driving to a location and either trashing the place or assualting an NPC until they give you packed cash. measures can be put in place that would trigger an LEO response if not fulfilled. if this was implemented i would expect a sharp uptick in the purchases of baseball bats etc. 

There ARE options for stuff we can add to this game to make it more fun.

i think people are just accepting it, and actually settling for less, the so big promised drug update 3 years ago was looking so amazing, and then we got this.... 
the server has tried to get rid of the clapping mentality which was not a bad thing, but we ALL paid the big price for it, 
it comes down to, where there is money, there will be attitudes, sadly enough the gta community in it self is immature from the normal gta series.

i think it will remain a double-edged sword, since the server has not been able to establish a balance for years without crim becoming depressing,
as you can see this is actually happening in our irl atm, where inflation soured through the roof, a government hits the break and depression hits.
i hope some magic will happen to make things great again, but I'm afraid its actually impossible to do, it either up or under at this point.
i am longing desperately just like you for things to go great again, so I really follow up to your posts everytime.

past couple months I made better money at burgershot then at doing tables, I thing everything is said by that.
i notice many crimes resighning towards civilian activity such as me. so lets call it eclipse sims ?? hehe

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Private drug labs hurt RP by making people sit inside but with the several nerfs to them there's been a major decrease in RP for everyone related to labs such as LEO's being able to take them down or FD getting calls to handle drug labs when something goes wrong.

While the changes have made people more outside to engage in RP I don't think leaving them in the dirt is the best option, I still think the idea of selling drugs, gathering components, and gathering the equipment itself creates a lot of RP that has gone missing. A possible solution could be to turn the private tables into more of a passive income source where you still have to gather chemicals, plants, etc but cook a batch of drugs over the duration of 4 hours instead of making them one by one. This would make tables useful again and create RP opportunities for people to buy equipment, chemicals, and plants which creates opportunities for LEO to intercept while encouraging people to do other things than sit & wait at the tables.


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1 minute ago, NotKempi said:

Private drug labs hurt RP by making people sit inside but with the several nerfs to them there's been a major decrease in RP for everyone related to labs such as LEO's being able to take them down or FD getting calls to handle drug labs when something goes wrong.

While the changes have made people more outside to engage in RP I don't think leaving them in the dirt is the best option, I still think the idea of selling drugs, gathering components, and gathering the equipment itself creates a lot of RP that has gone missing. A possible solution could be to turn the private tables into more of a passive income source where you still have to gather chemicals, plants, etc but cook a batch of drugs over the duration of 4 hours instead of making them one by one. This would make tables useful again and create RP opportunities for people to buy equipment, chemicals, and plants which creates opportunities for LEO to intercept while encouraging people to do other things than sit & wait at the tables.


Im pro for having tables outside in the garden, let it cook for hours, waaay lower chance on exploding. idd more semi pasive income like a year ago, i felt it was good,

The trade in tables is dead now which was actualy a big bussiness creating rp interaction, this is dead now, cops just pull ppl over now for trafics stops… so we all lost here. 

i feel we became these petty little crims now hiding in bushes in labs and choping some wheels and doors. Not saying we should have giga private labs again, but it cant decline no more. The server had 600 active ppl at all time, now its 250 peak , 

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i enjoy reading everyone's opinion there's some really good points made, I like jett's idea of layers to some criminal activities. Maybe some new stuff will be added in the future.. 
Banks and houses kind of have layers where you need the contract and drill/lock picks scouts. I also think we are handy capped by whats avail on rage. As for drug tables yes you didnt see anyone but there were grinders who sat inside printing unlimited money. The recent changes with job pay and caps on what you can make + casino leads me to believe we are moving toward a more fair equil playing ground vs printing millions 

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2 hours ago, Smoke1 said:

i enjoy reading everyone's opinion there's some really good points made, I like jett's idea of layers to some criminal activities. Maybe some new stuff will be added in the future.. 
Banks and houses kind of have layers where you need the contract and drill/lock picks scouts. I also think we are handy capped by whats avail on rage. As for drug tables yes you didnt see anyone but there were grinders who sat inside printing unlimited money. The recent changes with job pay and caps on what you can make + casino leads me to believe we are moving toward a more fair equil playing ground vs printing millions 

there is nothing wrong making drugs inside, what was wrong is to sell 250 cocain in 5 second in a click of a button, it should be more spread to sell to manny more turfs like each turf 20-50 cocain, so they would be actual dealers supplying around the city bing able to be cought. the cooking inside should be the easy part, the selling would be the harder part, 

haven't you notice that economy has slowed so much since private labs where demolished, low end is dead. high end don't sell as much cars or they crappy. i see no more drops for tables, no more drops for much guns, I see no more shootouts, I start to honestly miss them a bit.

remember there is a significant audience who really like the thrill of building myself up a lab from scratch invest etc use that profit into a bigger place etc, there was actual growth investment into that system and that right now is dead. 

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4 hours ago, Ritchie Stones said:

there is nothing wrong making drugs inside, what was wrong is to sell 250 cocain in 5 second in a click of a button, it should be more spread to sell to manny more turfs like each turf 20-50 cocain, so they would be actual dealers supplying around the city bing able to be cought. the cooking inside should be the easy part, the selling would be the harder part, 

haven't you notice that economy has slowed so much since private labs where demolished, low end is dead. high end don't sell as much cars or they crappy. i see no more drops for tables, no more drops for much guns, I see no more shootouts, I start to honestly miss them a bit.

remember there is a significant audience who really like the thrill of building myself up a lab from scratch invest etc use that profit into a bigger place etc, there was actual growth investment into that system and that right now is dead. 

Cooking inside didn't produce any RP. All it produced was people watching Netflix while making obscenes amount of money. (Contributing to server inflation)

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5 hours ago, Ritchie Stones said:

there is nothing wrong making drugs inside, what was wrong is to sell 250 cocain in 5 second in a click of a button, it should be more spread to sell to manny more turfs like each turf 20-50 cocain, so they would be actual dealers supplying around the city bing able to be cought. the cooking inside should be the easy part, the selling would be the harder part, 

haven't you notice that economy has slowed so much since private labs where demolished, low end is dead. high end don't sell as much cars or they crappy. i see no more drops for tables, no more drops for much guns, I see no more shootouts, I start to honestly miss them a bit.

remember there is a significant audience who really like the thrill of building myself up a lab from scratch invest etc use that profit into a bigger place etc, there was actual growth investment into that system and that right now is dead. 

I understand your point of view, your character may not see it but trust me there are alot of shoot outs and guns being imported.. I beleive guns keep getting transferred from situation to situation. 

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