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Higher Standard of Mechanic RP

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I think I speak for every mechanic when I say that standing on the ledge waiting for 2 mins of RP isn't particularly fun. There are members of LSC and I assume Bayview consistently leaving or stopping on the server because there just isn't enough to do. The standard of RP and the amount of RP in the LSPD and LSEMS is extremely high compared to that of LSC and Bayview, and it honestly feels like these factions are being neglected. Obviously the dev team have a lot on their hands and I don't understand how difficult it can be to edit scripts etc, but I feel that there just isn't enough to do as a mechanic compared to other factions. 

I know there's only so much you can do with mechanic RP, but I think these factions might die if something isn't done. I'm not the best at making suggestions but here are a few of my own and I'm sure some people will add stuff here: 

1) Add a stock system where we'll need to source parts to actually do repairs with. 

2) Make low level work take slightly longer to allow for more time to RP without customers getting pissy

3) (probably controversial and could be irritating but) Make vehicles require some maintenance over time, giving mechanics a more realistic experience

4) Change the uniforms (ik it doesn't make it more fun but how many mechanics wear suspenders and ties?)

5) Add to the script to make it so that mechanics actually have to do more in the game aside from their own RP

6) Partnership between government factions: mechanics could potentially fix and upgrade police vehicles, EMS, weazel news vehicles and taxis

There are loads more improvements that can be made, i'm just a bit too dim to think of more, but I'm sure other players/mechanics can. 

Edited by WillJ
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3 is a no from me, mainly because you don't really need a mechanic for vehicle maintenance in real life... and some other stuff...

Regarding other stuff, yes, but imo mechanics have the highest rp standard when interacting with the other players(well on the other hand I dont even see anyone else rping) so long live the mechanics.

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I don't know how many times this has come to the server suggestion, But I think the devs need to step up instead of just having md, PD and the ui we have already, Yea it looks cool but should we not treat all the government factions the same bring in some new stuff for everything instead prioritising MD and PD, Mechanics is one lf the low rp jobs on the server which we should try and get the rp up and get the same standard as PD and md if we can, Not goin to be easy but if we implement new stuff to it we can do this.

@NobodyLTU And @Osvaldon Please look in to this and help our mechanics get better rp

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12 hours ago, DDevastatedTV said:


I don't know how many times this has come to the server suggestion, But I think the devs need to step up instead of just having md, PD and the ui we have already, Yea it looks cool but should we not treat all the government factions the same bring in some new stuff for everything instead prioritising MD and PD, Mechanics is one lf the low rp jobs on the server which we should try and get the rp up and get the same standard as PD and md if we can, Not goin to be easy but if we implement new stuff to it we can do this.

@NobodyLTU And @Osvaldon Please look in to this and help our mechanics get better rp

Please dont tag the founders or developers. Read: My suggestion doesnt get enough attention.

Its realy annoying for the founders


Kind regards


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3 hours ago, MusketDeezNuts said:

Please dont tag the founders or developers. Read: My suggestion doesnt get enough attention.

Its realy annoying for the founders


Kind regards


Its also really annoying that we dont get any attention as we arent MD or PD, Not trying to cause any aggro or start shit, But i see every time their is updates.

Edited by DDevastatedTV
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