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Everything posted by Jett_J

  1. Realistically speaking, people don't make bomb threats as often as they do on ECRP because you don't face real jail time and penalties for threats in a game. Realistically speaking, the LAPD and LASD have 10k law enforcement officers each that can easily handle a situation like that without overly stressing resources. Because our in game laws are a watered down version of real life, making a bomb threat carries insignificant consequences that are on the same level as something like failure to comply which means you can force a large proportion of available LEOs on the server into a nonsense situation for almost no real IC punishment
  2. +1, also good when you log in and missed a call/text or are AFK
  3. I suggest making changes to bank robberies to encourage more criminal-police roleplay interactions. It is quite easy to make this possible and would require minimal development or even no development at all. I don't think anybody genuinely enjoys the process of bank robberies on this server. For criminals, it is more of a chore because they need to get the packed cash to improve turf influence or just make money in general while police rarely get any interaction at all because it's always a bunch of offroad bikes that scatter in every possible direction and they can usually only catch one person at most unless they happen to compromise it before the robbery even happens. Bank robberies can have a lot more roleplay if the developers slightly modify the script by extending the time between the alarm and vault breach to allow for police to respond. If developers don't want to make any script changes to the banks, then it can still be done by just adding new bank rules to the server. Suggested rule changes: For criminals: - A valid hostage is required to perform a bank robbery (must be a real hostage that is organically captured). - All participants that entered the bank must remain there until negotiations have begun (to maintain integrity). - Some sort of rule to prevent excessive stalling with a hostage so that LEO can give chase. - Other ideas... For Law Enforcement: - Law enforcement cannot take tires as suspects are leaving the bank unless they have harmed somebody or displayed intent to shoot (pointing guns at LEO etc.) - A reasonable chance to escape must be provided (cannot set blockades and spikes in a manner that would make it impossible to leave the area of the bank without being either completely blocked in or spiked). This isn't to say that you can't use those tools at all, but they need to be used in a way that keeps it fair, similar to how you can't use a vehicle to block the only exit of a building in which there would realistically be more than one exit. - Breaching the bank while still occupied by multiple robbers should be a true "last resort" option that is only done if it is deemed that a hostage/civilian/LEO is in immediate danger and it can no longer be corrected through negotiations. (You could still breach the bank if there are one or just a few suspects excessively stalling). - Other ideas... These rule changes are designed to promote a proper interaction between both sides while maintaining fairness and allowing both sides the opportunity to "get a piece of the pie". Here is a list of benefits this provides to both sides: - #1 and main reason for this suggestion is to make banks a roleplay opportunity because as of right now, they aren't. - #2 slows down the pace of the bank robbery allowing both sides to enjoy the situation and further develop their plans - #3 Gives criminals more time to clear out the vaults increasing the potential earnings - #4 Gives LEO a better chance to catch criminals rather than just clean up the scene. I would like to hear your opinions on possible script/rules suggestions to make it an enjoyable and fair opportunity for everyone.
  4. im over here stroking my dick i got lotion on my dick right now im just stroking my shit im horny as fuck man I’m a freak
  5. I think it's fine where it is. Having a lower capacity makes it a little easier for the smaller groups to make a presence without being constantly bullied until they disband. A lower capacity also makes faction command put some thought into the people they allow into their faction to maintain the faction's reputation and quality since right now there really isn't much that goes into recruiting people in crim factions other than being friends and meeting XP requirements (Correct me if I'm wrong). 30 people is a good amount to work with and the command needs to decide who is a positive contributor to the faction and who gets the boot. Finally, a lower capacity helps prevent the server from becoming even more of a PVP server and allows groups to plan and focus on actual RP rather than massive gang wars on a daily basis. The server has a healthy amount of criminal factions currently and I think there is some balance among them as well.
  6. As the #1 ally of the LGBTQIA+ community, I want to support the brave guys, gals, and non-binary pals of our community. I think we should start the ECRP celebration of pride a month early. Instead of only celebrating in June, I think they deserve two months of recognition for both the month of May and June. I know the ECRP community is super supportive of LGBTQIA+ community so this would be a great change to our server. Some of my suggestions for these two months: 1. Pride parade 2. Free pride clothes with the new clothing update SoonTM 3. Change the ECRP logo to match the pride theme 4. Paint all the public roads rainbow I would LOVE to hear your thoughts! #LoveIsLove #Ally #SkittleSquad BE AN ALLY NOT AN OPP. ON BABY BLUD.
  7. Wow, I can see this faction having a long and prosperous life!
  8. According to half the server population they live in Tatooine and their computers run off firewood and electricity generated from manual labor so I'm not sure it's feasible. It's not a bad suggestion though.
  9. BIG UPS BROTHER What the fook is this man: 6 ads in a row taking up my whole chat box and not one thing I give a shit about.
  10. People are never satisfied smh my head
  11. This thread is asking what came first the chicken or the egg. Do cops over use tasers because criminal roleplayers refuse to RP properly? Or do criminals not roleplay tasers because cops want to win and use the taser excessively? Probably a combination of both. Being a video game, everyone wants to "win" one way or another and you can't change that mentality. Just make the taser have a longer charge time and make people who just got tased get put into a similar state as the death timer for like 30 seconds so they can't just keep running as if the taser is charging their batteries. This would allow cops to tase once then utilize tackling to stop someone. Use /me to grab them and if they don't pay attention to the RP, just forcefully drag them or carry them. Also excessive tasing gets punished with a longer cool down since you have to use more thought when deciding if someone is worth tasing knowing you won't be able to do it for another X seconds. If you think you're getting tased for simply existing and think an officer/deputy breaks force continuum, then just IA report it or OOC IA report if it's a common behavior in an individual. From a LEO only player my perspective is that it gets old when individuals in the community will make arresting them the biggest pain possible forcing us to tase them 10 times. Although not everyone is guilty of this, it can be pretty demotivating to want to do anything creative and it's hard to identify who wants to roleplay and who wants to win (and if they dont win they want to ruin the fun for everyone else)
  12. Cops use tasers as soon as the suspect gets physical or runs on foot lol
  13. I think this is a good idea. If not make them purchasable, then just add more ways they can be obtained in the game.
  14. taze -> cuff -> /carrybody -> spank suspect for being naughty
  15. Almost everyone has downloaded the 100% game save from the ECRP discord so they have max stamina. You can use cars to cut people off but a lot of the time you just end up running them over because of sync and people complain about getting ran over. If you aren't stationary it is super easy to dodge a tackle if you have any awareness.
  16. -1 Foot chases will last forver since everyone runs at the same pace and there is no effective way to stop them from running. Realistically no one is running forever, but on this server you can. People should only have to get tased once, but since people do not roleplay the effects we are forced to use it multiple times.
  17. I'm always down for free stoof. The wheel is also kinda garbanzo beans right now. Hopefully a system is developed soon so that super cars can be won through the wheel.
  18. Date and time (provide timezone): 00:30:00 UTC 02/05/2024 Character name: Jett Jones Issue/bug you are reporting: I placed a split bet on 0 and 00 in roulette and it landed on green but ate my $25k. Expected behavior: I should have won whatever the payout is for 25k * green payout / 2 Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Vehicle license plate number*:
  19. Jett_J


    Bro Im just here to shoot
  20. +1 I miss my daily read of the archived forum reports
  21. The only thing I don't like is that you can just infinitely tackle someone making it impossible for them to stand up until you let them. Other than that I like the new tackle/cuff systems.
  22. Im always for more content but I wouldn't say it's problematic at its current stage.
  23. Unless I get a bonus for writing tickets and making an arrest then -1 Making cops lootable makes cop hunting the meta -1
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