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Everything posted by ITZ_THE_F0NZ

  1. +1 to this. The current fishing system is outdated, and needs more work done to it, maybe different prices for different fish, different rarities of fish perhaps? Just makes the idea of standing there for endless amounts of time, a bit more enjoyable and interactive.
  2. Yep, admins won’t do nothing, which again, is pathetic, they have recently been given the ability to give you money, so maybe they can at least do that, I know that much for a fact.
  3. Nope, that’s incorrect, as 9 times out of 10, the only reason your car would be stolen is if someone is chopping it, I have had the same situation before, and when I called an admin ‘drizzy’ he said that once it’s been chopped, nothing can be done, they can’t even reimburse you, they can’t get it out of mors, they can’t even remove the timer at the very least, I still don’t believe that to this very day. But a simple /admin 1,2,3 or 4 won’t do nothing, unless your car has not already been chopped, and this bug where your game crashes when getting into your vehicle, has been ongoing for at least the very minimum 8 months when I came in, so I doubt it will ever get fixed. The ‘crash report’ section is pretty much only useful for those who have crashed in the middle of an RP situation, and need to notify the other parties.
  4. Oh sorry, again, only as far as I was aware this was not being looked into, but I guess we will just wait till the modview update and see how it goes, thanks!
  5. @Osvaldon @NBDY can you guys please look into this, it’s been an ongoing issue for the last 3-4 months minimum, we need answers, it’s clearly an issue, and it’s not being looked into as far as we are aware.
  6. +1 this needs to be fixed, particularly on mirror park, more specifically nikola PL, I have a home there, that for the last 3-4 months i have been unable to place any sorts of gates on the driveway, as the UI to lock the said gate never appears, this needs to be fixed ASAP, it’s a major part of the RP experience and quite frankly, a waste of money on not only the home itself, but the furniture and items I have to buy for it.
  7. +1 love this idea, and like all the other jobs, the devs will no doubt nerf oil mining rather than improve it. I think as a last resort and the only remaining legal scripted CIV job that pays decent money, this needs to be added. Cmon devs, I know the economy is pretty much in the crapper but let’s save what’s left please, and build upon it.
  8. +1 This happens to me all the time, it’s a joke, and 9 times out of 10 ends with my car getting chopped, admins not being able to do anything about it, and same with PD, I have been told by multiple others having this same issue not to hit K and F within a quick time slot, but still, regardless, needs to be looked in, it’s costing many peoples characters a ton of money and no way for us to prevent it IC.
  9. Date and time (provide timezone): 16:53 (GMT +1) 20/09/2020 Character name: Jordan Mcdonnell Issue/bug you are reporting: glove texture/model glitch Expected behavior: so i bought some leather gloves from the candypayne general store while on duty at DCC, i go to put the black leather gloves on, all good, but then when i go to clock off duty, the gloves show as grey fingerless cotton gloves. I have tried relogging multiple times with no luck. i have also tried taking the gloves off and putting them back on with no luck. I will try buying another set of gloves off duty and keep the post updated with any further findings, but leaving this here for an admin and devs to look into. thanks! Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: going on duty shows the black leather gloves that are purchased, going off duty shows the incorrect texutre/model, please find below a link to the clip. https://youtu.be/OeCEqS0UQFk
  10. +1 can also vouch for this, I have been having constant FPS drops and more constant crashes since the recent update.
  11. +1 all day long, as someone who uses the trucking job all the time, it angers me how the system works, the owners of the business’s most of the time shaft all of us with poor paying but high effort jobs, I choose purposely to ignore them to teach them a lesson, but then I always wish there was other stuff to do, it feels like the only option is to be taken advantage of, I wish there was scripted trucking jobs to do in the meantime; 2 types of jobs, 1 which pays lower but is more local in the city, and the other one which pays more but requires you to travel further outside the city, therefore I wouldn’t feel and many others feel like the only way to earn money while trucking is to let yourself get screwed over, like most legal jobs, most of them either pay extremely low or favour particular people, this needs to be changed.
  12. +1 agree 100% with the post, its IC, therefore there should be no mention of anything OOC related, including IRL money.
  13. Welcome man! Hope you enjoy your stay! Got plenty to do in the big bad city, enough to keep you entertained for a lifetime! Congrats on the migration to the dark side! I can sense the force is strong with this one indeed
  14. +0 I agree with the statement made that there should be some fees associated with it, i would agree that a ‘deposit’ system should exist with a cop, where if they don’t return the same weapon and serial number back to the lockers, they should pay a small fine, this will encourage cops to stop being so reckless with their actions sometimes, as I see many many times, in regards to fines that criminals pay and what they lose per illegal activity; the money you make as a criminal is vastly superior compared to the measly 6k an hour cops make so that kinda evens it out ya know, they deal with a lot more hassle than most people do and yet they get paid a fraction of what I could earn per hour with an RV and a pickaxe aha, if they are only earning a small amount of money, why should it be made even smaller, As a city, the citizens pay their taxes, that funds the weapons and equipment that the PD use so that’s easily justified. As a criminal, if you do the crime, you do the time. That includes paying up, Simple.
  15. Yeah I agree, it’s the same as the Postal job, not enough people are using the service, therefore the job becomes very situational, trucking is, again, very situational and doesn’t even pay that well for the time spent doing the job. Most of the time you will just sit there, waiting to be the first one to spam the accept button in a hope to get the job, and that’s if anyone is restocking, if they ain’t, it’s a mindless and tiresome job to do.
  16. +1 I agree, the risk-money ratio simply is NOT enough, the risk you run of getting caught by not only the owner of the car, the police or gang members is a huge factor, the timer needs to come down and the price needs to be increased. -1 i agree that this price and time should not be massively decreased and increased as car thefts would only go up, bringing us all back to that time where car robberies would happen too often, but I do agree that the level of risk currently does not match up with the money returned.
  17. +1 love ideas like this, more legal activities for us all to do, I do feel as though this would be a great addition for everyone to bring all their friends along and have a massive paintball/airsoft contest with cash prizes maybe.
  18. Look forward to hopefully meeting one of you guys in the city! Best of luck!
  19. +1 love this idea and anyone who goes to this level of an idea deserves to have it put in, especially when it’s something that will only cease to improve everyone’s RP experience! Great suggestion #legaljobs4eva
  20. -1 Unfortunately most of time, you can’t have the best of both worlds, hence why scrapyards exist, they don’t give you a car which can top 200 and give you the ability to effectively go ‘off the radar’ to cops, for the sake of the amount of crime that happens at the moment, adding in fake plates would only increase the amount of crimes in the city, taking us all back to a time and place we didn’t like before. If the ability to add in fake plates was added, I would suggest for the sake of balancing that maybe they were restricted to certain classes of player owned vehicles? Although, again I come back to my original point and understanding why you would want to use your own car for anything illegal, kinda digging your own grave there, that’s why scrapyards exist.
  21. +1 I do agree that as it’s RP, and in real life speed cameras would naturally be marked on your GPS alerting you to one in front of you, that this should be added, even if the ability for your character to automatically remember after a camera has snapped you, where it snapped you etc, that would be cool
  22. Hi there, Would like to suggest the ability to place items straight from your hands into trunks to be added, Like a crate or a bag? Seems really silly how you have to empty your whole inventory out just to put the item in your pocket just to then be able to put it in a trunk etc, Like why can’t you just place it straight into the trunk? It’s already in your hands? I just find it a bit unrealistic how something like this is not added but fitting a whole crate in your pocket is? Again makes no sense. I do feel as though this would save a lot of time, at the moment before I log off in the evening, I have to put the crate on the floor of my RV, empty my whole inventory into one of my safes, then I have to empty out my crate also which il leave for a later topic, then place the crate into my pocket, which overall I find highly unrealistic, then you have to place it into your safe from there, the amount of time that could be saved just allowing us to place it directly from hand to safe or hand to trunk etc etc would be crazy and I highly think adding such a feature would benefit many players across the board. many thanks
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