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  1. 25 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    The solution to criminal RP, as in the actual issues and not symptoms is a simple two-fold:

    1. lower the import prices across the board, barring attachments everything could realistically see a 1/3 price cut and still be relatively hard to obtain.

    2. bring back public labs to the state they were in ~2019, as in, actual tables to make the drugs and actual components spawning. LSD would be popping right now.

    Those gangs that go around looking for PvP could find themselves sitting at one of the revamped drug labs and leave other gangs alone in most other cases. The lower barrier to entry into the heavy market would allow even smaller organizations to compete, albeit more selectively in heavy vs heavy fights.

    This is basically the same intake from me, to add to your suggestion there could be a small change where the drugs cooked at labs are in PURE state which obviously sells more money than the standard drugs that we usually sell. In my opinion labs up north are way more riskier and should reward more than the ones inside a property or such...


  2. Hi all,

    I would like to put my input into this matter as I've been into multiple official factions and a criminal over the years. As it stands out currently it is balanced just fine as @FatherOsborn and @MrSilky only few selected people in the SWAT department contain this pager/phone and this is activated when serious situations happens such as hostage takings, raiding a property, big gang conflicts, ALT+RP situation etc...

    From a criminal perspective I can tell you right now PD with pagers is fine as it is, I don't see any issue except giving us the roleplay that is to be expected instead of getting ignored as the staff team instructed.

    Regarding RP opps from criminal official factions they are only used for certain events, big situation evolving such as meetings, raiding a property that is planned out, etc. It is not definetly not used to go "Scout labs to PVP" or "backup solution".

    Hope this clarifies things more, have a good one!

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  3. God bless your soul @HobGoblin

    Hi @IAmTurtle,

    After being a full-time criminal for 2 years now, I can say I have never experienced much roleplay from DOC and there's no one to blame for it. There's limitations such as we cannot perform prison breaks or any hostage taking. All the time people who go to prison are instantly tabbed out. 

    Now for example I work 8 hours day in real life, I'm not here to join the server afterwards and tabbing out, we are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Now you could say the simple term "don't get caught lackin" but if you are not the top of the chain of being a criminal you wouldn't understand how hard for some of us to stay low profile and most of the time we cannot even turn our phone on to interact with others. But let's not go off-topic and stick to the main context of prison time can be served OOCly, which I heavily vouch.

    One simple thing to understand about it, if people are logging in to serve their time to TAB OUT OF THE GAME, then clearly something is wrong.

    • Like 7
  4. 10 minutes ago, Vixxey said:

    Drag is fine. Nobody has even complained since steering was improved after the first nerf. I can't believe you're tryna bring back the Drag talk again in 2022 xddd

    You can still evade cops in a Drag, no problem. If there's anything going wrong in your evading, it's on you, not the bike.

    skill issue?

    • YAY 1
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    • hand 1
  5. Hi all,

    First and foremost I would like to thank the development team of ECRP where they are constantly pushing updates for us. 

    Now onto topic with the recent changes of the north drug labs were tables were added for marijuana has been an improvement but I was thinking of adding more tables for the following drugs as well depends on the LAB: Cocaine, LSD, Ecstasy, Meth, etc...

    This is a minor addition and can help sustain people who don't own a property or such to cook in their area. Yes I know there will be a major drug update, this is just a temporary adjustment!

     NOTE: At the LSD drug lab there's already setup which are not usable maybe they can become set of use unless their set as props as part of the GTA world.

    • Like 4
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  6. 回报

    “Ash,” Chi said desperately, bringing both her hands to my open gunshot wounds and applying pressure, “You need to stay with me, don’t fucking close your eyes.” I looked down at her hands, seeing the blood seep between her fingers. My head rolled back as I fell in and out of consciousness. Holy shit, I thought, I was losing more blood than I thought. My entire body felt limp. I tried to talk, but no words came out. Chi’s voice was quickly deafened by the sounds of gunshots whizzing in the air above us. A truck halted to the side of us as I felt myself being lifted into the air.
    “Quickly, get the fucking trunk open, now!” I could hear someone scream, I thought it was Chi.
    At that moment, I could hear sirens - my eyes almost closing as red and blue lights blared from the only slithers of light that my heavy eyelids allowed me to see. Heavy shots fired as people began to rush out of the area. I was placed in the back of the truck - one, three, four of the doors slamming shut, causing the truck to rock as it revved and quickly made its way out of the scene. Someone stayed with me on the truck, continuing to apply pressure on my wounds. They were speaking to me, urging me to stay awake, but before I could work out the words they were saying, I saw black.

    2 years later… 
    My entire body jolted awake from a nightmare, causing my siblings to spring on their feet and rush over to the sides of my bed. The first thing I noticed was the blinding, fluorescent white light blaring above me, followed by Emma’s deathly grip on my hand. I slowly tried to move - I was aching everywhere - but quickly noticed my mobility was limited from the cables and wires attached to me. My heartbeat monitor began to slow as I began settling into bed. I have never been so confused. The rest of the Volkovs, however, started to loudly exclaiming between one another - cheering and hugging me one by one. Before we could begin speaking, before I could find out how the fuck I ended here, and for how long, and for what, a few nurses had rushed into the room to check my vitals. 
    “Right, take it slow Ash, let’s make sure you’re all clear, then a doctor will come in and explain why you’re here.” One of the nurses told him, reaching over me to readjust my posture slowly, to which I obliged.

    I was not discharged from the hospital for several days as the staff continued to monitor me. I ended up finding out that it was a two-year coma resulted from my body failing to compensate for the blood I lost. The Volkovs stayed by my side for the entirety of those two years, plus the days that followed while I was being monitored, entertaining me with stories - both past and present - and only leaving to bring me food for the days I didn’t feel like eating from the hospital menu. The Four Seas Order were no longer around, but neither were the organisations we fought side-by-side with or against. Everything was different out there, people were different, headed for different distractions. 
    “What’s the first thing you want to do?” Drew asked him as they all left the hospital together. The air felt more crisp than usual, having only been able to experience it from the cracks of his open hospital window. Ash grinned as he helped himself into a car with the other Volkovs.
    “A drink.” He said, finally, betraying the doctor’s recommendations, “I need a fucking drink.”

    They made their way towards Tequilala, not shy in ordering the first round of drinks. Although they had been with each other for the past few days, it still felt like they could not run out of things to talk about and catch me up on. It was still quite late in the afternoon, so the bar was quiet, music softly humming from the jukebox - the most noise escaping from the room downstairs where people were playing poker. Tom had downed the rest of his drink between laughter at something Drew said, before clearing his throat - taking the short silence as an opportunity to share something.
    “I spoke to Frank the other day.” He said, looking directly towards me as if the other Volkovs already knew where the conversation was going.
    “Frank Gurino?” I asked, racking my brain for all the Franks I knew. Frank Gurino was a member of the Four Seas Order and the Triads.
    “Yeah. Xing now.”
    “How is he?” I asked, taking another sip from my drink as I listened.
    “He’s good, he’s doing really well for himself. He’s running an organisation called the Shenzhen Dragons.”
    I looked at him curiously, a form smiling on my lips.
    “I know what you’re going to say.”

    A meetup was arranged with Frank by Tom.
    The proposition to join the gang was offered, Ash happily accepted and was re-united with Frank and his family once again.


    Credits for video making goes to: Jontero
    Credits for the writing composition: skeletee

    Contribution: Drew Volkov, Tom Volkov, Emma Volkov, Ash Volkov & Frank Xing.

    Thank you all for the assistance & work throughout!

    • Like 28
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  7. @IAmTurtle

    Your reasoning doesn't make sense at all, sorry to say.

    First of all the context itself a jewelry store and a bank are a different story with different approach, secondly would it hurt to make more content that would provide more roleplay experiences for both sides (criminals and cops)? Ask yourself that and would help you think this through, just a gentle feedback on the matter. To add more information to your feedback adjustments can always take place by time.

    FYI @Harley Great suggestion overall and this have been asked multiple times in the past, so far the development team have been killing it lately hopefully we get this added as well with minor adjustments.

  8. Hi all,

    I've thought of a small suggestion which would be a great feature for everyone to benefit from when heading to the humane labs and try to buy ingredients or supplies. Currently it's set as the buyer needs to purchase an ingredient 1 by 1 and spam click the 'BUY' option instead there should be a simple amount/quantity box how much ingredients would need to be purchased (client's choice). This would save less time and would be more user-friendly.

    Important note: The amount entered can never exceed the inventory space so the maximum amount would need to be equal to the inventory's space.


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  9. 1 hour ago, 4Hunnid said:




    Jerry Okibi had just woken up, he grabbed his keys to his Tropos Rallye and went to his armory to get a silenced .50 Pistol. After getting ready for the day he drove to meet with the rest of FSO at Noodle House. They had gathered up to get onto the same frequency and head up north to checkup on their drug turfs. Unfortunately Jerry had split up from the group for a split second to checkup on North Lab and saw a Goblin selling drugs on FSO turf, he hopped out to find out what was going on but got into an unexpected shootout and was laying on the ground slowly bleeding out.


    It was all a blur but he saw someone walk up to him in green, knowing it was Irish he felt a relief and knew he was going to be fine. The Irish member who he didn’t get to identify gave him BLS and waited until FSO came to pick him up and take him to Paleto MD. Jerry had a flashback and had seen the shooters face, he whispered to Ash Volkov “It.. was... Jonhy Crazy”. 


    Ash radioed in a search for Jonhy and shortly after the call was made, Jonhy was spotted on the roof of Goblin HQ in Paleto Bay. Enzo, Ash and Jerry snuck up on Johnny and kidnapped him taking him into an ally, they took his radio and firearm. Ash then put on the radio after shoving him into their Shafter V12 and spoke to the Goblins informing them that we had captured they’re member. We had asked for $50,000 cash or Johny's life would be taken, The Goblins  laughed and told us they didn't care until Nikolai agreed to pay the ransom.


    The money was set to arrive in the hands of one person who was to be unarmed and it was to be delivered to Ratón Canyon Waterfall in the next 30 minutes or Jonhy would die. FSO were setup all around the area heavily armed in case anything were to go wrong in the transaction. Fortunately the Goblins went through with the deal and traded Johnny for a briefcase full of $50,000 with zero disturbances. Moments after we took the money we heard police sirens above us on the bridge so we hopped into our vehicles and left the area.




    This was such a fun roleplay scenario, enjoyed every minute of it. Well written story Jerry!

    • Like 6
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  10. 1 hour ago, Chris Bluestone said:

    What the hell is this ? Can anyone finnally make something good ? 

    If you don't have anything to else to say except that, please take that toxicity elsewhere as it doesn't promote or help anything.

    Onto the thread, good luck Kon & Jeremy and cannot wait for further epic presentations.

    • Like 8
  11. 3 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    My biggest issue with alias is the misuse of the command. I find that if you meet someone reasonably, i.e. hey I'm Jason Steel, you're John Doe, that's fine to /alias. The issue for me arises when during a robbery, someone aliases rob1, rob2, kos3, etc. 

    I'd consider making /alias tied to /license, or require approval similar to /frisk. Obviously if you introduced yourself to someone, you will be able to /aliasapprove or whatever, but it should help stop random alias abuse.

    This is such a good proposal on the second option.

  12. 9 minutes ago, CaesarSeizure said:

    Problem is, this is GTA. You are third person for 99% of the time AND theres no such thing as a unique face.

    Yes you are correct on that one, 99% it is 3rd persons but why you think criminals are forced to wear a mask 24/7. By removing the /alias command not will only improve immersion, it will decrease amount of NLR events. If person A killed you at a shootout or whatever, then 2 hours later you see him again and starts calling you by your name like nothing happened because once again he sees your name above your head, quite unrealistic imo.

  13. 5 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    And the server has been around for three years. Let's not pretend the Drag was a rare sight. Triads were posting pictures with 25 drags a year ago now. It was (and probably still is) the most common motorbike on the server, simply because of its performance and ability to lose people in chases.

    Your mentioning an old time which some of those players have bought the drag for a cheap price, these players have quit or was banned from the server. Not only it decreased the amount of drags in the server but nowadays the price is around 2.5 million which it isn't easy to get at all. You cannot compare simpler times with this generation of eclipse, I would also like to point out, yes it's hard to catch a guy on a drag but it possible, myself have been caught multiple times on it. 

    • Like 3
  14. Honestly I wanted to create a suggestion back then regarding alias changes, which is removing the /alias command completely and add a different UI for OOC based reasons.

    To be honest for OOC reasons all you need is the ID or a small tab such as character info can pop and display the information needed. 

    Technically speaking you wouldn't remember someone's face because you're seeing his name above his head which is kind of metagamey I would say. You recognize someone's face through the actual face. 

  15. I would also like to my input and opinion on this matter.

    After the fuel consumption update, I decided to give the hakuchou drag for a few spins, I even got in a pursuit with cops and I can honestly say during the chase fuel was being consumed drastically and had to think for more options to get away, it even favored more PD to catch me rather than my escape. The recent update with the amount of spins you need to perform a turn is kind of impossible. To get the drag it wasn't easy to get your hands onto, you needed to grind for months.

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