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Posts posted by moment

  1. On 1/5/2021 at 2:59 PM, givejoshamosin said:


    2. OOC Toxicity

    Again, I have been apart of this too, however recently I have tried to step away from it. I get the importance of reporting rule breaks, but it seems that people are looking for the most minute thing an enemy can do and are reporting them for it when it could be resolved so easily by just speaking, a lot of people from each side of this so called "war" are actually decent people and make mistakes. I have seen petty reports from both sides and quite frankly it's disappointing that this is still happening 6 months down the line. It's our job to represent the criminal community, working together to bring up our concerns to staff in the correct way, will help improve the server and crim rp as a whole.

    I think this is a very important aspect you outlined currently. At the end of the day we are a community which we all interact with we shouldn't focus on getting each other banned. Nowadays I have my friends and even foes that tell me the same thing "I'm scared to even play cause for the slightest mistake I might get reported or even banned." This shouldn't be the case, once we enter the server we should have the mindset that we are gonna have a positive experience not a traumatic one. I wish in the future this is changed and punishments issued aren't harsh, we're here to learn and always improve as a whole.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Victor Einhart said:

    What worries me about this suggestion is going back to the old ways of not being able to even gas up your car without risking all of your items being robbed, your car stolen, and your hair cut.  Those sorts of robberies are frustrating.  You shouldn't have to have an armed escort to put some gas in your car.  I think it's fine to adjust the rule to reduce the amount of OOC whining, but at the same time criminal roleplayers need to realize their own actions caused the rule to be introduced in the first place.

    That's why places such as gas stations / markets / clothing stores should player theft rules only be applied.


    In real life situations if someone has beef or specific reason to retaliate on someone on the streets, they have the option to pull up and face consequences on their actions as Carlos said. I had the ability to experience both if you are aware of your surroundings of the old rules, you rarely get robbed most of the time. Everything was IC mostly rather than OOC as nowadays it's taking more place that direction.

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  3. YbdhRDf.png





    It all started from Ash, Dante and Charlie in Rooks where they had a goal to work relations and increase their flow of business. Unfortunately we had to stay in the shadows to reduce any alert or track of business from PD or any other organizations'. It wasn't long when Triads/Aztecas found out what we're up to and how the old cartel import system used to work, "the monopoly" and they considered we were stealing from them. The conflict between Aztecas/Triads against Rooks had been started. Due to Dante's business venture to Liberty he personally had to take control of management which was the hardest role to step in.


    After time passed a known man called Collie Fegan and a long time friend of mine called Stephen Joyce decided to establish once again the organization Daichead Gadaí known as Irish. From multiple information that was received Collie Fegan and Bruce Wong come long way back and looking to start working together once again. This was a downscale for Ash's crew which meant they had to handle one more organization as well other more. This opposition they had one goal and that was to shut down the Rooks organization for good. Ash did the best he could by bringing more allies, comrades and old friends of his.


    Once upon a stormy night Ash stumbled upon Stephen, they had a long discussion about the recent events and offered him a new opportunity. Straight after Ash heads to a local bar and grabs some drinks while thinking about the future and the difficult decision has to make. The next day Ash presented the idea to his close brothers Enzo and Mario and even his trusted friends. They all gave their opinions about the idea and at the end they gave me the same answer "It's about time, enough is enough. We need to think about our lives and future." Ash respected these opinions and took a small vacation for a week to think about this. After a lot of time considering he took upon the opportunity bringing his brothers and comrades along with him.


    Although the time in Irish was fun, met new faces and made new friends it didn't last long as expected due to Aztecas forcing his hand and leave the organization due not wanting to contribute to their cause and pay for previous conflicts which was bizarre and outrageous. 


    During his time in Irish, Ash worked tremendously for Triads by continuously keeping good flow of business with the money launders and constantly operating bank jobs through out the city. Triads have seen his effort and workman ship towards their organization and decided to meetup with the higherups for a discussion if he can be let in the organization and they gladly accepted. As always where Ash goes, Enzo goes. Their bond is stronger than ever and they strive to help one and another. Ash and Enzo start working for their new organization they partook by keeping the money launders and drug pharmacists happy.


    Rise and shine to a new day, Ash wakes up and makes several phone calls to his allies and comrades to operate a bank job near Chumash. We meet and gather everyone that needs to be involved at the theatre studio, Ash lays out the plan, the roles and the execution.


    Everything was set ready to take off and execute the mission how it was planned out. Every member went to their designated position and began the bank job. The intensity and the adrenaline kicking during the bank job, Ash silently told everyone to ease up and let's get this done in a clean fashion way.


    Scouts were in place giving critical information and everyone was setup. The bank job started by pointing guns at the tellers, bolt-cutting the door where they thought they were safe but later on they were struck down.


    Everything went accordingly and smooth by far, we started drilling the vault-door and then starting grabbing the cash as fast as possible. As soon we grabbed the all the money and tossed into our bags, we dipped from the area and met at the rendezvous location.





    Later on Keavin and Ash discreetly at night headed and met up with their money launderer. 
    Happy to say the operation was successful and a total sum of money $300,000 was laundered.



    Lastly we met at the described location and split the money towards everyone involved. At the end everyone was happy and our business kept flowing more than ever. 


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    Get injured.


    >Take your phone from your pocket, unlock the phone, navagate to your contacts, type in 911, make a call to medics, put your phone away.


    >Lift your hand to your radio in your ear, call a friend for help.

    Makes very little sense. +1 this post.




    Chapter One:

    A New Beginning

    It was Summer Paradise, Ash was living in a small island called Malta at the time going to parties and the beach. While living there he decided to pursue his career as a mechanic by studying as an engineer where later on he graduated and found a local mechanic shop working part-time which made him some money here and there. 
    After summer, a good friend of Ash by the name of Andre was going to join the military and asked if he's willing to take the program with him. Ash was intrigued by the offer and decided to quit his job for the time being and accepted Andre's offer by serving 2 years in the military. Before his service, Ash was lost, his part time job was dead end and he had no idea where his life was going, however, during his service Ash learned how to discipline himself, he learned physical skills such as CQC Combat and how to use weaponry he's only seen in movies, but most importantly he found himself.
    After 2 years of service in the military, Ash was involved in an accident with a landmine that left him hospitalized and discharged from the military. After a few weeks he was let out of the hospital and advised to stay home and to rest. This left Ash broken and lost once again, sitting on sofa that is never shared, staring up at a TV that repeats the same shit every fucking day, it breaks you. The days all merged into each other, time started to become meaningless. One of those days seemed to be a little different, Ash woke up earlier than usual, he felt healthy and excited to get out of bed again. During this day Ash receives a phone call from his big brother Einaras that needed Ash to get on a plane quickly as possible to Los Santos due to heavy conflicts going on with the council there. He booked a flight for next morning that night to Los Santos and packed all his bags. He made a quick phone call afterwards to an old connection of his in Los Santos to import his favourite vehicle there which would be the Hakuchou Drag. The next morning, took a cup of coffee and immediately headed out to catch the flight.



    After a 12 hour flight, Ash landed in Los Santos and headed to Einaras's property located near Weazel Plaza. Einaras was always the big man of the family where he controls the wealth and ensures safety. Once Einaras and Ash met up, obviously for old time sake popped a small glass of Shotka Vodka and cheered up together. Einaras explained some complications and disagreements going on with the council in the city, Ash always had Einaras back no matter what. Einaras always took care of the family and it was time for Ash to do the same, that's when the entire of BLATANS family was called to a meeting to form plans and attacks on the council. During these attacks COUNCIL suffered some assets and people, while BLATANS suffered as well. Ash and Einaras could see the bloodshed going on in the family and couldn't afford losing more people, that's when Einaras decided to hit up a close friend of his to setup a meeting with the council and after a long-time came to an agreement and neutrality would come in place.



    Throughout the neutrality days, Ash heard a good old friend, Dante, came back to town from a long vacation. The next day he decided to hit him up and see if they could meet and catch up with one and another, Dante accepted and later on in the afternoon met at an old coffee shop in the city. Ash explained what happened while he was away and what he missed, Dante interrupts Ash for a second offering a business proposal to make huge cash-load involving drug distribution and money laundering. Ash liked the sound of that and instantly accepted the offer without any hesitation even with the risk that came along. At the dawn time Dante, Ash and Charlie (good friend of Dante) geared up and headed to meet up with Dante's supplier with utmost discreet to gather the supplies and ingredients. Happy to say the mission was successful and the three of us headed back to Dante's secret property.


    We had one last ingredient which needed time to grow and that was Marijuana, the next morning Ash headed to [REDACTED] and started seeding a huge harvest for the operation with the appropriate light and equipment. Contrary to Ash's worries, the spot wasn't interrupted by anyone and over the next few days the marijuana plants grew to a healthy size. Ash, with the knife he used in his military days, cut the plants carefully and placed each plant in a spacious plastic bag. Once that was done, it was time to head back to the property and start the big cook!


    The cookout was set for days, applying the correct ingredients and processing everything altogether with the correct formula. At some point, paranoia kicked in "What could go wrong", "What if we get caught?" but Ash remained strong and focused on the task. The drugs came out prosperous and later on that night Charlie and Ash met with the connection of the distribution that Dante enrolled them with near an old abandoned factory, where the drugs and money were exchanged, there were no complications whatsoever resulting in a rewarding payout. One last thing remaining was to launder the money which Dante could easily do through his legal gas station business. The cash was shared equally between the three of us approximately $193,333 each from the total of $580,320.




    Ash had never seen this amount of money before, in so little time as well. Greed started to kick in and got Ash overly excited wanted to continue manufacturing loads of drugs. Greed isn't a healthy feeling, and Ash learned that the hard way alongside with Dante and Charlie...




    After the bust by LSSD, Ash was confined to 6 charges; Manufacturing illegal substances and contraband, Drug-Trafficking, Money-Laundering, Illegal Heavy Weaponry and Unlicensed Firearm and was sentenced to DOC prison for 8 years. Life was tough in prison, many thoughts went through his mind and he knew sooner or later this would happen. Ash stood strong and learned from the mistakes he committed and swore to himself that the future will be better. Meanwhile kept himself in shape and working out daily...



    Ash served his jail sentence for 8 years with despair and sorrow. He decided yet again to get in touch with Dante to exactly know what went wrong and what could they have done better 8 years ago... Both of them realized they needed more man power and need to plan ahead for the worst. That's when Dante and Ash's partnership was built stronger than ever, forming a new group in town with the connections they both shared.



    Chapter 2; to be continued....

    Credits of the pictures edits goes to: @A N G E L

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Yputi said:

    I personally wouldn't mind a balance between realism but also fun indeed.

    Yeah same here, but it's coming to a point where it's going a bit too far i would say. You cannot implement 90% realism into a video game.

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