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Posts posted by moment

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ximena said:

    I pointed all those topics because you actually have to read them and to understand the meaning of them. BUT, if you prefer to insult when you have no valid argument, and you have no right to insult me, I'll direct this to the staff, don't worry, instead of having a constructive conversation and help each other, because a lot of people complain about this, I don't even know why you wrote in this topic actually. I mean, you have no reasonable point, I give you proof to sustain my argument, and you insult me. And those topics are not from new migrants, everybody from this community talks about it. And even if they were new imigrants as you said, you mean they have NO right to share their opinion? A lot of newbies left or started to troll because of poor RP and robbery. Well, I do have a good day, but you still need to wake up, trust me.

    Clearly you're not thinking straight, because I pointed out a friendly tip and you started insulting me by saying "Use my little brain". Okay mate, keep the attitude ye.

  2. Oh forgot to mention, not rp related much but the most annoying part and such a pisstake, you call the cops to get your car from the impound they either take 1 hour to respond or drive next to you honk you and keep driving just for the lolz. Not all the force but you get my point, even if it's 10 percent of the cop force that does this still reflects the police force in a bad shape.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Ximena said:




    Hm, did I miss something? 🤔

    Damn, pointing out new migrants complaining, you're a genius. Not commenting furthermore since you're clearly below 0 IQ Have a good day. 🙂

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  4. 1 hour ago, Ximena said:

    If it was a small thing, the entire community wouldn't talk about it/get fed up of it. We login to relax, to roleplay, not to get robbed every single hour. It's a serious problem, and there has to be some rules. Just use your brain a little.

    So far I see you're the only one complaining about it... 🤔

  5. You are aware they're CCTVs installed in government stores? plus robbers have still a small risk when participating in such crime.

    Just a tip if you have any valuable items and you don't wanna lose them just store them somewhere safely before heading there. Stop pitying over small little things.

  6. 18 minutes ago, SamuelGunn said:

    I think creators don't really care about  the server anymore and just are happy with constant cashflow since they put nothing to the server, lets be serious some bug fixes in few months is nothing. 

    SD should not be a thing in the first place
    Unlimited prison times should've never been a thing in the first place, people don't get this is just a game

    And such tension between PD and Crims kills all fun since noone RP's for fun anymore but just to win since there's such a big stake for Crims if they get caught.

    Ey man you gotta chillout as I work in the industry of software development myself, it's not easy to just fix bugs and create a certain feature just by snapping fingers. Time is needed for testing, evulation and maintenance.

  7. 16 minutes ago, kenichis said:

    Problem is that no criminal would buy drugs from another, being that they have no use for it. The only people buying drugs from other players are people who want to RP as an addict. Criminals who want to make money wouldn’t buy this and unless a scripted method to generate money from these things exist not much will go down by removing drop offs really.

    That was my point exactly, in order to enhance RP in drug RP is by adjusting certain features. 

  8. To be honest, yes maybe drug RP needs more adjustment but in my opinion:

    • Location of drug labs need to be dynamic, more information needed to be found (more RP involved)
    • Every market shouldn't have the same set prices, every market has their own market values
    • While selling, timer needs to be added.. in reality you wouldn't do an exchange under 1 second.

    Just my opinions. 🙂

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