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Posts posted by moment

  1. The Spray paint system is quite the suggestion and in my opinion would be only limited to official factions as my friend @Chrisy stated.

    You could claim another terrority turf with reasonable escalation and RP accordingly as for example Faction A that places them in the southside and spraypaint Faction B placing themsevles in the northside. Obviously this doesn't mean they will stay there since it doesn't fit the lore. Something along that way basically.. could go more in depth if it was actually implemented.

  2. Hi,

    Most of the community is aware of the current feature of a car wash or clean, it's either expensive or gets dirty in an about 30 minutes or so which is not worth at all in the first place.
    A car wash at the end of the day doesn't depend on the vehicle type it's just simply a car wash. It's suffice to say a car wash normally is cheap and mostly depended on a car wash automatic machine not a mecahanic. Doesn't also make sense or add up how a wash/clean costs more than a repair on most of the vehicles as well.

    My suggestion is either it gets reverted or tweaked a bit, maybe even later on in the future a car wash place could take place to automatically wash the car. It's not a big feature and I'm pretty sure other community wouldn't hate seeing this implemented seeing their favourite vehicle nice and shiny most of the time!


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  3. 1 minute ago, Bill Breacher said:

    To add on to this suggestion, maybe in the future a type of "heist" system like in GTA online could be added where crims could setup a jewelry store robbery, or take down a money transport truck, but it would be a larger scale heist that requires a lot of preplanning and could give opps to both crims and LEOs. Make it high risk but really high reward. 

    Exactly, pretty much.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Bill Breacher said:

    I don't think its fair to put down a blanket statement saying LEOs don't want to RP. There are plenty of LEOs that heavily RP and go out of there way to create RP opportunities. You will always come across players who have lower RP standards regardless of they faction or group they may belong to in the server, but that doesn't mean everyone else has the same RP standard. As an LEO myself, I come across crim's everyday that are either doing a bunch of Non RP actions or are just salty with the L, but that doesn't mean all crims show the same level of RP. I have RP'd with some crims that create some great RP opps and are really fun to play with. TL;DR, there will always be people who have lower RP standards, don't sterotype one group unfairly. If you DO have issues with a certain faction's RP, I recommend taking it to that groups faction leader(s) and/or if its a legal faction, take it up with the Legal Faction Management team. Complaining about someones RP on the forums won't get you anywhere. 

    I agree with this. 

    Many people have also mentioned good points, I would personally like something added along the way some sort of missions for criminals. 

    An NPC would exchange information for some money or crack percentage similiar to comping drops, this would create both RP opportunities for Criminals and PD/SD as it can be intercepted. If the mission was successful a high reward would be presented. You may think or say this is kind of in-place already with alt-rp but this is a long procedure which is too much wait.. a script in place would ease people more. Just a friendly suggestion on the topic, obviously this could go more in detail for a different topic.


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