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Everything posted by HobGoblin

  1. People rob stores every day so it can't be that dead Yeah and what RP sense does it make for the teller to not call the cops? LMAO
  2. -1 for cooking in apartments. Within the first week of the private lab nerf there were a clear increase of players around, that would normally have been sat cooking alone.
  3. The issue is using the CCTV in general
  4. People were abusing the fact that the properties are over water. This allowed people to refill water inside properties. People did add sinks etc to RP filling up water from them but it was never an intended feature.
  5. I think more server events for crims would be good. For example the plane crash's that used to happen but I think this got stopped after it turned into a forum war. I don’t think the 1.5x drugs would work out well since everyone would stock pile until the multiplier gets activated.
  6. Private labs imo should be remove at any level. The idea its self could easily be done with different types of public labs.
  7. Date and time (provide timezone): N/A Character name: Samuel Martin Issue/bug you are reporting: CCTV/SD card error Expected behavior: To be able to view all the CCTV footage and to be able to watch it back on SD cards Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: sometimes the CCTV works sometimes it doesn't. The CCTV is also very bugged and people teleport around. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A https://streamable.com/3p15g4
  8. https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/memberlist.php?mode=team
  9. To get rid of scrap cars you need to scrap it again at the scrapyard. You want to make a suggestion rather than a bug as currently this is the intended way.
  10. After two recent situations recently I think this would be a good change for the server.
  11. This is already a rule since August 2022 https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/31252-eclipse-server-rules-changelog/
  12. @John Nut I assume you just missed the question and you aren't avoiding it because you have no answer, so I'll just ask you again. You say "This new private lab "nerf" is not how to do it". What way would you do it?
  13. Can't make everyone happy. People complain when public labs were removed, now they are being brought back people still complain. Private labs in general should be removed.
  14. This could work but the /prison and /jail commands would need to be changed to allow LEO to type in the time that needs to be served. I think maybe adding a new command to reduce someones jail time while they are inside jail would work better and would be easier to implement.
  15. This is not the same thing which happened to you. This 1 shit bug makes you injured while inside of the vehicle.
  16. +1 not sure why paying for VIP should give you an advantage. They could offer something else instead.
  17. Maybe if the concept looked better it would be easier to understand your idea.
  18. its hard to tell what happened since you was tabbed into discord when the alarm was tripped
  19. I know people who have robbed a highend house solo and left midway through and the police wasn't called.
  20. You can already make multiple trips if needed
  21. I don't see an issue with the current way the NPC works. With the NPC calling the police if it reaches the max, this makes the house robbery a skill rather than just aiming a gun to have an easy job.
  22. This just isn't true. The sound bar does not to go 100% just because of the drill. Seems like a skill issue.
  23. Can you translate to English please?
  24. I think its an issue for you only. Are you clicking something before this happens?
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