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Everything posted by HobGoblin

  1. Can this still happen? A cooldown was added awhile back.
  2. I believe this already happens, at first it was instant but a timer was introduced. Maybe the timer needs to be lowered, however I'm not sure what the timer currently is.
  3. Good idea, this should be tracked on a phone app/laptop app.
  4. I agree it should be fname_lname and next to an mdc. However there is no reason the player has to be close. /suspend should only work next to an mdc and shouldn’t have to be close to the player for both since they would use names the player could be offline and it still works.
  5. HobGoblin


    this can be archived
  6. -1 give it time for people to adjust to
  7. HobGoblin


    Date and time (provide timezone): 24/DEC/2023 Character name: Samuel_Martin Issue/bug you are reporting: /dragout no longer works when on faction duty, currently you can only /dragout while off duty. Expected behavior: PD/SD able to /dragout players from vehicles. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: /dragout while on PD duty Vehicle license plate number*:
  8. Its been suggested before. For something like this to work a ‘rule of 4/5/6’ would have to be implemented. This way limits apply to both sides and make sense. However I highly doubt this will happen.
  9. - put in a new battery - get into a car that has a charger - /unplug should fix it. I had the same issue for months.
  10. Guess it can't be that OP if you killed him. Most cops have 50ap on, if you can see the armor its 100ap. Some armours are 75ap aswell. SWAT has 150ap. Noone uses 200ap as much as people like to say they do, IF its used its for a reason and even then only a few will have it. If people have a plan and numbers they are able to kill cops. Ask Royals and CSB when they have shot cops in the past.
  11. Date and time (provide timezone): 9th December Character name: Samuel_Martin Issue/bug you are reporting: When you spawn a faction vehicle you can enter when its locked. Expected behavior: The car to spawn locked and not allow players to get inside Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Spawn a car from PD and click F Vehicle license plate number*: N/A https://streamable.com/h7klzw
  12. If it happened today then it will be this
  13. I don't have anything to contribute to the other points as I don't use them to cook drugs. With the rotation of labs they also rotate when shutdown by PD/SD. Already today at least 1 lab was shutdown and moved to a new location. I believe both factors of rotation and the shutdowns will make the labs rotate before the 1-2 week hits.
  14. I wouldn’t be against removing license suspensions all together. If keeping them but at a reduced time is something developers/staff would prefer then at least its better than it is now. Imo the jail should be the punishment and not stopping people from driving after they come out.
  15. Sounds like a good opportunity to make money if noone else is doing it. I don't think it should be changed back since they added more time removal for stamps.
  16. Currently afaik a player has to do the last hour of their DOC time while online. This idea is to allow the player to decide when they do their 1 hour online. Currently 3 hours jail time -> stays online for 1 hour -> logs off for 24 hours -> has to do the final 1 hour online Suggested example 1 3 hours jail time -> stays online for 1 hour -> logs off for 24 hours -> is out of jail since they have already done 1 hour example 2 3 hours jail time -> stays online for 30 mins -> logs off for 24 hours -> has to do the final 30 mins online
  17. maybe we could have IDs always visible and alias only show at a closer distance / when you hold a button.
  18. LEOs already need solid evidence before a raid is approved. It is always brought up that player quit the server over raids however this does not happen as much as people are making out. Over the past few months multiple high tier criminals have been raided during a large scale operation. While people were not happy in the first few days / weeks the same people raided still continue to play. There are multiple solutions to avoid raids and to minimise the loss if you do get raided.
  19. Paulius mentioned he would be doing more of them, during the one today.
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