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Everything posted by Eriksen

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 20/MAY/2019 Character name: James_Eriksen Issue/bug you are reporting: Textbox where vehicle price is set is too small to show the entire value. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Look at the sale prices under the dealership gui. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  2. Date and time (provide timezone): 20/MAY/2019 Character name: James_Eriksen Issue/bug you are reporting: Dealership import wont take money from bank account, not sure if the dealership treasury works. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Try to import with no money in the business treasury. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  3. Eriksen

    Dealership bug

    Date and time (provide timezone): 17:09 GMT+2 Character name: James_Eriksen Issue/bug you are reporting: Nothing shows up when you press the buy menu button "K". Management menu "E" is slightly bugged out, picture below. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Head to the dealership and press K as owner or E as a customer.
  4. Eriksen

    Beans geng

    Me and my fiance Lexa Dagaslov decided to hit up the Bean man himself for the possibility that we might want to hire him for our wedding. After a long and deep conversation with Bob at the Bean house, we decided to head home to try out the product. Bob invited us to a walk in the park, cake, and jet skiing the next day as well, which we happily accepted! After a quick sample of the Beans that Mr. Bob was delivering, it was very clear that he was the right man for the job! We hired Bob for a few hours while we had our wedding, and the experience was excellent, thanks for keeping the snooze fest alive, Bob!
  5. Date and time (provide timezone): 13.02.2019 - 8:50PM GMT+1 Character name: James_Eriksen Issue/bug you are reporting: Vehicle suddenly disappearing Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Placed a Dinghy on the high-end market place for 1M, the boat is gone but my bank value is still the same; 5M. /vehiclestats and the game panel does not show the boat. Vehicle license plate number*: UDGD2B2Z
  6. That's not true at all, it was added by eclipse not too long ago. +1 from me
  7. Had John Wu run away from a 500k dice loss at the bank yesterday actually, fairly sure he would have gotten away with it as well. Just pure luck that an available administrator logged in to handle the report. I know Jay Cartier has been doing similar shady shit, didn't know Wu was his alt at the time. Previously called John Wu afaik, ck'ed and renamed to Victor Silva.
  8. Implemented! Locked and archived.
  9. Properties owned by inactive players will now eventually be sold. Follow the #announcements channel on discord to see when this is done. Locked and archived.
  10. "They will not be reverted, but they will be improved" Locked and archived.
  11. This suggestion is already under the "Future Updates" section in our "Community Update #1" Locked and archived.
  12. Bobby pins can indeed be used for this purpose. Locked and archived.
  13. The devs are aware of the issue, so it should eventually be fixed. Locked and rejected as theres already another thread regarding the bug.
  14. Upvote within the next 4 seconds and you will be blessed with cozy and restful sleep

    1. TeamSpeakUser


      okay, i needed this a lot thank you for this post eriksen, really appreciate the message youve inspired in all of us. 


  15. 1. Did you experience an increase or decrease (or no difference) in FPS? Approximately how many frames? FPS seems to be good (60-70fps) compared to gtaN. After awhile it seems to drop to around 30-40 FPS, restart fixes the issue. 2. Are you crashing more or less (or no difference) in GT:MP than you were crashing in GTA:N? About the same. 3. Are you having desync issues more or less (or no difference) in GT:MP than you were having in GTA:N? Crazy desync the first hours of GT:MP being used.. People floating over ground etc.. Seems better now. 4. Are there any more performance differences between GT:MP and GTA:N you'd like to point out? Nope, more or less the same.
  16. Did you use /report, in-game? I have had this bug a couple times and the staff has been very quick and helpful every time.
  17. This is a bug that can happen when you join the server. It has happened to me multiple times today. It seems like everything gets doubled.. Double cars, double chat notifications etc
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