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Zion Willard

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Everything posted by Zion Willard

  1. Rightfully so, as it’s powergaming at the moment to do so since there is no appeal system and the moment an officer placed charges they’re irrevocable in essence unless removed by PDHC.
  2. Great job to all who took the time to make this
  3. Which is why they would need to be balanced when determining which weapons each gets. Personally, I think those guns should be expensive, because they’re relatively rare. Let’s keep in mind that this suggestion is for weapons outside of those already accessible, it’s an addition not revoking anything people can already do.
  4. +1 it should be prohibitively expensive and difficult to obtain, but there is absolutely no reason civilians shouldn’t be able to own helicopters.
  5. As nice as it would be, i’d have to say -1. I don’t really think it’s realistic to be able to change the volume at which people speak, and personally I could see this being abused by people. For instance, say someone toggles them down to 1 like with speakers, you’re essentially just blocking out everything they say - which I find to be very unrealistic.
  6. -1 For the same reasons others have stated. Credits are OOC sure, vehicles are not. There’s no reason why it should duplicate across all characters. If you want a credit vehicle on one, just buy it on that character.
  7. IRL you would still have to pay taxes for the trade of a vehicle. Still -1 imo, if you’re trading supers work up a contract and go in detail listing items as collateral. There’s no reason to restrict RP just for the sake of people being lazy.
  8. +1. The easiest solution to evading Pd at the moment is going off-road, and just like supercars aren’t allowed to ram, the same should be said for their ability to climb mountains. However, I feel like this is something that existed in the past but that was removed. The only issue with implementing this is the potential of reports for bad reasoning - I.e reporting someone who spins out off the road. Edit - I would like to add that players who consider themselves to uphold high standards for their RP should be doing this regardless of whether there is a rule or not.
  9. -1 As mentioned by others, I don’t think a municipality like Sandy Shores would have the funding to be able to supply their 1000sq ft. hospital with a medevac helipad. Sandy Shores is essentially an urgent care center, any critical patients would need to be transported to a more advanced facility for their medical needs. BIIIIG +1 for the sandy airport -> MD transport though. Only issue I can see is that taking longer than an ambulance would have.
  10. -1, there are already avenues to sell assets where you don’t have to worry about being scammed (high end / script selling houses). There is no reason to make this OOC since it simply limits RP for others. Using an OOC means just to avoid tax is non-rp in and of itself, and limits what people can do.
  11. Not really, that’s broader spanning - mine is more simplistic so I created my own suggestion.
  12. Aside from the uniforms, both boats and police boats already exist
  13. There have been a lot of suggestions recently regarding criminal factions, but something that I think would be both relatively simple to implement and enhance interactions between players is the ability for official factions to have unique access to one import weapon each. For instance, Marcello’s could have had access to tommy guns, Zeta’s to tech nines, Clowns to sawed-offs. In my opinion, this would enhance interaction between factions, and it wouldn’t be simply going into your laptop and ordering an import for yourself and your boys. Balance would be key here, so choosing the weapon a group has access to would have to fall on the faction leaders and staff to make sure people aren’t just choosing compact rifles and heavy snipers - but rather weapons that align with the group’s backstory. This would be especially simple to implement now, given there are only two official factions.
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