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Triple Seven

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Everything posted by Triple Seven

  1. faction vehicle could be restricted to a role in Weazel so only you can take it out. Or there could be a faction rule about ppl not taking it out unless they are recording for an episode of that show
  2. people need an initial incentive to get motivated to play on the server. Therefor the balance has to be good enough so yes there does need to be an incentive to RP on an RP server. I do agree this is not the solution but don't dismiss people needing an incentive to undertake certain actions or choose certain paths for their characters.
  3. @SoloSmith Pulling over for police or not is an RP choice. At least two of my characters always pull over. The other two it depends on the situation but will definitely not just run in any situation. Lets keep it focused on the suggestion though, not the general level of RP on the server. imo this suggestion is not the solution: -1
  4. Would that not be metagaming the chopper being around? (if he even sees it) If the helicopter is controlled properly the criminal has no idea imo.
  5. Then boost the helicopter for realism. Criminals have to deal with crashes as well so that is no different for PD imo. (if the criminal crashes mid-pursuit and returns he is at a disadvantage if not captured. If the police helicopter crashes then yeah, got away. RP it as technical issues with the helicopter: "Returning to base for emergency maintenance: suspect last seen [10-20] heading [direction]" I'm not saying the 811's have no place in PD, just should be very careful when deploying them. Maybe they weren't deployed often, I guess pursuits often pass BayView then.
  6. About the no suspicion @SoloSmith: Really? Cops don't find it suspicious that a man without a job (untill recently), drives the most expensive cars and dresses like a kingpin? Okay. Moving away from that I agree that having a switch in police cruisers doesn't make sense. I also don't think the high speed police cars should be around as often as they are. It should only be used for criminals that have been evading multiple times and have gotten away from the police for their active record. That way it would reset after every imprisonment and the high speed pursuit (HSP) vehicles would only be used for those slippery bastards. Moving away from the HSP vehicles, I think cops should be driving the standard cruiser more often and not the interceptor, as that is already a HSP vehicle in the game on it's own, just doesn't work that well on Eclipse cause of the fast cars. IRL police would keep their distance if a pursuit goes completely nuts, endangers the citizens in the area and let a helicopter take over and keep watch as they try to coordinate the ground units to a spot where they can intercept. That helicopter isn't utilized enough imo.
  7. Special high pursuit units are fine, like they exist now, but they should only be used on highways like IRL. In town police should coordinate and set up roadblocks. Maybe even regular police checks for vehicle damage and alcohol/drugs
  8. Bobby pins are already in general stores with a percentage chance of working. This already exists.
  9. +1, but only with a 10% chance or lower using a screwdriver or bobby pins for all I care, it should not be impossible, it should just be hard.
  10. Store robberies should indeed only be possible with a number of cops on and should be more rewarding. However, it should also be limited in number of criminals that participate, otherwise it would turn to all out war if cops arrive at a store that is being robbed. Punishment should not be equal to profit per se. That is the risk that comes with crime.
  11. Please don't bring it back. There has been considerably less fail RP and the reason behind disabling was good as well
  12. You seem to be an extremely vengeful person. I don't know why someone can't rehabilitate from previous transgressions. If you have any personal issues affecting your responses in this community I hope you get them sorted but try to keep it pleasant here and otherwise just take a hike. Literally or figuratively, that is up to you.
  13. Date and time (provide timezone): N/A Character name: N/A Issue/bug you are reporting: JavaScript errors in bottom left (see attached image). Instead of Mors notifications saying car has been destroyed this is shown (it is also shown continuously in between at seemingly random moments, prolly has a reason in the background) Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: N/A
  14. The repair option for when there are no mechanics could be used for medics to solve the issue
  15. Then people have no idea it offers one of the most fun RP experiences. I agree there should be something, but I think it would need to be smth that takes time once at the hospital: make it take like 5-10 minutes before ppl can move again.
  16. 24 hour economy is real irl, make it happen IG, I agree this shouldn't be a thing anymore. +1
  17. Probably accessory to a couple of things
  18. Is there an updated version of the penal code available yet? @SoloSmith
  19. Unless the charges are known this is impossible to discuss.
  20. If there was someone inside that needed to be apprehended that isn't good RP. If GTA deems you capable to travel to hospital while you flew through the air you can choose to RP being injured imo. Basic medical supplies arent available anywhere, where they would be under basic insurance coverage in most developed countries too. That is why people can only resort to medics for medical attention when food couldnt fix it (also, im not paying for desync issues, that is bs, no rp in the dmg received from "sharp shoulders". Driving to the hospital doesn't help. I've had medics just drive off or not be there for a looooong time. Last point: stand inside the mech shop. HAVE YOU HEARD THE GODDAMN RADIO INTHERE? IT IS UNBEARABLE. Besides, most desync damage is from people bumping into eachother, not even cars or bikes hitting them. (Although those do usually end up in bigger injuries) That wouldn't change when mechanics are all waiting for customers inside the shop and have to walk past eachother.
  21. [sarcasm] closing gates when there is a situation outside, to keep it outside. that sounds like terrible roleplay, let's keep the gates open and let our employees be in danger from the speeding vehicles that are bound to use the lot to turn or to try and shake cops. [/sarcasm] If this were to be added then yes LSC needs it too. I don't think however this is an addition that is necessary or wanted. @SoloSmith Bandage calls are because of desync mostly. Also the mix of pedestrian mechanic and customer traffic with driving vehicles is bad. Add desync onto that and people will require medical assistance. How is it good roleplay to buy a banana to recover from a serious injury caused by an accident with a motorvehicle. I've suggested something in MD to add another code for calls so there is better prioritization, but we'll see what happens with that. Apart from that EMS needs to get in contact with management of the mechanic shops if it is such an issue to make sure the mech shops can create policy to best battle it
  22. I have never seen or heard of the Indian Mafia ICly
  23. I hope this is working as intended otherwise innocent people might be caught by police at some point being responsible for a stash they couldn't know anything about
  24. yeah that IS an issue. Since we dont really have a way to prove we couldnt know the car was stolen or have foolproof security on them
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