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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Consider for a moment, how our server uses their vehicles in a roleplay sense when they are not at a mechanic garage. Driving as fast as the vehicle can go, scraping it on things, bashing it into things etc.. and it doesn't really make much difference. So, consider how little your average player will regard mechanic roleplay at Bayview or Los Santos Customs. If most customers simply want to get their vehicle repaired and leave to go do what they need to, who is all the roleplay for? I would rather be stood there actually talking to a mechanic in an animation fixing my car, than reading all the /me's they are rattling off, whether it's copy-pasted or not. Whether it is copy-pasted is actually irrelevant because what is being said, is somewhat irrelevant. It's not person to person roleplay, it's basically person to environment roleplay at that point. PTE Roleplay doesn't really happen anywhere else on Eclipse, so why would the mechanics be any different? If you set the roleplay bar for mechanics at a more basic amount, then it's up to the individual how much extra effort they put in or don't. You aren't lessening standards, you're just readjusting them to the server you play on. I remember when I would be around MD on scenes a while back. You'd get some medics that just did the basic treatment for a person, then you'd get someone like Stan Abbadon that would play sound effects down his microphone and go that extra mile to try and make the RP something extra. Make it make sense.
  2. Oh and also, the phone should have a mechanic app which tells you the amount Bayview and LSC has on duty, so you don't have to travel to the other for no fuckin' reason and you can get a mechanic through the phone as well, like DCC.
  3. It's somewhat frustrating because I've never been or had any interest in doing mechanic roleplay, in the entire time that I've been here. My 'insights' are just from being on the outside looking in, as opposed to being in the thick of it. Honestly, I think having good insights is great and everything, if it actually does any good but sometimes I'd rather just be completely wrong because then at least it isn't frustrating when nothing happens. With all respect to Bayview, Los Santos Customs should be on paper, the more popular of the two factions considering it's location is smack back in the heart of most of where the population is but it isn't. Bayview has nearly double LSCs members despite having not as many applications and I think a lot of that is to do with the community that @Timmaayy and company have created up there. Having a dedicated group of people will get you through a lot of shit and reality is, Bayview has the same parameters as LSC does but the outcome is better. Legal FM can choose to do nothing and LSC will still continue, with a limp. They'll still struggle for people to be around to work there, they'll likely change CEO again in a few months and there will be another thread created where people will say the same. Legal FM could go with the easy fix, which is originally what was proposed, which is allowing people to fix their own vehicles. Personally, I think that might be convenient for players but it hurts LSC and Bayview because it's marginalising their role in the server which is already marginalised. For me, Legal FM needs to look at this thread and pick the bits that they feel will work best for Eclipse and that the developers could deliver in a reasonable timeframe. I don't think it takes a lot of reinvention on the devs part, there are systems and such already in that could be copy-paste-edited but I think if you do it, then Bayview becomes even better but LSC doesn't then continue to frustrate the players and it's own staff either. Plus, they get to use that sexy fucking MLO edit I did. @Lewis
  4. The question really though @Herbo is do you treat the symptom or the root cause off the issues? LSC lacks reliable leadership. It changes the owner 2-3 times a year and with it, you never really see an identity or community of people establish. Look at what Lilymay Bryd has done for DCC. Before her, the leadership kept changing hands and DCC suffered as a result With a stable leader, you have a base to build. LSC needs not just a leader with ideas but probably a leader with friends. Make that shop into a community of people. With the increase of the amount of Government Factions to join, LSC was further marginalised and being a mechanic is simply less attractive than a law enforcement, law or government job. In the context of our server, you don't really drive around, you don't get a gun. You're stuck at the same location almost all the time. I think the bottom line also is that, the server's player base isn't big enough for two large mechanic factions, if you want to have any kind of standard of person working there. If I'm interested in Mechanic RP in this server, i'm taking my ass to Bayview. The lack of development in the mechanics marginalises their role in the server. The faction is entirely dependent on, players wanting fixes or customisations for their vehicles and nothing else really, some calls to respond to but you are doing that at the cost of those visiting your shop. Beyond that, there is nothing for them to do in the server. Beyond that, it's the same couple of commands with /me and honestly, this isn't a high roleplay server. Our player base needs a different kind of stimulation and mechanics are no different. If you said to me, Bala, oh wise one, what would you do to rectify this? Give the faction to @Chrisy and friends, if they still want to do it. All things considered, like I said, at this juncture, it's going to take either someone REALLY into mechanic roleplay or someone with enough willing friends to make it work. Consider increasing the wage cap just for mechanics in the server to $10,000. Like it or not, money talks and maybe you don't aim LSC at long time players but at people looking to get started. Mechanics are some what of an essential service but they are denied the sorts of RP that Add an Emergency Starter Kit for vehicles that will start and heal a perma-stalled vehicle enough to get it running again. This would be a similar premise to CityBees, you would only be able to use it if less than say.. 2 mechanics were on duty. You don't want to eliminate mechanics going around the map doing repairs but you don't want to inconvenience players either. Add an auto-repair location at Los Santos Customs and Bayview that will repair a person's car entirely, for $1500, with that money going to the treasury of either Bayview or LSC, depending on location. Again, this would be a similar premise to CityBees, you would only be able to use it if less than say, 2 mechanics were on duty. You don't want to eliminate mechanics doing repairs but you don't want to inconvenience players either. If you have to get a repair done either way, you will need to go to LSC or Bayview. Give mechanics the ability to install car speakers for cheaper than stores. Mechanics can drop off permastalled vehicles at Mors Insurance for faction $$$. Spawn "Broken" un-startable civilian vehicles around the map that have different random car issues to fix. Each broken vehicle will have different things wrong with it. A vehicle might need a fresh oil change or it might need new spark plugs and a wheel change. The mechanic would have to perform the action(s) on the vehicle to fix it and the faction treasury would get money from a successful fix. The vehicle would then become an extra civilian vehicles, that can be stolen and chopped. When fixing a player car at LSC or Bayview, there will be random issues the mechanic has to fix to complete the repair. Instead of just the /me's that seem to be binded at times, the mechanics would have certain things to solve on a vehicle when doing a repair. Replacing oil, spark plugs, fan belt, battery, engine coolant. They wouldn't impact the vehicle owner in any way, but a mechanic would have to diagnose the issues and solve them to repair the car. To respray a vehicle a different colour, a mechanic would have to interact with all parts of a vehicle like they are chopping it. Instead of dismantle, it'd be respray. Couple successful rotations of the interaction ring would colour a part. So, you'd have to do like bonnet, doors and trunk. Something a bit more active than just /me's. I know we're big on the /me's for our mechanic factions but if I'm honest, they're for nobody. The owner just wants their car and no one else is interacting with the mechanic while they are doing this.
  5. Na, give them more AP. They should be feared.
  6. Given the amount of interactions PD will have with people during the day, talking about specific incidents is again, just rubbish. It's not indicative of anything, other than a situation where someone felt that we were only allowed to do certain things and other things happened or they weren't aware of the reason we were pulling them. Like, some how it's our fault that our interpretation of your actions don't match your own or we're supposed to go out out of character to explain why you've done something wrong. The title of this thread is police ruining the quality of roleplay in the server. Well, this police is saying, what roleplay are we ruining exactly? If I do here what you are doing here. All criminals just tell you to kill yourselves over a traffic stop because you went over the speed limit, scream slurs into their peaking microphones, betray the criminal code by acting like karens and asking for the badge number, all the while going around looking for other people to clap and rob because they can't sit still for five minutes and play a character but have to move somewhere before the storm comes in like it's Fortnite. You see how I just generalised an entire community of people based on individual incidents? Most decent crims aren't like that and how you are suggesting and generalising cops, isn't an accurate portrayal either. The LSPD faction has the highest standard of roleplay on the server. It might not be 100% consistent all the time but you will struggle to find a more realistic portrayal of anything on Eclipse Roleplay than the LSPD.
  7. Yeah but that doesn't matter because it doesn't support what he's saying
  8. If someone from the PD "murders" someone, they get at the very least suspended. We've just kicked two characters out the faction for beating a suspect unnecessarily. If someone from PD is going around with heavy weapons, it's because there has been something to justify that. If they are using the heavy weapons in a situation, it is in response to a certain amount of force and/or danger. But considering to my knowledge, you aren't involved in that sort of RP in ECRP, how would you actually know what goes on? The PD is beholden to the same server rules as anyone else on the server PLUS our own internal rules too. The key difference between the PD and criminals in terms of rules is that criminals have no in-character rules. Criminals have the in-character freedom to behave however they like, as long as they are willing to accept the IC consequences but PD doesn't have that in-character freedom, we have to stick to a set of in-character rules and our role within the server is the responder, not the aggressor in situations. The difference is, that if you follow the in-character rules for PD, you won't get punished because those in-character rules mirror the out of character rules. The rules are weighted against the person doing the act and in most cases, the actor is a criminal. Criminal does x, so cop does y. Comparing the two or expecting both to be dealt with, in the exact the same way is absolute nonsense.
  9. Just do what @PopTarts does when the alcohol doesn't hit, drink more of it!
  10. I'll be honest with you, if you knew, you'd just be disappointed. Not every question has to be answered.
  11. If these take away your remaining FPS, I'd be doing you a favour.
  12. Didn't forget, it's a big billboard, that's like a third of the adverts.
  13. Nothing more than you guys deserve for keeping the flame lit for MCs, LSMC too with theirs.
  14. Bala's ECRP Map Showcase IV Thanks to everyone that messaged me regarding Part III, so here's part IV which has some of the other bits of Los Santos and the Blaine County stuff. The best way to support these developments is to keep making your desire to see them implemented known (within the server rules, of course!). I think that I'm about out of ideas at this point but there's enough to tidy you guys over for the foreseeable future, I'll just be waiting by the phone for when i'm called to action! Los Santos Donnelly Park This started as a random idea and got out of hand, ended up basically making a playground and dog park. It has a rock climbing statue, a climbing adventure, ice cream machines and some fountains that spit water during the day. I named it after my good friend @Kris and like him, is Norwegian themed. The fountains stop at 8pm and a sign appears that the park is closed, so don't get caught there after dark. Oh and if you jump off the climbing statue, you very likely will die. Plus, a little doghouse for Mayo. Why Bala? Honestly, it's just a bit of a giggle innit? Del Perro Retail Park I will level with you, this is essentially a place designed for civs and criminals to encounter one another near the city. Located next to the beach, these fifteen garages would house a number of enterprises such as public chops, public drug lab, crim doctor, a faction NPC club, furniture/burglary pickup/pawn shop and meat drop-off. Being in close proximity to Burger Shot, High End and The Pier would potentially alert civvies and cops to those being too obvious with their crimes. The idea with the garage doors is that you would be able to open and shut the garage doors using the keypad on the wall. Something that the server still misses is more spots where players encounter each other and RP can happen. Also, pretty fucking proud of the names! High End Ever notice how High End is just a bunch of cars in the middle of a big parking lot? I added an enterable portacabin, some custom high end signs and a fancy billboard. Same location, different look. Bus Stops I have created ten bus routes, each assigned their own colour with an assigned bus stop that serve the entire state. Whether those are city routes, county routes or the big routes that serve the entire state. The bus stops have the stops on them, so you will know which buses go where. Additionally, a little bus stop sign per route too. If we add coloured buses on the GPS, it's basically bus simulator. Like 2020 ECRP all over again, minus the global pandemic. City Hall, Delivery Lockers and Governor Election Posters I've removed the obnoxious amount of bollards surrounding the City Hall like it's the Iranian Embassy. In addition, to meme the lack of true democracy, I've created posters around the state for a fictional governor race in 2024. Finally, we have a number of GoPostal and PostOP delivery lockers around the state for further expansion down the line. Red Light District I undertook extensive research on a number of occasions for the inspiration for this idea. kidding, im an eclipse modder, i don't have to pay for it. Blaine County Hunting Areas To make allowances for the upcoming shotgun licenses and also, to point out the areas for hunting a little more, we have supporting props! Little hunting hides and shotgun signs in the areas. Mine Lights The mine was always dark, but dark to the point where you couldn't see what you were doing. Now, you can see reasonably well in the daytime but at night, the mine is lit by the lights overhead which looks pretty cool, I think. Bolingbroke Prison Most of the changes were covered in Showcase but recently, I've added a DOC seal to the front of the building. Also, I've changed the lighting in the cell block so that things are somewhat visible no matter the time of day. In the screenshot, that is 4am I believe. Made the bunks into singles as well. I've also remade the benches to allow for people to sit at them in the cell block and fixed that bugged cell door in the corner. Paleto Bay Medical Center Moving the "hospital" from the Fire Station to the Bay Medical Center. This would provide LSEMS with a secondary faction location, as well as an area for plastic surgery, body drop off and the coroner job to be relocated at. Added a helipad, accessible by a elevator inside and ultimately, it just makes more sense. Lucky Plucker Drive Thru Think, Burger Shot, if they did Chicken. Occurred to me that up north, Bayview is a bit of a hot spot and given that there are always people there, they'd get hungry right? The difference between this and Burger Shot is, that while you could go into the place and order, you could just use the drive thru at the side adding new RP opportunities to Paleto Bay. Also, worth mentioning, added electric charging points to all gas station locations on the map, which you can see here, for future expansion. Osvaldon and Paul's Farm We named these farms after the owners, so figure perhaps it might incentive them to push these changes if I appealed to any possible vanity. Lost MC Stab City A mixture of their mapping requests and some of my own flavour, giving them a little clubhouse compound. Braddock Tunnel New Jersey Turnpike type sign above the tunnel and some barriers to discourage booth bypassing. Rotating Lab Locations Everyone loves the old classics but there are a number of potential areas that could rotate out every few months to keep things fresh. Faction Spray Tags A way of expressing that a faction controls an area, besides just an NPC would be the placement of faction specific spraytags. I have 3 slots for 10 factions currently, with just some examples made for the Rooks. Faction Management / Staff could place them around the map, through RP, like admin spawned furniture. To change the sprays, it would just require a transparent spray paint message to be added to the mod, which is straightforward.
  15. Bala's ECRP Map Showcase III I'd like to start by saying a massive thank you to everyone that has been so supportive of my modding adventures. Whether that was simply complimenting my work or offering a different opinion or even just their own suggestions, while it has at times been an avenue for me to focus my creativity, it has also felt like a collaborative experience which has been really enjoyable. I spoke about leaving the mod team last showcase and I was frustrated at the set-up and the red tape that seems to cause more issues than any mod glitch would. I'm at a point, not just with the maps but the vehicles and the clothes where I feel like I'm more less done and I'm eager to share with you all, because that was the fucking point of this. To use mods to create a more personal environment to roleplay in. I've made attempts to get the ball rolling and communications between myself and the relevant parties are painfully one sided but no news is good news and like you, I really hope that we see as much of the mods implemented while there are so many of us to enjoy them. I've made attempts already to begin testing but.. radio silence. Perhaps this thread will move things along. One final note, I've seen some concerns about lag and performance issues recently, with concerns regarding modded content as a cause. To be clear, I can't 100% rule that out but bare in mind, these recent performance issues are just that. We've not pushed a mod update since March. Yes, modded content can have some impact, however, I believe that any negative impact from the mods will be very minimal and wouldn't want to put something that's going to compromise the playing experience. Again, I'm up for testing and optimisation but it's not something I can do by myself, I require server staff to assist me with that. Anyways, to business! Oh and goes without saying, anything posted here is obviously subject to review so don't take it that all these things will be added, because lets face it, they probably won't. Some of these are free to use maps from other creators, some are edits to existing ECRP MLOs and some is my own work as well. Mirror Park Tuning MPT gets some aqua flavoured with some logo additions and some cool back lighting at Mirror Park. 24/7 Self Serve and Rear Exits LTD 24/7s (Mirror Park, Grove, Tongva) now have a rear exit and the 24/7 interiors now come with a self-service checkout prop added. Handy for a robbery eh? Downtown Cab Company HQ The old wire fences at the DCC have been done away with and walls erected around the compound, along with plenty of flowers. Additionally, there is a side gate and a front gate to ensure those cabs are kept safe. Los Santos Jobcenter In addition to the job boards located around the city, the additional of an MLO in Vinewood near the Incident Worker where you can go and pick up a job or check the pay outs. Guffy's Garage Auto Exotic no more, cleared out the old equipment, through down some lights and added a couple new signs. Legion Square Billboard You've seen me pestering people for their business logos, this is a preview of the billboard at Legion Square which slowly scrolls through a number of server businesses. LSPD Mission Row Update We've replaced the wall text, with 3D text. We've added fences to the parking structure beside Mission Row. Crucially, the bollards outside Mission Row have been correctly placed within the squares to help with any OCD issues. Low End Go-Kart Track With Low End being moved to the airport, this is the installation of a permanent go-kart track in the area to assist our event team and allow players to give their characters some fun. Eclipse Boulevard Pawn Shop The windows in the pawn shop sucked, so instead of fixing them like a normal person, I went down the rabbit hole and removed the windows and ended up making a full blown pawn shop and basically took the piss with it being on Eclipse Boulevard to give it branding like the server, for a nice little cheeky meta reference. Also, featuring art by the lovely Kellie. Weazel News HQ Even my favourite faction Weazel News got some love, with some personalised props and a new garage so Asbo doesn't get his DJ equipment stolen from his vehicle anymore. That's it for this showcase, I'll make a new one soon with the Blaine County maps and the rest of Los Santos. Hope you enjoyed looking at the work, hope we'll see the work in game soon and all that good stuff.
  16. This is now complete, thank you to everyone that submitted.
  17. It's unfortunate when that third party shows itself to be inconsistent in it's application, yeah it is. What you don't want, with things like IA, is inconsistency and results may vary. Not getting the result you want isn't the same as the wrong outcome. That's why I'm saying, we're better off with people like Silky, Pazz, Osborn, Flow etc.. experienced cop roleplayers, at a high level with staff experience handling this stuff.
  18. You want to let this community decide instead? Dog. Like the player base knows what’s good for it lol. Most of those guys I mentioned are staff and have been for a long time so they know how to investigate and punish, both IC and OOC. Even if they were not good at doing it, they’d still probably be the best at it. IA isn’t to protect PD or SD, it’s to hold them to account. Beyond investigating those complaints, there are weekly discussions on people who have fucked up and need to have action take against them. I don’t personally care about protecting anyone other than myself. If someone has messed up in PD, they’ll be held accountable. Just like I am when I fuck up. I’ve been in four and a half years and there’s been times where I’ve nearly got my ass kicked out over some stuff. But most people won’t hear about it because it’s none of their business. IA worked good before JB and worked good after JB too. Just unfortunate that we had to add a third party to give the illusion of making a just and fair decision.
  19. I said Labas to NBDY on there and he blocked me.
  20. This circles back to it not really being a server that is lead by roleplay, but by assets and winning with roleplay in the background somewhere. You take out your frustrations on PD / SD because we are your opposition in the server. Your job is to do whatever you can to get over, our job is to stop you. Us putting you in prison limits your freedom, both IC and OOC for what you can do in the server but it can also cost you quite significantly. For small time criminals and I say this not as an expert but as someone that's played a few hours on crim recently, it's such a limited experience and in actuality, quite a negative one, being a crim. If you aren't getting robbed, you're getting caught by PD/SD and having to go through the fines. You can make money in prison but prison is such a coin flip experience as well. The things you did to get to that point, aren't really that engaging either. You need multiple people to rob a store, ATM robberies and even house robberies are unfulfilling. Public labs were never put back to how they originally were supposed to be. The only thing that I think is somewhat of a bright spark, is the vehicle chopping. Do that day in, day out. Month after month. It'd ruin anyone's sunny disposition. Reality is, if you're enjoying your experience being a crim and advancing towards whatever your goal is and you get arrested, you don't give a shit as much. But if you're not enjoying yourself and PD/SD are forcing you into a more negative situation, of course you're going to feel some type of way about them. We're not the enemy, not really.
  21. Most of the server does, no point pretending otherwise. But trust me, adding something extra like you suggested would do more harm than good, truss.
  22. Bro, does Samuel Martin owe you money or something? Open your eyes, can’t you see? Nobody likes to lose in Eclipse. Everyone to some degree plays to win. What kind of sicko is playing to lose? If anything, people with less time on this server are less likely to have that mentality than someone that has hundreds or thousands of hours on here. If someone wants to join PD, they’re a decent community member and they can roleplay then we give them a chance. Then it’s up to them what they do with it. Sometimes those people don’t work out and they get yeeted. But most times they do. The fuck do I know though. Just waiting for one of the members of one of these ‘high tier’ factions to tell me to Jill myself tbh.
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