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Adrian Johnson

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Everything posted by Adrian Johnson

  1. I want to add that: No, i clearly did not abuse this if its a bug. I just wanted to test it myself before i went to the forum with it because that guy could've told me lies but yeah i am completly positive that either my car or the CC is bugged and not just bugged but heavily bugged.
  2. Especially after it spawns as stock it feels slow as fuck and i have been owner of this car for a long time now, i know exactly how fast it normally goes.
  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 30.08.2018 // 21:30 CET Character name: Adrian Johnson Issue/bug you are reporting: Might be a bug not quite sure Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Me, @Zothian and a couple guys we raced with. My Turismo R got smoked yesterday by a guy in a elegy which has not happend to me before, however after he told me to set the cruise control to : /cruise 299 my vehicle both accelerated faster and had a higher top speed (literally 256km/h in the city) I've done multiple tests after he gave me that advice to check it out and it does really accelerate/drive faster, i also want to point out my vehicle (Turismo R) has been invisible multiple times, i was not able to find it even tho my marker said its infront of me (relogs don't work either). Anyway i hope you guys can look into my car due to i have NO damn clue why it feels so damn slow and so god damn fast when i /cruise 299. Did also the same test on the highway where it goes only 200, after cruise control 299 i hit everything from 200 to 233. Another note: My vehicle has spawned completly stuck multiple times aswell when i take it out of the garage after /modview everything is visible again but i really can't say if its just the Turismo R that is bugged. Vehicle license plate number*: JOHNSON (Custom plate)
  4. Hey Community, I dont know if its just me, but recently or since a couple of weeks Dsync and glitches have become a huge problem, i see people randomly teleporting infront of me and 95% of the time i ride a bike with my wife @Zothian on she either dies through a glitch or we both die... Basically what she tells me is that i am driving into a wall while i am in the middle of the road (??). This has caused that i actually report it as a /report 2 (Glitch) because its taking overhand and the dsync's has become ALOT worse. I have no clue if you guys from the development team can manage to fix this but it has become really really bad and i wish that you guys maybe could pay a bit more attention to that due to i see also alot of reports where glitches/dsync is clearly involved and i am not gonna lie about it i rammed a guy today that randomly spawned infront of me while he was atleast 40m behind me 1 second before i rammed him, i ofcourse explained him the situation and he said its all good it has happend alot recently. However i just wanna point out that my connection is pretty stable (38-50 ping) and i do not think that laag is the problem due to i also checked the other guys ping and it was barely 60. Maybe you guys can prioritize this due to yeah its an actual issues since a couple of weeks. Regards, Adrian Johnson
  5. You have obviously no clue then. "is cops and robbers server" idk what you have been smokin buddy but thats not true.
  6. 700-800 is something that would sound legit to me, but 1500-1600 nah man jesus thats WAY to OP.
  7. Thats actually way to OP in my opinion.
  8. LMAO if you really got paid 1500-1600 i am pretty sure they hotfixed it due to a mistake from their side.
  9. I don't believe it got reduced without any notification from the development team.
  10. Can confirm that the LSC office indeed does not further your salary progress.
  11. I always use my mom's paypal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), no hate plz or i have to tell mom
  12. I only disagree with this one, its WAY to OP. Otherwise huge +1
  13. OMG!

    The legend himself followed me ❤️

    1. Jimmy Pegorino

      Jimmy Pegorino

      Eriken you traiter where's my follow not happy with you  

  14. Thats all cool suggestion man, you got my support on this one. +1 Regards, Adrian Johnson
  15. Hello Community, I'd wish to suggest that you guys from the website team implement a tab on the website that shows donator ranking from 1-10, that would be damn awesome. Example: 1. Adrian Johnson | Amount | 22.2.2022 (the date he/she/it joined) Regards, Adrian Johnson
  16. -1 Rather increase, so people actually learn from their mistakes.
  17. I'd like to thank you once again for looking into my case personally. I truly appreciate that, you can't imagine.

  18. -1 Reason: Makes completly no sense to add more range due to you are taking the money out of the cash register, so you should stand next to it not in the middle of the store like @Denni mentioned. Regards, Adrian Johnson
  19. Since the influx of the new players the amount of rule breaches have increased so damn much, myself i have also experienced that i get messaged by random people on discord or on the forum where they ask me if i am a active ECRP player and if i can give them the answer to the quiz questions. The northern farm and pauls farm are highly known for massive robbery, i mean nothing wrong in that because thats how criminals make their money. But that they break rules while doing their thing is completly unacceptable. I completly disagree that "work areas" should be greenzoned, thats not how life works man. I mean i am sure its not common in RL that farmers get robbed (not that much atleast lol), however it offers a good opportunity for RP but then again we have some special individuals that obviously got the answers for the quiz and basically think that this is GTA Online. Like i always said, pauls farm and the northern farm has basically become their own Battle royale game. Regards, Adrian Johnson
  20. Another alternative would be that we have the /park function at Bayview, LSC, PD, DCC and MD that would lock the cars on spot (still have them visible) but not accessable for anyone except yourself, after you unpark them in the /park menu. IDK its just a suggestion but that would be hella smooth.
  21. No no dont worry about that, i am just saying that marking the places + removing the ability to bobby pin would be the perfect combination.
  22. I don't mind about the 10 missed reports, because i know you guys deal with bigger stuff. I am completly aware of that and i accept it.
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