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Adrian Johnson

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Everything posted by Adrian Johnson

  1. I have more of a mixed feeling when its comes to the weight system. The weight system makes stuff alot more realistic which is completly fine but when i see a radio is taking 10 volume well thats the part were i strongly disagree that this is a solid system due to a radio would never take that much of a space IRL especially not the "earplug" that is shown visible ingame. -1 For removing the system. +1 To adjust/balance the volume of certain items.
  2. Uuuuhh well that explains some stuff, really liked 2FA. Guess all i can do is waiting for the founders i guess.
  3. Hell no, the corrupt cadets are more than enough.
  4. Just to clarify it, I am living in the one and only country...Norway Country: Norway Account name: RaphaGoD When did this happen? Answer: 01.01.19 // So once again i had around 200 ping and it would not go lower and everytime that happens i instantly go over to my 4G hotspot which is always around 20ms (atleast pinging google.no) so this is not the first time i have done this and everytime i did it, it would just tell me to enter the Two factor verification code which i have on my phone so that has never been a problem and i always got access back to my account, but this time it shows me a red error code and tells me to verify my country (I am not a illegal immigrant so i should be allowed to keep playing) and when i then log in into my panel i click on the "resend verification instruction to email" thing and it won't send me anything. This is kinda uncomfortable due to i paid 10€ for VIP and the time keeps running. 10€ for VIP is pretty harsh monthly lets be real honest, so yeah. Did you share your account with anyone else? Answer: My Account has never been logged in from somewhere else than Norway, the country i live in. (IP's might be different) The reason for that is that i moved a couple of times within the past 2 years. I sent both NBDY and Osvaldon a msg on Discord. Much love and happy new year, Adrian
  5. Hello, I sometimes swap over to my 4G hotspot due to my internet is pure trash where i currently live, now it has always asked me about my 2 step verification code which is no problem. Now it tells me i have to verify my location and it should come a email but it does not send me an email. Why did this in first place get implemented when i have 2 factor verification and while its obviously not working properly??
  6. @Osvaldon Ayeeee big boi thanks, was so damn confused that i saw everyone's tyre smoke and even the smoke of my other cars but not the one from the Turismo R, its fixed now.
  7. Thank you, i will check that out once i am fully awake. I'll keep you updated. Weird that no one told me about that command (?)
  8. Date and time (provide timezone): 29/12/18 // 2 AM CET Character name: Adrian Johnson Issue/bug you are reporting: Tyre Smoke not working Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I reparked the vehicle, did /modview and even reconnected to the server but the smoke is still grey Vehicle license plate number*: JOHNSON
  9. Looks very good, best of luck!
  10. This is actually a very cool suggestion +1
  11. I am literally crying when i see all the comments specially when they are negative. When i look at this thread and the others i can defintly see and say that LFB is unique and that makes it even more interesting, myself i have RP'd with em and they're a bunch of lovely people. This is by far my very favorite thread, keep it up LFB boiizz. Regards, Adrian
  12. -1 There is still a weather regulation, means it still changes from snow to for example rain weather. I wouldn't like to run around with winter clothes when it is raining. However the idea is interesting if it would be perma snow/winter weather.
  13. Hello Community, I am not sure if this has been brought up, i could atleast not find it. However i would suggest a shop that is made for a simple reason and that would be to buy copy's of the keys that for example belongs to your car/house. I have seen the post about duplication of car/house keys but what sense would that make if you can just write: "/givekey (ID)" i dont think that would suit a RP server. So what i was thinking about is a building/shop somewhere in the city where you press Y and it would pull up a menu that shows you the ingame assets you own + a function to buy one or multiple keys for your car/house which would cost you a fee and it would be crafted with a progression bar. Let's think about it, if you want copy of your house keys you go to a shop IRL and they will give you a bill + they will tell you how long it takes (Fee + Progression bar). Let me know what you beautiful human beings think. Regards, Adrian
  14. Hello dear Administrators, I've requested it before but i dont know where that post has gone, so i hope it is ok if i request it a second time. I want my forum name changed from Adrian Johnson to AdriaN (with the big letter n). I do hope this is possible, sorry for the eventual effort that you guys put into changing forum names but i would really appreciate it. @Toony / @BallinByNature / Devs Regards, Adrian
  15. Adrian Johnson


    In my opinion it should actually be increased, due to criminals just come out and perform the same unrealistic actions like they did before they went to jail/prison. 2 hours is nothing to be real honest, i hope they drastically increase it someday if there comes a prison system were criminals can RP and do different tasks inside the building, like working etc.
  16. Hello Community, I want to bring up two things today and thats the rain weather and the car radio. Rain weather: It is straight up cancer, sorry idk what else to say about it. I have no clue what the regulation is between the different weathers but 90% of the time i play i have this damn rain weather and it basically forces me to turn off the audio due to my soundcard + studio headset is super sensitive and gives crystal clear sound (Still active in the FPS scene so i got the advantage with the the soundcard and headset, i even tried to fix some settings in my soundcard software but yh results are basically the same). I would not have a problem if we have that weather once per 4 IRL hours or something but at current time its just super annoying. Please completly remove it or reduce that kind of weather. Car radio: Scenario: I step into my car that i took out of my mansions garage => Radio turns on when i start the car but i ofcourse turn it OFF => Arrive at store and just lock my doors, i did not turn the engine off => Buy my stuff and go back to the vehicle that has sill its engine on => Radio is ON again for some reason on again, for what reason and what is the logic behind it? Is there any possiblity to fix that aswell or completly remove it? Everyone i know for a longer time turns that thing off either way due to its also loud and just straight up annoying. Regards, Adrian
  17. I just wanna mention, no i did not do anything wrong. I went inside to the /takesalary spot then i withdrew it and that was the result.
  18. Date and time (provide timezone): 21:10 (CET) Character name: Adrian Johnson Issue/bug you are reporting: Salary withdrawl Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I took out my salary but turned out i got not charged any fee's/taxes not quite sure if i am wrong tho but i checked my bank account and i really recieved the full amount Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  19. -1 @MiguelGerrero i usually always agree with you but not on this one. Rather make a script that is similar to the /analyzewounds (soz if that is the wrong command), just call it /analyzecar (?) or something and add a higher base cost based on how damaged the car is.
  20. I mean why make more unnecessary threads when you can make this to one thread. I am sure it would be easier for management to sort it out this way if they actually perform forum name changes.
  21. If possible i would like mine changed to just Adrian
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