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Everything posted by Phantas

  1. @IAmTurtle You tryna play fortnite bro? I got the new itachi skin from the naruto collab
  2. Food crafting system for homes would be nice to give more incentive around cooking roleplay. These foods should expire within the hour to avoid stockpiles of food. Be nice to invite the homies over for baked potatoes @ize @STE @Dara MacFadden.
  3. hey bro invest in real-estate vehicles are a deprecating asset! Contact @ize for more info!
  4. Respectfully, I have to disagree with you and say that CK's are on topic as, majority of criminal players who experience DOC would consider a forced life sentence the same as a ck with the current state of the server. Its my personal belief that if the server wants to push towards more realism with forced life sentences it needs to be hand in hand with a forced CK system for not only criminal players but all players. There are a hand full of players on the server in the past and present who have opted characters who have opted into life sentences and I guarantee if it was inspected further if those characters are actually actively played; it would be surprising to find a single one that was actively logging in. Life sentences are fun in concept but horrible in reality, as it essentially a character that can only be played when other players are present at DOC ie; a partial character kill. CK system needs to be considered and introduced at the same time so that all players risk there progression of roleplay storylines and assets due to ic decisions or else it would disincentivize many players from even attempting criminal roleplay if only criminals risk run the long term risk of losing a character to the wasteland we call DOC with a life sentence as there decisions would have much more weight than that of an LEO, Civilian. I believe not being able to discuss CK system alongside a life sentence system would be a major faux pas for the progression of Eclipse as a whole.
  5. Ck systems are all fun and games till a cop gets cked for being overly aggro like some detectives and than legals start crying for it not to be a thing when they lose all assets and build up on a charch and have to start fresh. Cause pd and criminals would not be able to play the way they do if cks existed as Eclipse playstyle has always been semi-realistic but fun environment for the 5 years its existed.
  6. Honestly I've changed my mind. Death penalty for crims so we can reduce the crim population to petty criminals mostly.
  7. I am going to be blunt with my response. THE DOC EXPERIENCE IS SIMPLY A SHIT EXPERIENCE WHEN THE PLAYERS ARE NOT PRESENT FROM DOC FACTION OR OTHER PRISONERS. THERE IS NOTHING TO DO IN DOC THAT IS ENGAGING SCRIPTLY. IF PEOPLE WANT A LIFE SENTENCE THEY ALREADY CAN OPT INTO ONE BY REQUESTING THAT RP. FORCING SOMEONE TO GET A LIFE SENTENCE WHEN YOU CAN'T EVEN MAKE DOC ENJOYABLE FOR SOMEONE IN THERE FOR 5 HOURS MIGHT AS WELL BE A FORCE CK. **BREATHS IN A DEEP BREATH and FOLLOWS THE THREE C's of Cool Calm and Collected** I personally debate If I might as well log off when I get a doc sentence during none prime time hours as I know I am not going to get any player interaction because doc is a wasteland where not even tumbleweeds pass by during certain hours. Imagine what a player would do if they got a life sentence forced on them on a character they invested thousands of hours on. They would never log into that character again and most likely debate weather to continue on the server after evaluating how grindy the ecrp economy is to start up a new char and progress to same point they was originally. It would decrease the criminal population on the server drastically as why would you waste time progressing a criminal long term if you risk losing all progress, when you could just simply play an LEO or Civilian. The server might as well introduce forced CK's system as well so every player on the server risks losing there character at any time due to there decisions long term. Cause that's what a life sentence is, it is the **DEATH PENALTY**.
  8. Phantas

    Jail Times

    skill issue
  9. Still gonna see criminals rocking masks 24/7 and only removing when asked but I like the suggestion as it might decrease the amount of criminals always wearing masks. Only people I see without masks on 24/7 are civilians who this would benefit and police who this change would also benefit. Good suggestion!
  10. Bro safes are not invincible in the slightest. Leave me and three of my goons inside your crib unattended for a couple hours and we will have all your safes cracked.
  11. With all the people plundering booty I'm surprised a musket hasn't been added to the gun store.
  12. Honestly businesses need a rework to entice more player interaction, than they need restrictions on people who only log in to restock.
  13. Please can we get this soon, my hentai business could really use this.
  14. a choker with a dog leash would be nice
  15. Make connections with other people or groups who may have chop shops and supply them cars for a cut? It's an rp server after all. Do what the goal of the update was, interact with other players and roleplay.
  16. yeah but i can tell them skill issue when i beat them mechanically
  17. Please add this so i can tell pd its a skill issue when i keep resisting.
  18. Real bang on idea. Right now you can't really make a move on someone talking to your dealers and smugglers since you aren't sure why they are talking to them. But a gun being necessary would open up much more avenues for escalation and retaliation and maybe even dissuade people from doing it as frequently with the risk of getting caught by a rival gang while interrogating resulting in proper planning prior to going npc to npc.
  19. The proper nerf to cooking would have been removing lysergic and other acids from the import menu and making them harder to obtain similar to weed where you risk a lot more player intervention. Would have reduced frequency of cooking by miles since I'd say the majority of imports made a day are lysergic. Personally I'm fine with the water bug fix, and removal of apartment cooking, But risking losing a lab to even more rng just feels dumb. How rewarding is it really for pd to raid a lab due to a rng script than detective rp through means of investigation and utilization of snitches?
  20. Turfs have become a mmo daily checklist of tasks you need to complete for the day with all the limitations in place currently. You can not attack anther gangs turf without being ready to send FM a 9 page manifesto of all events leading up to crippling anther gangs turf or wanting to take a turf for yourself. Making it harder to maintain turfs I believe is an unattended side affect of the changes made and could definitely use a looking into for influence values and decay values. I for one am happy with the change up in importance of daily drug cooking and bank robbing but hope these don't end up getting replaced with repetitive tasks such as atm robberies and store robberies that will just replace what was being originally done in excess.
  21. **Bald headed officer approaches scene of crime** /die **Mission failed successfully**
  22. What does your ''+1'' add to this post that a reaction wouldn't have? Expand on what makes this post so good that makes you want to comment! Your opinions matter!
  23. Till a full scale update is done to doc. Changes that can be made in the now need to be made. Reduction in max prison time or increase in value of exchanging stamps to reduce prison time needs to be made. Five hour max sentence is more than a full play session for the average player and with the amount of potential rp in doc just makes no sense. The changes made to cook was a step in the right direction for fixing the server. But lets be honest players alt tab while in doc just as much as they do when cooking. Doc can still be fun even as an ic punishment. Right now i'd rather get put in a 1x1 box with my hunger and food frozen than do doc time during NA hours. Eu doc hours are fine as the members of doc try there best to make it an enjoyable situation for the lack of scripting they have.
  24. I want to be able to not grind in doc just to stay alive I don't care for extra features. WIth the reduction of how much food fills up hunger your spending more time mining than you can rp. Now imagine how long it takes to get enough stamps to fill up hunger with two people mining. Might as well run into a wall full speed and nlr yourself.
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