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Everything posted by Phantas

  1. +1 still relevant to this day ((Thumbs down for current impound wait times and times to wait for mechanic after once you realize the car is perma stalled. ))
  2. i can't wait to see you in the streets and just pummel you to a pulp.
  3. Dude can i at least stop by and grab my playstation?
  4. When do we get the next I am the police video. I've been waiting for years now for the next installment. 


  6. Phantas


    I will give you three rolls of pennies, two shoestrings and a lottery scratcher for it. Offer only valid for 24 hours. Balls in your court.
  7. People leave and come back all the time. It's normal. When server has massive changes older players return and new faces pop up to replace past players just like any game or server.
  8. Phantas

    Cops 2 OP

    I would really like to hear input from criminals that switch from full time criminal to PD and SD mains and there reasons behind the swap. I feel like that would really help sign a spotlight on a lot of issues and have them be addressed. As long as I've been on the server I've seen crims swap to PD and SD full time but rarely seen the inverse with the select few like @alexalex303.I've seen videos of povs from the weekends and the GPS is lit up with police vehicles and sheriff vehicles. It seems like the crim population is dwindling yet the LEO pop is increasing.
  9. Hey man 100 followers is cool and all but my friend Jimmy ((The one with the beast🥕)) just hit a 100 million subscribers on youtube. Maybe one day you can hit that level of awesome. 

    1. Bakmeel


      I'd love to have a Beast like him

  10. look in chat lol they rply had the guns from the guards. tbh they bozos for trying to avoid getting jailed just more charges. L men. Should have just bent over taken the jail time.
  11. thats crazy two people with guns having a hostage and he just shooting like its a gta mission
  12. The current DOC does not respect player time. ''Don't do the crime if you can't do the crime'' is the worst line you can say in a RP server. DOC is underdeveloped and 100% reliant on player interaction for a enjoyable experience. If you get arrested during the ''dead hours'' of the server you will be lucky to find a single guard or other inmate inside say good bye to even having a chance at an enjoyable experience.
  13. The server is missing an rp hub. Can we get a strip club as well?
  14. Side note i saw how many pd sd and doc was around. There was no way they couldn't have icly done scene management and distributed cops to different scenes. 80+ people at least Anther side note: Government calls a state of emergency while leaving LSC, Bayview,Weazel and all its other business open but some how the stores and banks are closed. Like alt rp events for crims like money trucks and plane crashes etc was canceled due to players not being able to behave than something like this happens where crims can not take ic advantage of an ic situation is just appalling because it spreads pd thin if they choose to respond. Calls go unanswered all the time irl when resources need to diverted to priority scenes especially during state of emergency's.
  15. Recently there was a RP event taking place that involved PD,SD and DOC. It makes no sense for announcement such as ''Please do not rob banks as they are rply closed at this moment with exception of Los Santos bank'' and ''The same applies to stores''. People take advantage of state of emergencies all the time IRL and loot and pillage. Just because a faction is having an alt rp event should not limit the other 90% of the server from acting on an IC state of emergency. Added below will be my conversation with the staff member that explained it was ooc restrictions as it made perfect sense to take ic advantage of an ic situation drawing all of pds resources, alongside the in game announcement. I feel like this situation was poorly handled. The amount of time criminals get told ic issue by LEO's and Staff to ultimately take advantge of an ic issue in there advantage and be stopped by staff is insane. This server for the past few years has preached realism but I feel like how this event was handled was the furthest thing from realism. The choice between LEO diverting resources away from the scene they are handling should always be an IC issue. We found all of PD,SD and DOC at this scene IC. Multiple factions and players choose to take advantage of this ic situation and was stopped by ooc restriction just frankly make no sense and had no prior precedent on the server. I witnessed many solo crims, Irish, GBK and Shenzen attempt to take advantage of a state of emergency have there rp halted.
  17. when i had a shit pc i had to remove the shadows to get more frames cause of the new trees making my game unplayable lag mess. Pd should remember chasing me and me rubber banding everywhere during a pursuit.
  18. Phantas


  19. My friend was just told an hour ago by a mod this was not the case and it was confirmed by head-admins. No need for clarification if this is how it works.
  20. As of my recent understanding the rules are very misleading in explanations of how punishment expirations work, It states '' Punishment Expiration: Punishments of non-severe nature (e.g., roleplay punishments such as PG, MG, DM) are considered old after 1 year and will not by default be taken into consideration when a potential punishment is issued. This does not apply to more serious punishments such as cheating, bug abusing, ban evading, server advertising, real-world trading, harassment, chargebacks, OOC Racism/Homophobia'' The way that is read by most players is if you have 5 Non-RPs with the oldest being Non-RP 1 on July 8th 2021. If you receive anther punishment on July 9th 2022 you would think it be treated as you on Non-RP 5 again. Unless this specific line is taken in to account ''considered old after 1 year and will not by default'' and an exception is made. That is actually not true. But in actuality as confirmed by moderators who state that way it is that Non-RP would actually be treated as Non-RP 6 as punishments only expire and are not considered when issuing punishments by the date of your last punishment. So in actuality you need to avoid catching any punishment for an entire 365 days. What I suggest staff do at the minimum is clarify punishment expirees further cause a lot of players to currently misunderstand the system.
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